A simple text-editor (basically a Gedit clone) written entirely in Elixir.
#TODO screenshot
The graphics in QuillEx are powered by an Elixir library called Scenic. For Scenic to compile. some OpenGL libraries must be present on the system. Please see the Scenic installation docs on how to install Scenic on your system.
Once you have Scenic, just clone the repo and run in dev mode.
git clone #TODO
iex -S mix run
- would be cool to be able to call quillex from terminal, e.g.
qlx .
- currently workin on showing the menubar...
- We use the y-axis boundary to de-activate the menu, but not the x-axis of each sub-menu, so you can move the mouse around sideways without de-activating the menu - in practice, it's not such a pain or dangerous
- unlimited undo/redo capability
- unlimited line length
- global search/replace (on all buffers at once)
- block operations?
- automatic indentation
- word wrapping
- justified line wrap
- delimiter matching
- code folding
- scrolling text boxes
- cut & paste
- search & replace
- memory limit, how much we will pull into memory at any one point of time... Need to use paging if we go over this limit
- highlight current line & current word like VS code does