Releases: JeffML/fensterchess
Minor enhancements
Bug fixes; minor additional features; optimizations
- removed duplicate Next Moves variations that occurred with some move sequences
- this was due to a 'loosening up' of FEN matching in version 2.4.0
- link from PGN Import game details to Fenster opening book entry
- text box in Search tab now showing FEN + moves in all cases
- fixed proxy call to TWIC RSS feed
- some refactoring of React code
- split some component files
- simplifying changes to useState values for FEN and moves
- renamed a couple of components
1000+ new named openings; some fixes to FEN input; typos and bug fixes
Few code changes to the client, but new openings from Wikibooks added to database.
transpositions; data corrections; added images to ECO tree
This micro revision fixes some data bugs in ECO data. Adds Transitions list for those variations whose move sequences are incompatible with the current opening sequence, yet is at a position that is compatible with the current opening variation (see the About tab for an example). Board positions are now displayed in ECO tree (under Visualizations tab).
New visualizations; bug fixes; cosmetic enhancements
This release adds new visualizations and fixes some bugs in same. It is possible to navigate PGN games when imported. The Shredder external info option has been reinstated. Code cleanup. The About page has been updated.
PGN enhancements; Shredder option is back; cosmetic changes
Re-introduced Shredder data option; PGN navigation controls on PGN Analyze page; various cosmetic cleanups, including tab displays.
Added visualizations, plus minor changes
This version adds some experimental visualizations for playing around with.
Open source client; see
This is an open-source release of the Fenster client. Please view the and src/About page.js files