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James-Thorson committed Dec 31, 2024
1 parent a2a0ba7 commit 845d970
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Showing 7 changed files with 675 additions and 0 deletions.
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions R/dsemRTMB.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@

dsemRTMB <-
function( sem,
family = rep("fixed",ncol(tsdata)),
estimate_delta0 = FALSE,
prior_negloglike = NULL,
control = dsem_control(),
covs = colnames(tsdata) ){

# General error checks
if( isFALSE(is(control, "dsem_control")) ) stop("`control` must be made by `dsem_control()`")
if( control$gmrf_parameterization=="projection" ){
if( any(family=="fixed" & colSums(!>0) ){
stop("`family` cannot be `fixed` using `gmrf_parameterization=projection` for any variable with data")
if( isFALSE(is(tsdata,"ts")) ) stop("`tsdata` must be a `ts` object")

# General warnings
if( isFALSE(control$quiet) ){
tsdata_SD = apply( tsdata, MARGIN=2, FUN=sd, na.rm=TRUE )
if( any((max(tsdata_SD)/min(tsdata_SD)) > 10, ){
warning("Some variables in `tsdata` have much higher variance than others. Please consider rescaling variables to prevent issues with numerical convergence.")

# Build RAM
model = read_model( sem = sem,
times = as.numeric(time(tsdata)),
variables = colnames(tsdata),
covs = covs,
quiet = FALSE )
ram = make_matrices(
model = model,
times = as.numeric(time(tsdata)),
variables = colnames(tsdata) )

options = c(
ifelse(control$gmrf_parameterization=="separable", 0, 1),
switch(control$constant_variance, "conditional"=0, "marginal"=1, "diagonal"=2)
y_tj = tsdata

# Construct parameters
if( is.null(control$parameters) ){
Params = list(
#beta_p2 = subset(model,direction==2)$start,
#beta_p1 = subset(model,direction==1)$start,
beta_z = 0.01 * rnorm(n_p),
lnsigma_j = rep(0, n_j),
mu_j = rep(0, n_j),
delta0_j = rep(0, n_j),
x_tj = ifelse(, 0, tsdata )
#if( control$gmrf_parameterization=="separable" ){
# Params$x_tj = ifelse(, 0, tsdata )
# Params$eps_tj = ifelse(, 0, tsdata )

# Turn off initial conditions
if( estimate_delta0==FALSE ){
Params$delta0_j = numeric(0)

# Scale starting values with higher value for two-headed than one-headed arrows
which_nonzero = which(model[,5]>0)
beta_type = tapply( model[which_nonzero,8], INDEX=model[which_nonzero,5], max)
Params$beta_z = ifelse(beta_type==1, 0.01, 1)

# Override starting values if supplied
which_nonzero = which(model[,5]>0)
start_z = tapply( as.numeric(model[which_nonzero,4]), INDEX=model[which_nonzero,5], mean )
Params$beta_z = ifelse(, Params$beta_z, start_z)
Params = control$parameters

# Construct map
if( is.null(control$map) ){
Map = list()
Map$x_tj = factor(ifelse( | (family[col(tsdata)] %in% c("normal","binomial","poisson","gamma")), seq_len(prod(dim(tsdata))), NA ))
Map$lnsigma_j = factor( ifelse(family=="fixed", NA, seq_along(Params$lnsigma_j)) )

# Map off mean for latent variables
Map$mu_j = factor( ifelse(colSums(!, NA, 1:ncol(tsdata)) )
Map = control$map

# Define random
Random = c( "x_tj", "mu_j" )
Random = "x_tj"

# Build object
#source( file.path(R'(C:\Users\James.Thorson\Desktop\Git\dsem\R)', "make_matrices.R") )
#source( file.path(R'(C:\Users\James.Thorson\Desktop\Git\dsem\R)', "get_jnll.R") )
cmb <- function(f, ...) function(p) f(p, ...) ## Helper to make closure
#f(parlist, model, tsdata, family)
obj = RTMB::MakeADFun(
func = cmb( get_jnll,
model = model,
tsdata = tsdata,
family = family ),
parameters = Params,
random = Random,
map = Map,
profile = control$profile,
silent = TRUE )

if( FALSE ){
repRTMB = obj$report()
range(Rep$Gamma_kk - repRTMB$Gamma_kk)
range(Rep$Rho_kk - repRTMB$Rho_kk)
range(Rep$Q_kk - repRTMB$Q_kk)
range(Rep$mu_tj - repRTMB$mu_tj)
range(Rep$delta_tj - repRTMB$delta_tj)
range(Rep$xhat_tj - repRTMB$xhat_tj)
range(Rep$jnll_gmrf - repRTMB$jnll_gmrf)

dgmrf( repRTMB$z_tj, mu=repRTMB$xhat_tj + repRTMB$delta_tj, Q=repRTMB$Q_kk, log=TRUE )
dgmrf( Rep$z_tj, mu=Rep$xhat_tj + Rep$delta_tj, Q=Rep$Q_kk, log=TRUE )
dgmrf( as.vector(Rep$z_tj), mu=as.vector(Rep$xhat_tj + Rep$delta_tj), Q=Rep$Q_kk, log=TRUE )
mvtnorm::dmvnorm( as.vector(Rep$z_tj - (Rep$xhat_tj + Rep$delta_tj)), sigma=as.matrix(solve(Rep$Q_kk)), log=TRUE )
dGMRF( as.vector(Rep$z_tj), mu=as.vector(Rep$xhat_tj + Rep$delta_tj), Q=Rep$Q_kk )

