A node module that preforms the function of the bash command "xxd -i".
In trying to reduce tooling dependancies for my Lightweight Jar to Exe program, I developed this package to remove the need for the command "xxd -i" on path which would need MSYS or other alternitives to have on path.
Set registry as
then run
npm i xxdi
This module exposes two funtions:
header(inputFileName: string, callback: (headerText: string) => void, outputFileName: string, variableName: string): void
Asynchronously generates the .h file, callback
can be used to get the text contents of the .h file, if outputFileName
is provided, will atomatically generate the .h file on the given path.
headerSync(inputFileName: string, outputFilename: string, variableName: string): string
Synchronously generates the .h file. If outputFileName
is provided, will atomatically generate the .h file on the given path.
is the path to the file to be converted to a C hexdump header
is the callback from header
with the header's text passed in as headerText
is the path to the output .h file, null
by default, if null
, no file is created and the headers text will be passed to the callback or returned in the sync case.
is the name of the C/C++ const char* variable in the .h file, if unprovided will be a legal version of the inputFileName
, if the name provided is an illegal C idenifyer, an exception will be thrown.
Found in /examples/
Hello World!
let xxdi = require("xxdi");
//log header text sync
let xxdi = require("xxdi");
//log header text sync
console.log(`sync, default var name:\n${ xxdi.headerSync("helloWorld.txt") }\n`);
//log header text async
xxdi.header("helloWorld.txt", (s)=>{console.log(`async, default var name:\n${ s }\n`);});
//log header text, custom C variable name sync
console.log(`sync, custom var name:\n${ xxdi.headerSync("helloWorld.txt", null, "hello") }\n`);
//log header text, custom C variable name async
xxdi.header("helloWorld.txt", (s)=>{console.log(`async, custom var name:\n${ s }\n`);}, null, "hello");
//create header with custom C var name file sync
xxdi.headerSync("helloWorld.txt", "helloWorld.h", "hello");
//create header with custom C var name file async
xxdi.header("helloWorld.txt", (s)=>{}, "helloWorld.h", "hello");
console output
const unsigned char helloWorld_txt[] = {0x48,0x65,0x6c,0x6c,0x6f,0x20,0x57,0x6f,0x72,0x6c,0x64,0x21};
const int helloWorld_txt_len = 12;
sync, custom var name:
const unsigned char hello[] = {0x48,0x65,0x6c,0x6c,0x6f,0x20,0x57,0x6f,0x72,0x6c,0x64,0x21};
const int hello_len = 12;
async, default var name:
const unsigned char helloWorld_txt[] = {0x48,0x65,0x6c,0x6c,0x6f,0x20,0x57,0x6f,0x72,0x6c,0x64,0x21};
const int helloWorld_txt_len = 12;
async, custom var name:
const unsigned char hello[] = {0x48,0x65,0x6c,0x6c,0x6f,0x20,0x57,0x6f,0x72,0x6c,0x64,0x21};
const int hello_len = 12;
const unsigned char hello[] = {0x48,0x65,0x6c,0x6c,0x6f,0x20,0x57,0x6f,0x72,0x6c,0x64,0x21};
const int hello_len = 12;