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A Slack community of people who do short-format training in the life sciences

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Life Science Training Slack



Join our first virtual meetup on April 25, 2019

Join the call to introduce yourself and say hello. Share what you are working on. Help build a vision for a community of practice.

What is #LifeSciTraining Slack?

A way to connect anyone and everyone who does training in the life sciences to share resources, advice, and conversation - all in the service of improving our teaching and our careers.

This is an experiment - Hopefully Slack is a forum that makes it easy for many to participate without being a burden. My guess is it will be low-volume, but maybe some people will find help, collaborations, or friends! People in this community might be PIs or professors but many (most?) of them are not. This is a way to carve out space for those not necessarily doing for-credit/semester-long training (although maybe you teach those classes too).

This is a community for all life sciences - Are you an ecologist? a microscopist? Do you work at the bench, or on a cluster? Are you a graduate student, an undergraduate, a robot? Is short-format training your career, something you do every summer, or something you are about to do? As long as your training is about a life science discipline, you belong here!

How to join #LifeSciTraining Slack

Use this invitation link

What are some things to do on #LifeSciTraining Slack

  • Let people know you exist!
  • Ask for help about creating or teaching a workshop
  • Share tips for organizing a workshop
  • Discuss how to evaluate and assess your impact
  • Introduce your training materials and get feedback
  • Seek advice on the role of training in your career

What are some things not to do on #LifeSciTraining Slack (Code of Conduct)

This may evolve, but here is a starting point for joining.

  • Don't be rude: no insults, profanity, harassment, attacks of any kind.
  • Keep focused: Keep conversation on the #general channel focused on Life Science training topics
  • Don't mansplain: When feedback is requested keep criticism professional and respectful. Don't push your opinions on how something should be done. Where possible present objective (ideally published) evidence.

#LifeSciTraining Slack Registry

Identification is optional - You can still participate on the Slack, but I thought it would be cool if there was a registry of people that would be searchable. Feel free to identify here by filling out this google form. Contact Jason Williams to edit or remove your entry from the list, or file a pull request on Github.

