To download this specific docker image, use this command below:
docker pull jangetta/forgerock_stock:0.1
To run this docker image, please run:
Docker run - TID - P 5000:80 $image_ID
$Image_Id can be found by running:
docker images
output example:
MBP-041150:python julie.brady$ docker images
jangetta/forgerock_stock 0.1 8c72c7ac8104 13 minutes ago 1.07GB
redis latest 987b78fc9e38 11 months ago 104MB
mongo latest 3f3daf863757 12 months ago 388MB
MBP-041150:python julie.brady$
My image_ID for this specific docker image is 8c72c7ac8104
My Dockerhub Profile is located here.
Instructions for a Vanilla install of Minikube
- To expose the application as an load balance service, we have to give our pod a namespace
kubectl create namespace forgerock
- To build the configmap for this enviroment, run the command below, pointing to the file, stock.txt. This will create the configmap called stock.yaml in yaml format, the file will not appear in your directory but is stored in kubernetes
kubectl create configmap stock.yaml --from-file stock.txt -o yaml
- To build the secret config for this enviroment, run the command below, pointing to the file that contains the base64 version of the api_key.txt
echo -n "your_api_key_here" | base64 > secret.yaml
- Apply both to your kubernetes instance
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f stock.yaml
- With this namespace created, we can apply the manifest file, forgerock_deploy.yaml, to the namespace
kubectl apply -f forgerock_deploy.yaml -n forgerock
- We can forward our port to see if our pod deployment was successful
kubectl port-forward deployment/forgerock-deploy -n forgerock 8081:8081
Navigate to localhost:8081 to see the flask application is successfully forwarding correctly
Run the forgerock_ingress.yaml with the command below to create a stable network for the pod, with the same namespace
kubectl apply -f forgerock_ingress.yaml -n forgerock
- You can verify it is running if your output is similar to mine with the same command
MBP-041150:kubernetes julie.brady$ kubectl get svc -w
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 64m
^CMBP-041150:kubernetes julie.brady$