Admin email: [email protected] ,password: yuyangtest.
Test credit card number:4242 4242 4242 4242 ,CVC number: Any 3 digits
Login as Admin to get access to admin dashboard ,admin can do CRUD actions to products,users and orders.
Send password reset token email when forgot password.(Can only work in dev mode using mailtrap)
User can leave review on each products .
User can upload custom picture for user profile .
If user close page without log out ,will auto login next time visit the page.
- Live Site URL: Live site hosted here
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Bootstrap- For styles
- cloudinary-Media cloud platform
- React - JS library
- Redux toolkit
- Save data in MongoDB Atlas database
- Mongoose
- NodeJS
- Express
- Deploy by heroku.com
Learn how to design and implement RESTful API ,interact with NoSQL database, actually understanding Security issue about web applicaiton, using Redux toolkit to manage state on frontend , manage media assets with cloudinary platform,Error handling,HOC,....
- Website - Well I haven't made my profile portfolio, gonna make it sooon when I know a lot of stuffs
- Yu-Yang - @[email protected]