|----|-----------|-------|--------------|------------------|-------|-----------|--------------|---| |Jason Williams|Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory|USA|Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology| A few times a year|[email protected], twitter: @JasonWilliamsNY|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, CyVerse, NIH Data Commons|Molecular cloning, R, Python, Jupyter, Docker, cloud computing, RNA-Seq, education and assessment|| |Ben Langmead|Johns Hopkins University|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics|Once a year or less|[email protected]|ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology, NIH - National Institutes of Health, NSF - National Science Foundation|algorithms, data structures, programming|| |Amina Echchiki|Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics / University of Lausanne|Switzerland|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, General Life Sciences, Genomics|A few times a year|[email protected]; twitter: @aechchik|ELIXIR, SIB Training |bioinformatics, genome assembly, long reads sequencing|| |Vicky Schneider|Amazon and University of Melbourne|United Kingdom |Bioinformatics, Ecology, General Life Sciences, Scientific writing, Evolutionary biologist |A few times a year|[email protected]|Galaxy|Bioinformatics, population genetics, ecology and evolution of biodiversity, introduction to ML|| |Nick Wong|Monash university|Australia|Bioinformatics, Genomics|A few times a year|[email protected]|ABACBS - Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society|R, genomics, RNA-Seq || |Ming Tang|Harvard|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics|A few times a year|[email protected]|NIH - National Institutes of Health|ChIP-Seq, single cell RNA-Seq, unix shell, R, snakemake|| |Ben Harris|Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory|USA|Bioinformatics|Once a year or less|[email protected] @b_harris_12||python|| |Alex Whan|CSIRO |Australia |Bioinformatics, Genomics|A few times a year|@alexwhan|ABACBS - Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society, The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry|R, git|| |Noah Fahlgren|Donald Danforth Plant Science Center|USA|Bioinformatics, Genomics, Plant biology, Phenotyping|A few times a year|[email protected], Twitter: @NoahFahlgren|ASPB - American Society of Plant Biology, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology, NSF - National Science Foundation|image analysis, statistics, bioinformatics || |Peter van Heusden|South African National Bioinformatics Institute, University of the Western Cape|South Africa|Bioinformatics|A few times a year|pvanheus|Galaxy, ASBCB - African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology|python, microbial bioinformatics, galaxy|| |Radhika Khetani|Harvard University|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics|Once a month or more|[email protected], rs_khetani|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, Galaxy, GOBLET - Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training, H3ABioNet - Pan African Bioinformatics network|R, HPC, NGS, Data management|| |Fotis E. Psomopoulos|Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB/CERTH) |Greece |Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics|A few times a year|@fopsom|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, ELIXIR, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology|NGS Data Analysis, R (Intro / Advanced), Machine Learning for Life Sciences, Reproducibility approaches (Docker, CWL) || |Sandra Porter|Austin Community College, Shoreline Community College, Digital World Biology LLC|USA|Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Genomics, Microbiology, I have also taught Genetics, Immunology, and lots of biotech lab courses - cloning, sequencing, tissue culture, immunochemistry, protein purification, media and solution prep, GMPs|A few times a year|[email protected] @digitalbio|ASM - American Soceity for Microbiology, NSF - National Science Foundation, Bio-Link, NABT (National Association of Biology Teachers)|Bioinformatics for biologists, and Bioinformatics for biology instructors|| |Mauricio Barrientos|Karolinska Institutet|Sweden|Bioinformatics, Genomics|Once a year or less|[email protected]|||| |Sonika Tyagi|Monash University |Australia |Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, DNA Sequencing, General Life Sciences, Genomics, Health/medical sciences, Microbiology|A few times a year, Once a month or more|[email protected], @tsonika|ABACBS - Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society, The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory (and all EMBL-related projects), Galaxy, GOBLET - Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training|NGS, RADseq, alignment, de novo assembly, RNAseq, CHIPseq, metagenomics, cancer genomics. R, Python, HPC, open refine || |Peter Hoyt|Oklahoma State University|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics, Molecular biology|A few times a year|[email protected] @peterrhoyt|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, CyVerse|Bioinformatics, Genomics, Sequencing|| |Alyssa Valcourt|James Madison University|USA|Science Librarian who supports Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Geology|A few times a year|[email protected] @alyssavalcourt|ACRL- Association of College & Research Libraries||| |Conor Meehan|Institute of Tropical Medicine|Belgium|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics, Health/medical sciences|A few times a year|con_meehan||phylogenetics, molecular epidemiology, pathogen dynamics|| |Julie McMurry|OSU|USA|Health/medical sciences, GSuite for team science|A few times a year|@figgyjam|NIH - National Institutes of Health|gsuite, data science|| |Emily Lescak|University of Alaska |USA|Bioinformatics, General Life Sciences, Microbiology, Microscopy, Scientific writing, science communication|A few times a year|[email protected]; @elescak|Genetics Society of America|science communication, bioinformatics|| |Olabode Ajayi|University of the Western Cape/SANBI|South Africa|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics, Proteomics|Once a year or less|[email protected]|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, Galaxy, H3ABioNet - Pan African Bioinformatics network, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology, NIH - National Institutes of Health|Bioinformatics and Datascience|| |Lex Nederbragt|University of Oslo|Norway|Bioinformatics|A few times a year|[email protected] Twitter: @lexnederbragt|The Carpentries - Software and