- Working (CTRL-F5) Kestrel Hosted Blazor 5.x WASM Sample Project (with Identity) for gRPC with related (EF Core/SQLite) data.
Many-to-Many working now, see: grpc/grpc-dotnet#1177 (comment)
Adding data to join table solved, see: dotnet/efcore#23703 (comment)
(part of) /Server/Data/ApplicationDbContext.cs
modelBuilder.Entity<Post>().Navigation(e => e.TagsInPostData).HasField("tagsInPostData_");
modelBuilder.Entity<Tag>().Navigation(e => e.PostsInTagData).HasField("postsInTagData_");
Tip: Watch: On .NET Deep Dive into Many-to-Many: A Tour of EF Core 5.0 pt. 2
Quick Links to important files
- /Shared/Protos/blog.proto
- /Server/Data/ApplicationDbContext.cs
- /Server/Data/SeedData.cs
- /Server/Services/BlogService.cs