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James-Thorson-NOAA committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent 8818b8c commit 00b3f1e
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Showing 16 changed files with 603 additions and 60 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Authors@R:
c(person(given = "Anon",
family = "Ymous",
role = c("aut", "cre"),
email = "[email protected]")
email = "[email protected]")
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

Expand All @@ -13,9 +19,11 @@ importFrom(TMB,dynlib)
useDynLib(dsem, .registration = TRUE)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R/classify_variables.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#' @param model SEM model
#' @return Tagged-list defining exogenous and endogenous variables
#' @export
classify_variables <-
function( model ){

Expand Down
297 changes: 292 additions & 5 deletions R/dsem.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ dsem <-
function( sem,
family = rep("fixed",ncol(tsdata)),
covs = colnames(tsdata),
estimate_delta0 = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
run_model = TRUE,
Expand All @@ -122,9 +123,17 @@ function( sem,
... ){

# (I-Rho)^-1 * Gamma * (I-Rho)^-1
out = make_ram( sem, tsdata=tsdata, quiet=quiet )
out = make_ram( sem, tsdata=tsdata, quiet=quiet, covs=covs )
ram = out$ram

# Error checks
if( any((out$model[,'direction']==2) & (out$model[,2]!=0)) ){
stop("All two-headed arrows should have lag=0")
if( !all(c(out$model[,'first'],out$model[,'second']) %in% colnames(tsdata)) ){
stop("Some variable in `sem` is not in `tsdata`")

Data = list( "RAM" = as.matrix(na.omit(ram[,1:4])),
"RAMstart" = as.numeric(ram[,5]),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,8 +188,9 @@ function( sem,
if(quiet==FALSE) list_parameters(obj)
out = list( "obj"=obj,
"tmb_inputs"=list("data"=Data, "parameters"=Params, "random"=Random, "map"=Map) )
"tmb_inputs"=list("data"=Data, "parameters"=Params, "random"=Random, "map"=Map),
"call" = )

# Export stuff
if( run_model==FALSE ){
Expand All @@ -204,7 +214,7 @@ function( sem,
#' @title Summarize dsem
#' @param object Output from \code{\link{dsem}}
#' @param ... Note used
#' @param ... Not used
#' @method summary dsem
#' @export
Expand All @@ -228,13 +238,290 @@ function( object, ... ){

#' Simulate dsem
#' @title Simulate from a fitted \code{dsem} model
#' @param object Output from \code{\link{dsem}}
#' @param nsim number of simulated data sets
#' @param variance whether to ignore uncertainty in fixed and
#' random effects, include estimation uncertainty in random effects,
#' or include estimation uncertainty in both fixed and random effects
#' @param resimulate_gmrf whether to resimulate the GMRF based on estimated or
#' simulated random effects (determined by argument \code{variance})
#' @param seed random seed
#' @param ... Not used
#' @description
#' This function conducts a parametric bootstrap, i.e., simulates new data
#' conditional upon estimated values for fixed and random effects. The user
#' can optionally simulate new random effects conditional upon their estimated
#' covariance, or simulate new fixed and random effects conditional upon their imprecision.
#' Note that \code{simulate} will have no effect on states \code{x_tj} for which there
#' is a measurement and when those measurements are fitted using \code{family="fixed"}
#' @method simulate dsem
#' @export
simulate.dsem <-
function( object,
nsim = 1,
seed = NULL,
variance = c("none", "random", "both"),
resimulate_gmrf = FALSE,
... ){

variance = match.arg(variance)

