Is taking input from molpro, runs calculations then churns out molpro compatible data. At this point density matrices.
First run molpro for your setup with input akin to this:
{hf; orbital,2100.2}
{matrop; load,orb; export,orb,orb.dat,status=rewind,prec=sci}
This will generate two files. One called fcidump and one called orb.dat.
Now use this script in the following way:
python3 -rf Test_1/orb.dat -ff Test_1/fcidump -of Test_1/dm_2.dat
This will generate a density matrix that is compatible with molpro from a PySCF FCI calulation.
Tested Successfuly so far for:
- Be sto3g FCI
- Be aug-cc-pvdz FCI