In memory, distributed leaderless key-value store in C++ with partitions, persistence, distributed counters & atomic operations.
- Basic key-value CRUD operations: get, set, delete & contains.
- Data can be persisted using a log of operations, which is replied when the server boots. This log can be compacted (removing duplicates) and compressed. Every log entry contains the key, value, operation type and a lamport timestamp.
- Data can be distributed over multiple nodes in a leaderless approach. Concurrent writes are detected using lamport clocks since every message in the cluster is timestamped. When a node joins the cluster or reboots, it will receive only the writes that it missed while it was down from any other alive node's log.
- Data can be partitioned over the cluster using consistent hashing approach (similar to DynamoDB or Cassandra). Nodes can dynamically join and leave the cluster.
- Distributed counters.
- Atomic CAS operations over a partition using Paxos algorithm.
- Uses custom binary protocol over TCP.
- Includes HTTP REST API written in Go to manage the cluster (./clustermanager). This api exposes operations to retrieve cluster data or kill a node.
- Created Java client.
- The node config can be changed in /etc/memdb
- Every node and client must supply authentication keys when sending request to other nodes.
- SSL/TLS encryption is not supported.
- Configuration cannot be changed in a cluster as it is running.
- Cluster operations (announcing that a node has joined or left a cluster) aren not logged. So if a node X has joined the cluster while node A was down, A won't be aware of node X.
//Seed nodes are used as a first-contact nodes. Once the client/node boots, it contacts any of this seed nodes,
//it will recieve all the other nodes infi in the cluster.
List<String> seedNodeAddresses = List.of("", "", "");
MemDb memDb = MemDbConnections.cluster("123", seedNodeAddresses);
String slowValue = memDb.quorumGet("key1")
.awaitQuorum(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Quorum not reached"))
String fastValue = memDb.get("key1");
while(!memDb.cas("locked", "false", "true")){
Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 1500) + 100);
int counterValue = memDb.getQuorumCounter("counter")
.awaitQuorum(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Quorum not reached"))