- Double click map to add Cycling or Running workout on map.
- Each workout can edit ,delete and marking as favorites workout.
- When creating or editing user can drag mark icon to set start and end point.
- When user drag on mark icon, auto calculating distance between start and end point coordinates and displaying on form input.
- After creating workout it will get weather temperature, location address,duration,and workout time data on workout card.
- User can view workouts by certain categories(cycling ,running ,favorites)
- User can sort workouts by certain fields(distance ,duration ,speed/cadence)
- When click on each workout map will auto show the path on map.
- User can click icon on map to show all workouts,delete all workouts,and transforming 2D view to 3D view.
- Mapbox origin zoom in out functionality on map.
- Live Site URL: Live site of the challenge hosted here
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Sass preprocessor
- Parcel, Babel
- Generate map from mapbox library
- Weather data and icons from OpenWeatherMap API
- GeoCode location data from geocode.xyz API
- Icons from icomoon.io
- Deploy by netlify.com
Learing to implement MVC structure to learn backend file structure, using multiple third party API library,and using parcel to bundle
- Website - Well I haven't made my profile portfolio, gonna make it sooon when I know a lot of stuffs
- Yu-Yang - @[email protected]
Make sure you know that This project is based on Jonas Schmedtmann's Mapty project.