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Simple sound spatialziation utilities library.


Functional WIP

Where it's used

JPLSpatial library is used as a sound spatialization solution in Hazel Engine. If you have access to Hazel Engine code, you can check how JPLSpatial is integrated on the audio branch.


  • Vector-Base Amplitude Panning (VBAP) / Multi-Direction Amplitude Panning (MDAP)
    • Single-channel sources
    • Multi-channel sources
    • Virtual Sources per source channel
    • Most of the common target/output channel layouts
    • Elevation / Height channels (TODO)
  • Distance Attenuation
    • Custom function
    • Curves
    • Predefined models:
      • Inverse
      • Linear
      • Exponential
  • Angle Attenuation
  • High level sound source API:
    • Spatial Manager (top level interface managing Sources and Services)
      • Panning Service
      • Direct Path Service (for now handles just distance and angle attenuation)


The simplest use-case is channel panning using VBAPPanner. VBAPPanner or Vector Based Amplitude Panner handles panning from any source channel map to any target/output channel map.

The simplest, least efficient, way to just use VBAPanner<>::ProcessAngle static function:

#include "JPLSpatial/ChannelMap.h"
#include "JPLSpatial/VBAP.h"

#include <span>

void CalculateChannelGains(float sourceToListenerAngleRadians,
 std::span<const float> speakerAnglesRadians,
 std::span<float> outGains)
	// Process gains based on simple cos/sin rule	
	JPL::VBAPanner<>::ProcessAngle(sourceToListenerAngleRadians, speakerAnglesRadians, outGains);

The most efficient way to use VBAPPanner is with LUT:

#include "JPLSpatial/ChannelMap.h"
#include "JPLSpatial/VBAP.h"

#include <span>

JPL::VBAPanner panner;

const auto targetChannelMap = JPL::ChannelMap::FromChannelMask(JPL::ChannelMask::Stereo)



// outGains.size() must be <= number of channels of the `targetChannelMap`,
// in this case of Stereo channel map, number of channels is 2
void GetChannelGains(float sourceToListenerAngleRadians,
 std::span<float> outGains)
	if (panner.IsInitialized())
		panner.GetSpeakerGains(sourceToListenerAngelInRadians, outGains);

A more advanced use cases using VirtualSources, or sometimes they're called Virtual Positions, can be handled manually using low level API of VBAPPaner, or higher level API of PanningService.



Currently Services depend on utilities pulled from JoltPhysics. PanningService requires a couple of includes:

  • "Jolt/Core/Core.h"
  • "Jolt/Core/HashCombine.h"

Simple example of VirtualSources API with single-channel sound source and quad panner:

#include "JPLSpatial/ChannelMap.h"
#include "JPLSpatial/VBAP.h"

#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <span>

static constexpr uint32_t NUM_QUAD_CHANNELS = 4;

// Initialize panner for a quad channel map
JPL::VBAPanner panner;

std::array<float, NUM_QUAD_CHANNELS> quadGains;



std::vector<JPL::VirtualSource<>> virtualSources;

// ..assign angles to virtual sources relative to the listener, e.g. based on sound source extent
for (JPL::VirtualSource<>& vs : virtualSources)
	vs.Angle = ... // agnle relative to listener in radians


panner.ProcessVirtualSources(virtualSources, quadGains);

Folder structure

  • Spatialization - source code for the library
  • SpatializationTests - a set of tests to validate the behavior of the features and interfaces
  • docs - so far non-functioning auto-generated documentation
  • scripts - build scripts; running Setup.bat will create VS 2022 solution
  • vendor - dependencies

Library structure

As much of the library as possible is header-only.

JPLSpatial library is structured in a few hierarchical layers:

  • SpatialManager
    • Services
      • Low level features

..any layer can be used on its own for a more manual control.

  • SpatialManager.h - top level interface that manages all the library services on the sound source level.
    • Services - each service handles a specific feature set, relevant data and updates, and serve as a higher level interfaces for low level features.
      • PanningService.h - VBAP/MDAP Panning, Virtual Sources
      • DirectPathService.h - Distance and Angle based Attenuation
      • ..others.
  • "Low level" features and utilities that can be used on their own dependency-free:
    • ChannelMap.h
    • VBAP.h
    • DistanceAttenuation.h


  • Most of the things annotated in code.
  • For more examples check out tests.
  • For an example of integrating Services take a look at SpatialManager.h


  • Some includes can be used as is as a single header include in your project.
  • For now Services and other high level APIs depend on utilities from JoltPhysics
  • Compiles with Visual Studio 2022, other compiles haven't been tested
  • Uses C++20


JPLSpatial library is going to be updated as the need for more features matches my time availability to work on them.


  • API may change
  • Things may get added, removed, and restructured


The project is distributed under the ISC license.