Data Carpentry|Bioinformatics, Good Practice in Computational Biology, Reproducibility in Computational Biology, Sequencing data analysis|| |Lisa Federer|National Library of Medicicne|USA|Scientific writing, data management and visualization, R programming|Once a year or less|[email protected]|NIH - National Institutes of Health|R, data management, data visualization, text mining|| |Lee Katz|Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention|USA|Bioinformatics|Once a year or less|@lskatz||genomic epidemiology, comparative genomics|| |Adrian Gomez|Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory|USA|General Life Sciences, Neuroscience, Neurobiologist turned Science Informationist|A few times a year|@cheech_gomez|NIH - National Institutes of Health, NSF - National Science Foundation, SFN - Society for Neuroscience||| |Srihari Radhakrishnan|Arc Bio |USA|Bioinformatics, Genomics|Once a year or less|[email protected]||sequencing, dataviz, bioinformatics, unix, R|| |Karen Word|UC Davis / the Carpentries|USA|Bioinformatics, Ecology, Genomics, Instructor training|A few times a year|[email protected], @karen_word|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, NIH - National Institutes of Health||| |Robert Davey|Earlham Institute|United Kingdom|Bioinformatics, Scientific writing, Scientific Computing, Soft skills, e.g. poster design|A few times a year|@froggleston|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, CyVerse, ELIXIR, EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory (and all EMBL-related projects), Galaxy, NSF - National Science Foundation|Data management, Information Systems, HPC, ontologies|| |Toby Hodges|EMBL|Germany|Bioinformatics|Once a month or more|@tbyhdgs|ELIXIR, EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory (and all EMBL-related projects)|Python, Bash, Version Control, Data Management, Regular Expressions, HPC|| |Umar Ahmad|Universiti Putra Malaysia and Malaysia Genome Institute (MGI)|Malaysia |Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics, Neuroscience, Scientific writing|Once a year or less|[email protected]/@babasaraki01|H3ABioNet - Pan African Bioinformatics network, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology, ASBCB - African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology |Bioinformatics, R, RNA-seq analysis, Python and Cancer Genomics|| |Terri Attwood|The University of Manchester|United Kingdom|Bioinformatics|A few times a year|[email protected]|GOBLET - Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training|protein sequence analysis, protein family characterisation, protein function annotation, introductory bioinformatics 4 schools|| |Edgar|Mount Sinai|USA|Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, Cell biology, DNA Sequencing, Ecology, General Life Sciences, Genomics, Marine biology, Metabolomics, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Proteomics, Scientific writing|A few times a year|[email protected]||Bioinformatics, Immunology, Biology|| |Samuel Seaver|Argonne National Laboratory|USA|Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, Plant biology|Once a year or less|@samseaver|ASPB - American Society of Plant Biology||| |Molly Phillips|University of Florida|USA|Bioinformatics, Ecology, Marine biology, Plant biology|Once a month or more|[email protected]|iDigBio|biodiversity, digitization data, natural history collections, biology, K-12, undergraduate, ecology|| | Clint Valentine|TwinStrand Biosciences|USA| Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics|Once a year or less| [email protected]|EMGS - Environmental Mutagenesis & Genomics Society| Python, DNA Sequencing, Reproducible Bioinformatics Analysis|| |Sateesh Peri|University of Nevada, Reno|USA|Bioinformatics, Cell biology, Molecular biology|A few times a year|[email protected]|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, CyVerse||| |Ahmed Moustafa|American University in Cairo|Egypt|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, Genomics|A few times a year|[email protected]|ASM - American Soceity for Microbiology, The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology|Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Population Genetics, Evolution|| |Denise Carvalho-Silva|EMBL-EBI (Open Targets)|United Kingdom|Bioinformatics, Genomics, Health/medical sciences, Drug discovery|Once a month or more|@deniseome|EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory (and all EMBL-related projects)|Ensembl genome browser, Open Targets, Genetic variation, Gene annotation|| |Tyson Swetnam|University of Arizona|USA|Ecology, Remote Sensing|A few times a year|[email protected]|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, CyVerse, NEON - National Ecological Observatory Network, NSF - National Science Foundation|R, Python, Remote Sensing, GIS, Ecology, Statistics, lidar, structure from motion|| |Moamen Elmassry|Texas Tech University|USA|Bioinformatics, Microbiology|A few times a year|[email protected]; @MoamenElmassry|ASM - American Soceity for Microbiology|R, Unix, RNA-seq, microbiome, visualization|| |Marcia Mednick|Takara Bio USA|USA|Cell biology, DNA Sequencing, General Life Sciences, Microbiology, Molecular biology|Once a month or more|[email protected]|||| |Marco Chiapello|Italian National Research Council|Italy|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics, Plant biology, Proteomics|A few times a year|[email protected] / marpello1980|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, ELIXIR|R, data analysis, proteomics analysis|| |Naupaka Zimmerman|University of San Francisco|USA|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, Ecology, Genomics|A few times a year|@naupakaz|ASM - American Soceity for Microbiology, The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, ESA - Ecological society of america, NEON - National Ecological Observatory Network, NSF - National Science Foundation|microbial ecology, community ecology, reproducible research|| |Jeff Oliver|University of Arizona|USA|Bioinformatics, Ecology, Evolution|Once a month or more|[email protected], @jcoliverAZ|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, CyVerse|R, python, phyloinformatics|| |Sarah Stevens|University of Wisconsin - Madison|USA|Bioinformatics, Ecology, Genomics|A few times a year|@microStevens|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry||| |Chissa Rivaldi|University of Notre Dame|USA|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, DNA Sequencing, Ecology, General Life Sciences, Population genetics|A few times a year|[email