cam_map_localization is a ros-package using a predefined map of fiducial markers to localize the camera with respect to a marker set as origin.
- Generate the map of the markers using Ref-I: Mapping and Localization from Planar Markers. Basically, it is a file.yml containing all detected markers in the scene and their position. Example:
aruco_bc_dict: TAG36h11
aruco_bc_nmarkers: 25
aruco_bc_mInfoType: 1
- { id:0, corners:[ [ 1.0879868268966675e+00, -2.2400319576263428e-01,
5.3463661670684814e-01 ], [ 1.0820814371109009e+00,
-1.0438479483127594e-01, 4.3158048391342163e-01 ], [
1.0862079858779907e+00, -2.0736083388328552e-01,
3.1181859970092773e-01 ], [ 1.0921133756637573e+00,
-3.2697921991348267e-01, 4.1487473249435425e-01 ] ] }
- { id:2, corners:[
Then copy the generated file in /config folder in cam_map_localization
- Calibration:
You need to calibration the camera and copy the generated file in /config folder in cam_map_localization
- Install Aruco 3:
ArUco: a minimal library for Augmented Reality applications based on OpenCV
roslaunch cam_map_localization camera_marker_detection.launch
Once a marker of the map is detected, you'll get the pose of the camera published in the topic /poseStampedDsr and you can visulize it in Rviz
See also the point cloud generated by Ref-I in Rviz
rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud markerset.pcd 0.158 _frame_id:=/map
I. Marker Mapper paper "Mapping and localization from planar markers" RafaelMuñoz-Salinas, Manuel J.Marín-Jimenez, Enrique Yeguas-Bolivar, R.Medina-Carnicer, , Pattern Recognition, To appear. [Read PDF]
II. Main ArUco paper: "Automatic generation and detection of highly reliable fiducial markers under occlusion" [DOWNLOAD PDF] [DOWNLOAD Bibtex]
III. Generation of marker dictionaries: "Generation of fiducial marker dictionaries using mixed integer linear programming" [DOWNLOAD PDF] [DOWNLOAD Bibtex]