# Sample from GMRF using sparse precision
rmvnorm_prec <- function(mu, prec, nsim) {
z <- matrix(rnorm(length(mu) * nsim), ncol=nsim)
L <- Matrix::Cholesky(prec, super=TRUE)
z <- Matrix::solve(L, z, system = "Lt") ## z = Lt^-1 %*% z
z <- Matrix::solve(L, z, system = "Pt") ## z = Pt %*% z
z <- as.matrix(z)
return(mu + z)

obj = object$obj
parfull = obj$env$parList()

par_zr = outer( obj$env$, rep(1,nsim) )
if( variance=="random" ){
tmp = rmvnorm_prec( rep(0,length(obj$env$random)), obj$env$spHess(random=TRUE), nsim=nsim )
par_zr[obj$env$random,] = par_zr[obj$env$random,,drop=FALSE] + tmp
if( variance=="both" ){
stop("Please re-run `dsem` with `getsd=TRUE` and `getJointPrecision=TRUE`, or confirm that the model is converged")
tmp = rmvnorm_prec( rep(0,length(obj$env$last.par)), object$opt$SD$jointPrecision, nsim=nsim )
par_zr = par_zr + tmp

out = NULL
for( r in seq_len(nsim) ){
if( resimulate_gmrf==TRUE ){
# Simulate new fields
newrep = obj$report( par=par_zr[,r] )
newparfull = obj$env$parList()
Q_kk = newrep$Q_kk
tmp = rmvnorm_prec( newrep$delta_k + as.vector(newrep$xhat_tj), Q_kk, nsim=1 )
# Modify call
newcall = object$call
newcall$parameters = newparfull
newcall$parameters$x_tj[] = tmp
# Rebuild model with new GMRF values
newcall$run_model = FALSE
newfit = eval(newcall)
out[[r]] = newfit$obj$simulate()$y_tj
out[[r]] = obj$simulate( par_zr[,r] )

#out = lapply( 1:nsim, FUN=\(x) obj$env$simulate(par=par_zr[,x],complete=TRUE)$y_tj )
#mean( obj$env$simulate(par=par_zr[,1],complete=TRUE)$y_tj )
#mean( obj$env$simulate(par=par_zr[,2]+1,complete=TRUE)$y_tj )
#sapply(out, mean)
#apply(par_zr, MARGIN=2, mean)


#' Extract Variance-Covariance Matrix
#' extract the covariance of fixed effects, or both fixed and random effects.
#' @param object output from \code{dsem}
#' @param which whether to extract the covariance among fixed effects, random effects, or both
#' @param ... ignored, for method compatibility
#' @importFrom stats vcov
#' @method vcov dsem
#' @export
vcov.dsem <-
function( object,
which = c("fixed", "random", "both"),
...) {

which = match.arg(which)

if( which=="fixed" ){
V = object$opt$SD$cov.fixed
warning("Please re-run `dsem` with `getsd=TRUE`, or confirm that the model is converged")
if( which=="random" ){
V = solve(object$obj$env$spHess(random=TRUE))
if( which=="both" ){
H = object$opt$SD$jointPrecision
warning("Please re-run `dsem` with `getsd=TRUE` and `getJointPrecision=TRUE`, or confirm that the model is converged")
V = solve(H)

return( V )

#' Calculate residuals
#' @title Calculate residuals for dsem
#' @param object Output from \code{\link{dsem}}
#' @param type which type of residuals to compute (only option is \code{"deviance"} or \code{"response"} for now)
#' @param ... Note used
#' @method residuals dsem
#' @export
residuals.dsem <-
function( object,
type = c("deviance","response"),
... ){

