copyright Jakob Lanstorp - EPA
PostgreSQL PostGIS SQL scripts for quering The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) PCJupiterXL database - Denmark's geological and hydrological database. Scripts made by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
pgJupiter scripts can be used as standalone scripts or as the base of Qupiter a QGIS processing plugin.
pgJupiter SQL requires a hosted PostgreSQL version of PCJupiterXL (soon general available from and Qupiter - a QGIS processing plugin (soon available from
- adm_pcjupiterxl.sql: Restoring backup, move tables from public to jupiter schema, change to lower case columns names
- adm_roles.sql: Cerating role for DbSync. Creating multiple readonly roles for logging queries
- adm_* sql files: Creation of geometry column, spatial and non spatial index
- auxillary_functions.sql: Miscellaneous plpgsql function for QGIS Processing plugin
- borehole.sql: Miscellaneous borehole queries
- redoxwatertype.sql: Creation of materialized views for redox water types according to official Danish specification (Geovejledning 6)
- ionbalance.sql: Creation of materialized views for ion balance inclusive temporary part calculation
- inorganic_crosstab.sql: Creation of materialized views for pivot table of inorganic chemical analysis
- combined_chemistry: Creation of materialized views joining ion balance and redox water type on inorganic_crosstab
- waterlevet.sql: Creation of materialized views for water levet measurement of groundwater (pejlinger)
- pesticide.sql: General pesticide queries. Please read disclamer and todo before use
- bulk_grw_chemistry.sql: Creation of materialized views for general groundwater compound query
- bulk_plt_chemistry.sql: Creation of materialized views for general plant compound query
pg_restore --host=myhost --port=5432 --username=myuser --password -c -d mydatabase pcjupiterxlplus_full_xl.backup
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_pcjupiterxl.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_roles.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_borehole.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_drwplant.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_grwchemanalysis.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_grwchemsample.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_pltchemanalysis.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_pltchemsample.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f adm_roles.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f auxillary_functions.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f borehole.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f inorganic-crosstab.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f ionbalance.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f redoxwatertype.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f waterlevel.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f combined_chemistry.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f pesticide.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f bulk_plt_chemistry.sql
psql -h myhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d myschema -f bulk_grw_chemistry.sql