the purpose of this app is to give the user a visual representation of a rack, and patch panel. Each Rack has two tables, Front and back. these are displayed on 1 page. each row = 1u. For each object in the rack rowspan = u this will format the table nicely. clicking on an item will allow you to edit it.
- metro
- label
- dc
- label
- rack
- label
- asset - something that is racked
- label
- rackunit
- unitsize
- front
- back
- type: 1 patch panel, 2 server, 3 network device
- port
- asset_id
- label
- front: boolean
- z-side
every rack has a front and a back, how should this go into the database?
there should be 1 db call
this should give me all the assets in the rack the asset will tell me if it's in the front or the back if front = true, render front if back = true render back
the same applies to ports