Rep = fit$obj$report( fit$obj$env$last.par )

example = list(
y = repRTMB$z_tj,
mu = repRTMB$xhat_tj + repRTMB$delta_tj,
Q = Rep$Q_kk
saveRDS( example, file=file.path(R'(C:\Users\James.Thorson\Desktop\Git\dsem\scratch)','example.RDS') )

if(control$quiet==FALSE) list_parameters(obj)
# bundle
internal = list(
sem = sem,
tsdata = tsdata,
family = family,
estimate_delta0 = estimate_delta0,
control = control,
covs = covs

# Parse priors
# if( !is.null(prior_negloglike) ){
# # prior_negloglike = \(obj) -dnorm(obj$par[1],0,1,log=TRUE)
# prior_value = tryCatch( expr = prior_negloglike(obj) )
# if( ) stop("Check `prior_negloglike(obj$par)`")
# obj$fn_orig = obj$fn
# obj$gr_orig = obj$gr
# # BUild prior evaluator
# requireNamespace(RTMB)
# priors_obj = RTMB::MakeADFun( func = prior_negloglike,
# parameters = list(par=obj$par),
# silent = TRUE )
# obj$fn = \(pars) obj$fn_orig(pars) + priors_obj$fn(pars)
# obj$gr = \(pars) obj$gr_orig(pars) + priors_obj$gr(pars)
# internal$priors_obj = priors_obj
# }

# Further bundle
out = list( "obj" = obj,
"ram" = ram,
"sem_full" = model,
"tmb_inputs"=list("parameters"=Params, "random"=Random, "map"=Map),
#"call" =,
"internal" = internal )

# Export stuff
if( control$run_model==FALSE ){
return( out )

# Fit
#out$opt = fit_tmb( obj,
# quiet = control$quiet,
# control = list(eval.max=10000, iter.max=10000, trace=ifelse(control$quiet==TRUE,0,1) ),
# ... )

# Optimize
out$opt = list( "par"=obj$par )
for( i in seq_len(max(0,control$nlminb_loops)) ){
if( isFALSE(control$quiet) ) message("Running nlminb_loop #", i)
out$opt = nlminb( start = out$opt$par,
objective = obj$fn,
gradient = obj$gr,
upper = control$upper,
lower = control$lower,
control = list( eval.max = control$eval.max,
iter.max = control$iter.max,
trace = control$trace ) )

# Newtonsteps
for( i in seq_len(max(0,control$newton_loops)) ){
if( isFALSE(control$quiet) ) message("Running newton_loop #", i)
g = as.numeric( obj$gr(out$opt$par) )
h = optimHess(out$opt$par, fn=obj$fn, gr=obj$gr)
out$opt$par = out$opt$par - solve(h, g)
out$opt$objective = obj$fn(out$opt$par)
out$internal$parhat = obj$env$parList()

if( isTRUE(control$extra_convergence_checks) ){
# Gradient checks
Grad_fixed = obj$gr( out$opt$par )
if( isTRUE(any(Grad_fixed > 0.01)) ){
warning("Some gradients are higher than 0.01. Some parameters might not be converged. Consider increasing `control$newton_loops`")
# Hessian check ... condition and positive definite
Hess_fixed = optimHess( par=out$opt$par, fn=obj$fn, gr=obj$gr, control=list(ndeps=rep(0.001,length(out$opt$par))) )
Eigen_fixed = eigen( Hess_fixed, only.values=TRUE )
if( (max(Eigen_fixed$values)/min(Eigen_fixed$values)) > 1e6 ){
# See McCullough and Vinod 2003
warning("The ratio of maximum and minimum Hessian eigenvalues is high. Some parameters might not be identifiable.")
if( isTRUE(any(Eigen_fixed$values < 0)) ){
warning("Some Hessian eigenvalue is negative. Some parameters might not be converged.")
Hess_fixed = NULL

# Run sdreport
if( isTRUE(control$getsd) ){
if( isTRUE(control$verbose) ) message("Running sdreport")
if( is.null(Hess_fixed) ){
Hess_fixed = optimHess( par=out$opt$par, fn=obj$fn, gr=obj$gr, control=list(ndeps=rep(0.001,length(out$opt$par))) )
out$sdrep = TMB::sdreport( obj,
par.fixed = out$opt$par,
hessian.fixed = Hess_fixed,
getJointPrecision = control$getJointPrecision )
out$sdrep = NULL

# output
class(out) = "dsem"

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