protected], @powerofcheez|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry|bash, python; r, anatomy, physiology, population genetics, GIS|| |Chris Fields|University of Illinois Urbana-Champgin|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Microbiome/Metagenome, Genomics|several times a year (varies)|@cjfields|The Carpentries - Software, Data Carpentry; BD2K; H3ABioNet - Pan African Bioinformatics network|HPC, Python, R, Perl, Genomics, Epigenome, Metagenome, Microbiome|| |Alexander Botzki|VIB|Belgium|Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, General Life Sciences|A few times a year|[email protected], @vibbioinfocore|ELIXIR|bash, python, docker, bioconda, protein structure analysis|| |Bérénice Batut|University of Freiburg|Germany|Bioinformatics, Genomics|A few times a year|[email protected] @bebatut|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, ELIXIR, Galaxy, GOBLET - Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training|| |Sean Davis|National Cancer Institute, NIH|USA|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, Genomics, Health/medical sciences|A few times a year||NIH - National Institutes of Health, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory|Bioinformatics, Data Science, Cloud and Distributed Computing, Reproducible Research, Science IT, R|| |James Taylor|Johns Hopkins|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, General Life Sciences, Genomics, Molecular biology|A few times a year|@jxtx|Galaxy, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology, NIH - National Institutes of Health, NSF - National Science Foundation|| |Ann Meyer||Canada|Bioinformatics|A few times a year|[email protected]|GOBLET - Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training|| |Henk den Bakker|University of Georgia|USA|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics, Microbiology|A few times a year|[email protected]|ASM - American Society for Microbiology|| |Mark Dunning|University of Sheffield|United Kingdom|Bioinformatics, Genomics, Software and Data Carpentry|A few times a year|[email protected], twitter:@DrMarkDunning|The carpentries-Software,Data|bioinformatics,R,genomics,RNA-seq|Sheffield Bioinformatics Core| |Piraveen Piv Gopalasingam|European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)|United Kingdom|Bioinformatics|Once a month or more|[email protected] , @cascade21|ELIXIR, EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory (and all EMBL-related projects), Galaxy, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology| |Niall Beard|University of Manchester|United Kingdom|Bioinformatics|Once a year or less|[email protected] / @niall_beard |The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, ELIXIR, GOBLET - Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training| |Peter Rice|Oryza Bioinformatics|United Kingdom|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, General Life Sciences, Genomics, Health/medical sciences, Molecular biology|A few times a year|[email protected]|i2b2-tranSMART Foundation| |Ted Laderas|Oregon Health & Science University |USA|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, Health/medical sciences|A few times a year|@tladeras|| |Jonathan Cummings|School for Marine Science and Technology|USA|Biology mathematics/statistics, Ecology, Structured Decision Making|A few times a year|[email protected]|Society of Conservation Biology| |Kate Hertweck|Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center|USA|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, Genomics|Once a month or more|@k8hert, [email protected]|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry| |Jarrett Byrnes|University of Massachusetts Boston|USA|Ecology, Marine biology|A few times a year|jebyrnes|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, ESA - Ecological society of america, NSF - National Science Foundation| |Mateusz Kuzak|Dutch Techcentre fo Life Sciences|the Netherlands|Bioinformatics, Software Engineering, Data Analysis|A few times a year|@matkuzak [email protected]|the Carpentries, ELIXIR, RSE|Pedagogy, R, Python, Docker, Jupyter| |Chantal Huijbers|Griffith University|Australia|Bioinformatics, Ecology|Once a month or more|[email protected]|Australian Research Data Commons|biodiversity modelling, data quality, ecological data science, train-the-trainer|| |Siva Chudalayandi|Iowa State University|USA|Bioinformatics, Plant biology|A few times a year|[email protected]|CyVerse, Galaxy, NSF - National Science Foundation, USDA|RNAseq; Genome Assembly|| |Patricia Palagi|SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics|Switzerland|Bioinformatics, Proteomics, Train the trainer|A few times a year|[email protected]|ELIXIR, GOBLET - Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology|Train-the-trainer, training organisation, training planning and strategy|| |Jacqueline Campbell|Iowa State University|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics, Data Curation|Once a year or less|[email protected] @Campbell_JD_PhD|AgBioData|Data Curation, Bioinformatics, Genetics/Genomics|| |Mike Trizna|Smithsonian Institution|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Ecology, General Life Sciences, Genomics, Metagenomics, Data Science|Once a month or more|[email protected]; @miketrizna|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry|Genomics, Data Science, Machine Learning|| |Jenny Drnevich|University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign|USA|Bioinformatics, Biology mathematics/statistics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics|A few times a year, Once a month or more|[email protected]|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, H3ABioNet - Pan African Bioinformatics network|R, Linux, Cluster Computing, RNASeq, 16S| |Jessica Holmes|University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign|USA|Bioinformatics, DNA Sequencing, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Metagenomics|Once a month or more|[email protected]|The Carpentries - Software, Data, Library Carpentry, H3ABioNet - Pan African Bioinformatics network, ISCB - International Society for Computational Biology, BD2K|Bash, R, RNA-Seq, microbial profiling, genome browsers, git, genome assembly|

Who started this and where is this going?

Me, Jason (@JasonWilliamsNY). I don't want to own it - it belongs to everyone. Let's see if it grows and is useful! If this takes off, we can talk about some more formal community roles/mechanisms and maybe even meet-ups! Share your ideas on Slack


A Slack community of people who do short-format training in the life sciences






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