Quick and easy Docker compose setup.
- Postgres
- PGAdmin
- Redis
docker compose up --build -d # up command
docker compose down --remove-orphans --volumes # down command
Data is persisted on a volume ./pg_data
To add a server, there are 2 files to modify:
PostgreSQL documentation on password files
To add a server, a new line with the following format is added to the password file with the appropriate fields filled in accordingly.
PGAdmin documentation server JSON file format
To add a server, add a new entry to the Servers
object with the following fields.
"Servers": {
"1": {
"Name": "Minimally Defined Server",
"Group": "Server Group 1",
"Port": 5432,
"Username": "postgres",
"Host": "localhost",
"SSLMode": "prefer",
"MaintenanceDB": "postgres"
"2": {
"Name": "Fully Defined Server",
"Group": "Server Group 2",
"Host": "host.domain.com",
"HostAddr": "",
"Port": 5432,
"MaintenanceDB": "postgres",
"Username": "postgres",
"Role": "my_role_name",
"SSLMode": "require",
"Comment": "This server has every option configured in the JSON",
"DBRestriction": "live_db test_db",
"PassFile": "/path/to/pgpassfile",
"SSLCert": "/path/to/sslcert.crt",
"SSLKey": "/path/to/sslcert.key",
"SSLRootCert": "/path/to/sslroot.crt",
"SSLCrl": "/path/to/sslcrl.crl",
"SSLCompression": 1,
"Shared": false,
"SharedUsername": "postgres",
"BGColor": "#ff9900",
"FGColor": "#000000",
"Service": "postgresql-10",
"Timeout": 60,
"UseSSHTunnel": 1,
"TunnelHost": "",
"TunnelPort": 22,
"TunnelUsername": "username",
"TunnelAuthentication": 0,
"PasswordExecCommand": "echo 'test'",
"PasswordExecExpiration": 100
The database is ran on port 6379
The browser GUI is ran on port 8001