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CodeDi is a tool library based on .Net standard, which help us add service to service collection in core or .net core project.


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CodeDi is a tool library based on .Net standard, which help us add service to service collection in core or .net core project.


CodeDi means Code Dependency Injection.Are you as many as I have before the system need to manually add to the ServiceCollection one by one, or multiple implementations of an interface in the system is not convenient to get the service instance in the constructor? I design this tool to help us auto-registration Interface and its corresponding implementation to service collection and make it is easy to get a service instance with multiple implementations of an interface.

Getting Started

Install NuGet Package

You can run the following command to install the CodeDi in your project.

PM> Install-Package CodeDi

Add CodeDi to ConfigureServices

Options 1

Call the AddCodeDi method in the ConfigureService method of Startup to register the corresponding implementation of the interface in the system to the ServiceCollection.

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Options 2

You can also call the AddCodeDi method with the Action parameter, which you can set value to the CodeDiOptions property in this action.

       public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddCoreDi(options =>
                options.DefaultServiceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped;


Options 3

Of course, you can also pass a CodeDiOptions parameter to AddCodeDi as follows.

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddCoreDi(new CodeDiOptions()
                DefaultServiceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped

You can also configure the Options information into the appsettings.json file and then bind the data to the CodeDiOptions parameter.

appsetting.json file

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "CodeDiOptions": {
    "DefaultServiceLifetime": 1,
    "AssemblyNames": [
    "AssemblyPaths": [
    "IgnoreAssemblies": [
    "IncludeSystemAssemblies": false,
    "IgnoreInterface": [
    "InterfaceMappings": {
      "*Say": "*English"
    "ServiceLifeTimeMappings": {
      "*Say": 0

ConfigureService method

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            var options=new CodeDiOptions();
            Configuration.Bind("CodeDiOptions", options);


Attribute name Attribute Description Data Type Default Value
AssemblyPaths Load dll under the specified path string[] Bin directory
AssemblyNames Load the specified assembly (supports wildcards) string[] *
IgnoreAssemblies Ignore the specified assembly (wildcards are supported) string[] null
IncludeSystemAssemblies Whether to include system assemblies bool false
IgnoreInterface Ignore the specified Interface (wildcards are supported) string[] null
InterfaceMappings Interface and match to the corresponding implementation (support wildcards) Dictionary<string, string> null
DefaultServiceLifetime Default service life time ServuceLifetime( Singleton,Scoped,Transient) ServiceLifetime.Scope
ServiceLifeTimeMappings Specify the life time of a particular interface Dictionary<string, ServiceLifetime> null


Get Service

Of course, you can do the injection of dependencies in the constructor as before. But when I have multiple implementations of an interface, we may not be well handled in the constructor. I designed an ICodeDiServiceProvider interface. Help you get a service instance.

If the ISay interface has SayInChinese and SayInEnglish two implementations, and both implementations are registered in the ServiceCollection, how do we get the service instance we want?

 public interface ISay
        string Hello();

      public class SayInChinese:ISay
        public string Hello()
            return "您好";

        public class SayInEnglish:ISay
        public string Hello()
            return "Hello";

 public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly ISay _say;

        public HomeController(ICodeDiServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            _say = serviceProvider.GetService<ISay>("*Chinese");

        public string Index()
            return _say.Hello();

ICodeDiServiceProvider.GetService<T>(string name=null) The Name supports wildcards,

Enjoy it!

After adding CodeDi, after adding new interfaces and corresponding service implementations in the system, we only need to perform configuration once, so we don't have to add Add to ServiceCollection one by one. Try it in your project!




CodeDi is a tool library based on .Net standard, which help us add service to service collection in core or .net core project.







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