# Normal deviance residuals
if( FALSE ){
x = rnorm(10)
y = x + rnorm(10)
Glm = glm( y ~ 1 + x, family="gaussian")
mu = predict(Glm,type="response")
r1 = y - mu
r1 - resid(Glm)
# Poisson deviance residuals
if( FALSE ){
x = rnorm(10)
y = rpois(10, exp(x))
Glm = glm( y ~ 1 + x, family="poisson")
mu = predict(Glm,type="response")
r1 = sign(y - mu) * sqrt(2*(y*log((y+1e-10)/mu) - (y-mu)))
r1 - resid(Glm)
# Binomial deviance residuals
if( FALSE ){
p = 0.5
y = rbinom(10, prob=p, size=1)
Glm = glm( y ~ 1, family="binomial")
mu = predict(Glm, type="response")
r1 = sign(y - mu) * sqrt(-2*(((1-y)*log(1-mu) + y*log(mu))))
r1 - resid(Glm)
# Gamma deviance residuals
if( FALSE ){
mu = 1
cv = 0.8
y = rgamma( n=10, shape=1/cv^2, scale=mu*cv^2 )
Glm = glm( y ~ 1, family=Gamma(link='log'))
mu = predict(Glm, type="response")
r1 = sign(y - mu) * sqrt(2 * ( (y-mu)/mu - log(y/mu) ))
r1 - resid(Glm)

# Poisson: sign(y - mu) * sqrt(2*(ifelse(y==0, 0, y*log(y/mu)) - (y-mu)))
# Binomial: -2 * ((1-y)*log(1-mu) + y*log(mu))
# Gamma: 2 * ( (y-mu)/mu - log(y/mu) )

# Easy of use
x_tj = object$obj$env$parList()$x_tj
y_tj = object$tmb_inputs$data$y_tj
familycode_j = object$tmb_inputs$data$familycode_j
report = object$obj$report()

type = match.arg(type)
if( type == "deviance" ){
resid_tj = report$devresid_tj
if( type == "response" ){
resid_tj = y_tj - report$mu_tj


#' predictions using dsem
#' @title Predict variables given new (counterfactual) values of data, or for future or past times
#' @param object Output from \code{\link{dsem}}
#' @param newdata optionally, a data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict.
#' If omitted, the fitted data are used to create predictions. If desiring predictions after the fitted data,
#' the user must append rows with NAs for those future times. Similarly, if desiring predictions given counterfactual
#' values for time-series data, then those individual observations can be edited while keeping other observations at their
#' original fitted values.
#' @param type the type of prediction required. The default is on the scale of the linear predictors;
#' the alternative "response" is on the scale of the response variable.
#' Thus for a Poisson-distributed variable the default predictions are of log-intensity and type = "response" gives the predicted intensity.
#' @param ... Note used
#' @method predict dsem
#' @export
predict.dsem <-
function( object,
newdata = NULL,
type = c("link", "response"),
... ){
# newdata = eval(object$call$tsdata)
# newdata = ts( newdata[1:40,] )

# Easy of use
parfull = object$obj$env$parList()
type = match.arg(type)
report = object$obj$report()

if( is.null(newdata) ){
if(type=="link") out = parfull$x_tj
if(type=="response") out = report$mu_tj
newcall = object$call
newcall$tsdata = newdata
# Rebuild model with new data
newcall$run_model = FALSE
newfit = eval(newcall)
# Optimize random effects given original MLE and newdata
newfit$obj$fn( object$opt$par )
# Return predictor
if(type=="link") out = newfit$obj$env$parList()$x_tj
if(type=="response") out = newfit$obj$report()$mu_tj


# Extract the log-likelihood of a dsem model
# @return object of class \code{logLik} with attributes
# \item{val}{log-likelihood}
# \item{df}{number of parameters}
#' @importFrom stats logLik
#' @export
logLik.dsem <- function(object, ...) {
val = -1 * object$opt$objective
df = length( object$opt$par )
out = structure( val,
df = df,
class = "logLik")

#' Convert dsem to phylopath output
#' @title Convert output from package dsem to phylopath
#' @param fit Output from \code{\link{dsem}}
#' @param lag which lag to output
#' @param what whether to output estimates \code{what="Estimate"} or standard errors \code{what="Std_Error"}
#' @param what whether to output estimates \code{what="Estimate"}, standard errors \code{what="Std_Error"}
#' or p-values \code{what="Std_Error"}
#' @return Convert output to format supplied by \code{\link[phylopath]{est_DAG}}
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