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UCR(Underwater Cleaning Robot) is a project of HOME(Human-machine Ocean Mechanic Engineering) team, College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University. UCR packages are developed on ROS. This package is a collection of packages used on UCR such as simulation package and runing-online package.


  1. ROS(kinetic)
  2. This is all what we are based, see And all of the following packages are ROS packages.
  3. epos_hardware package
  4. See
  5. steer_drive_ros
  6. See
  7. turtlebot-teleop package
  8. $sudo apt install ros-kinetic-turtlebot-teleop

  9. controller_manager package
  10. $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-controller-manager

  11. ros_control package
  12. $sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ros-control ros-kinetic-ros-controllers

  13. gazebo_ros_control package
  14. $sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control

  15. timed_roslaunch package
  16. $sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-timed-roslaunch

Getting Started

1. Enable the robot

The robot could be enabled either by running online(option A) or by simulating(option B). First switch to branch "master"

$git checkout master

Option A: Running Online

Launch the EPOS driver. EPOS is servo motor of UCR.

$roslaunch ucr_epos_hardware epos.launch

Launch the basic motion controller. This controller can drive the wheels of UCR given speed and steer angle.

$roslaunch ucr_control control.launch

Option B: Simulation

Launch the world in Gazebo. It will open gazebo, load the world, and start simulating the UCR hardware.

$roslaunch ucr_gazebo ucr_empty_world.launch

Launch the basic motion controller.

$roslaunch ucr_control control_gazebo.launch

2. Teleop

When robot is enabled, connect a xbox360 joystick to PC and launch the teleoperator

$roslaunch ucr_teleop xbox360_teleop_from_turtlebot.launch

Note that "*from_turtlebot" means that the source code is in turtlebot.

Package List

  • ucr_epos_hardware

Hardware driver for EPOS. Only used when running online.

  • ucr_control

Integrate speed controller and steer angle controller.

  • ucr_description

Describe the physical structure.

  • ucr_gazebo

Based on Gazebo, a simulation tool. It provides simulation scenarios(or called "world"), also implements simulation of robot sensors and actuators.

  • ucr_rviz

Based on rviz, a visualization tool.

  • ucr_teleop

Based on teleoperation package of turtlebot(a popular ROS project).

  • ucrbot

The raw file exported from SolidWorks.


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