A small wrapper package to easily test different deep architecture block types. A basic run script is in test_run.sh.
Clone the repository to get the deep_models package. Currently it must be in the local directory you wish to import it in.
git clone https://github.com/Jay-Roberts/Network-Comparisons.git
Making models for MNIST Dataset uses tensorflows built in mnist dataset. First create the class.
from deep_models import models
test_screen_shot_model = models.DeepModel('van',2,
input_shape = (28,28,1),
conv_spec = [5,16],
This will create a deep network with an initial convolution layer of 16 filters with size 5x5 and then repeat through the block type 'van' (vanilla cnn block). The input shape and number of classes it expects is consistent with MNIST data and we told it to load the MNIST dataset.
To train the model.
'datadir' is where the data is stored (unnecessary for mnist) and 'traintest' is a subdirectory to hold models.
To predict from the model.
model_path = test_screen_shot_model.exp_dir
If the train _ and _ eval method has been run the model path can be found in self.exp_dir, if not then you must specify the path the the directory containing the .pb save file.
For custom image classification the data set must be stored in .tfrecord files with a feature containing
- 'label': tf.train.Feature.Int64List
- 'image': tf.train.Feature.BytesList
and saved in the path 'datadir/class/train_n.tfrecord' where class is a directory for each class and n is a unique identifier for the file.
If a dataset of images already exists the you could use Processor.py from the Screen Shot Classifier repository.
The visualization techniques are experimental. If you are interested in using them, I highly recommend Bhagyesh Vikani, Falak Shah's tf_cnnvis that we use here.
Class: DeepModel :defines the DeepModels class with a defined block type, depth, activation function. The first and last layer are fixed as convolution and logits with softmax respectively but we plan to allow these to be customized in the future.
conv_spec = [5,16],
- Inputs:
- block: Choice of block to repeat. Must be a key from blocks.BLOCKS. (str)
- depth: Number of repeats of block. (int)
- model_dir: (Optional) Directory to store model outputs. Default 'd_models' (str)
- input_shape: (Optional) Resolution of input image. Default (28,28). (tup)
- num_classes: (Optional) Number of classes the data has. Default 10. (int)
- conv_spec: Size of square kernel to use (int), Number of filters (int). Default [5,16] (list)
- dt: (Optional) Step size for blocks. Default 0.1 (float)
- learning_rate: (Optional) The learning rate for gradient decent during training. Deault .001 (float)
- activation: (Optional) Activation function of initial and final layer of network. Default is relu. (function)
- stoch_passes: Experimental leave as None.
- mnist: (Optional) Whether to load data from mnist or not. Default is False. (bool)
Returns: DeepModel class with following
exp_dir: Base directory for exporting .pb files (str)
model_dir: Base directory to save model files. (str)
model_spec: Wraps up inputs of init into dictionary. (dict)
model_fn: the model function that defines the computational graph for tf.Estimator.
- Consists of an initial convolution layer with conv _ spec number of filters and kernel size. Then a depth deep layer made of repeated _block_s . Then a final hidden dense layer with 1024 units, this will be modifiable in the future. Output is a logits layer with num _ classes units.
Train, Evaluate, Export:
Train, evaluate, and export a saved model.
- data_dir: Where the data is stored. Must be accessible by input_fn. For mnist set to None. (str)
- model_fn: The model function to use to construct estimator.
- input_shape: Image resolution to use in model. (tuple)
- exp_dir: Directory to export checkpoints and saved model. (str)
- train_steps: Number of steps to train for. If None train_epochs must be. (int)
- train_epochs: Number of epochs to run through training data. If None train_steps must be. (int)
- train_batch: Batch size to use for training. Default 100. (int)
- eval_steps: Number of steps to eval for. If None eval_epochs must be. (int)
- eval_epochs: Number of epochs to run through evaling data. If None eval_steps must be. (int)
- eval_batch: Batch size to use for evaling. Default 100. (int)
Returns: None
Predict classes from raw image files.
- Inputs:
- save_dir: Relative directory containing model's .pd file. (str)
- labels_dict: Dictionary of model labels to actual classes. (dict)
- res: Resolution of input to model. (tuple)
- data_dir: Relative directory containing images to classify. Default is 'test_images'. (str)
- out_name: Name of csv containing predictions. Default is 'predictions'. (str)
- Returns:
- Creates out_name.csv with predictions from the model of testimages.