This script uses Blender to generate RGB-D data in the format of the Kinect V2 from a blender file using the animation system built in. This script iterates through each of the frames and renders the RGB frame, extracts the depth image and the ground truth.
This extracts the RGBD information from a camera in the blender scene while iterating through each key frame in the Blender animation. The script is used as follows:
blender *BlenderFile* -P -- *Outputfolder* -r
blender ~/TestTranslation.blend -P -- ~/ThisIsATest/ -r
This script generates the following files in the OutputFolder:
- rgb.txt
- depth.txt
- groundtruth.txt
With this the following folders are generated:
- rgb
- depth
The folders rgb and depth contain RGB files and Depth images generated from the script.
The rgb.txt and depth.txt files contain the frame number and location of each rgb and depth file that has been generated during the render process. The files have the following format: frame location
Please note that the location variable is relative to the OutputFolder for example a rgb image is shown from frame 9 '9 rgb/Image_0009.png'
The depth files as stored as uint16 values and are scaled by a value of 5. In order to compute the actualy distance simply compute the actual value in the units set in the Blender file as follows
distance = pixelValue/5 in units specified by the blender file
The groundtruth file is generated as 'groundtruth.txt'. This file has the groundtruth in the following format frame x y z qx qy qz qw
The groundtruth uses the x, y and z for the translation and qx qy qz and qw for the rotation. The rotation is represented as a quaternions.
To use the data in your own custom scripts please load the rgb.txt and depth.txt files to locate the generated files RGB and depth images.