Front End Developer Intern Assignment
- Consists the code for admin dashboard table listing data in a tabular format with data populated from the API call.
- The columns present: ratings_average author name title first_publish_year subject author_birth_date author_top_work
- Pagination support is present, by default showing 10 books per page, and able to change up to 50, 100 records per page
- Able to apply asc/ desc sort on all the columns.
- Technology: Used ReactJS and framework based on VueJS/ReactJS for components Extra points :
- Supports editing of a row entry
- Search books feature by author
- Can Download the results in a CSV
- Hosted this dashboard online: (use the command "serve -s build" after cloning the repository and the following message indicating the local URL where the application is being served, typically somethin like "http://localhost:3000". Open this URL in web browser to view deployed application locally.