- Variables, type, String, Operators
- Structural condition, structural loop in swift
- Declare array/ dictionary/ set
- Function Type
- Closure
- Enum
- Struct & Class
Link: daolq3012#1
- Xcode Interface/ Simulator
- Main component of a IOS Project
- Simple UI Important (Often used)
- Outlet - Action (Handle Event)
Link: daolq3012#2
- Brief of AutoLayouts, AutoLayout with constraint
- Auto Layout Without Constraints
- AutoLayout SizeClass, ScrollView, TableView
- AutoLayout with NSLayoutContrains, NSLayoutAnchor
Link: daolq3012#3
- NavigationController
- Presentation
- LifeCycle Of App
- LifeCycle Of ViewController
- Additional Techniques
Link: daolq3012#5
Link: daolq3012#6
- GCD (Grand Central Dispatch)
- NSOperation
- Service
Link: daolq3012#7
Link: daolq3012#8