Repository for the code that runs the rover simulation
First of all git clone the repo to your desktop or prefered directory
1.- Open a terminal and use `cd' to change directory to rover_simulation directory
2.- Run the dependencies installation script for installing Ros2_control Gazebo and xacro (This step assumes you have the basic ROS2 dependencies installed, if not consult Dependencies installer script from the Main Rover Repository)
bash src/my_bot/simulation_installer.bash
1.-In the rover_simulation directory use colcon to build the repository
colcon build
3.- source the setup script
source install/setup.bash
4.- run the launch file
ros2 launch my_bot
Optional .- you can add this command to run the simulation with an obstacle world :
ros2 launch my_bot world:=./src/my_bot/worlds/
5.-Once gazebo opens open another terminal and repeat steps 2 to 4 and run the keyboard input interface command
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r /cmd_vel:=/diff_cont/cmd_vel_unstamped
Here you will also find the code for controlling the robotic arm for York University's RObotics Society. All of the code related to this can be found in the arm_control_moveit_config package and some of it on the my_bot one (to be moved into arm_control_moveit_config).
inside of /rover_simulation/src/my_bot you will find a simulation_installer.bash script. Run it with the following command to install the necessary dependencies for running the arm controller.
bash simulation_installer.bash
For running the code you will need three terminals After building and sourcing all your terminals, go back to the rover_simulation directory
This is for launching the simulation and the path planning through moveit2 API
ros2 launch arm_control_moveit_config
This one is for running the double step PID
ros2 run my_bot velPID
This is one is for setting the parameters of the PIDs through CLI
ros2 param set VelPID [parameter name] [parameters values]
For more information on the parameters refer to the document in the notion on how the arm works.