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Structure of the Game Data Object

gjtrowbridge edited this page Oct 7, 2014 · 12 revisions

Below is an overview of the general structure of the Game Data object (useful when designing your hero brain). This is the object we pass to your hero's move function every time it's your hero's turn.

Note that you can see/experiment with the full gameData object by running the test_your_hero_code.js script after cloning and downloading this repository.

//Game Object
  board: /* the board object (linked below) */,
  heroes: [/* array of hero objects */],
  teams: [[heroes on team 1],[heroes on team 2]]
  diamondMines = [/* array of Diamond Mine objects */];
  healthWells = [/* array of Health Well objects */];
  impassables = [/* array of impassable objects (trees) */];
  turn: /* some integer */


And here's the...