Welcome to the Joomlatools Server codebase, our home-grown cloud native development environment for Joomla CMS, Wordpress and Joomlatools Pages.
Joomlatools Server is Docker container that is specially tailored for developing websites with Joomla CMS and Joomlatools Pages and is supported on macOS, Linux, and Windows (via WSL2).
It offers support for both Joomla 3 and 4 and can be used as a local/remote development environment. You can run it locally using Docker Desktop, or remotely using Gitpod.
Getting started is very easy, first you need to install the source code on your local machine or create a new Git repo (in case you want to use Gitpod).
The easiest way to get the code is to just download it. Click the code
button and select Download Zip
or use the following terminal command:
curl https://github.com/joomlatools/joomlatools-server/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz | tar -xz
You may also download Joomlatools Server by issuing the Composer create-project
command in your terminal:
composer create-project joomlatools/server [directory] --stability dev
For more info: https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#create-project
You can also clone the repository using Git by issueing the following command in your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/joomlatools/joomlatools-server
For more info: https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/cloning-a-repository
Finally you can also fork the repository through Github, this can only be done through the Github user interface. For mor information: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo#fork-an-example-repository
Make sure you have Docker Desktop installed and local installation of this repo. Go to the root directory of your installation and in the terminal and execute following command:
docker compose up
Gitpod provides a super simple way to develop with Joomlatools Server using VSCode, straight from the browser. To get started make sure you have a clone or fork this repo, Gitpod offers support for GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket and either:
- Install the Gitpod Chrome or Firefox extension and click the
button in the toolbar. - Go to
You can find all the documentation for Gitpod here: https://www.gitpod.io/docs/
Gitpod Demo: If you want to give this repo a spin in Gitpod, just click this button to launch Joomlatools Server in Gitpod and automatically install the latest version of Joomla.
Joomlatools Server runs applications as a multi-process Docker container. The processes are supervised using S6 overlay. While init systems like supervisord are better known, s6 is powerful, lightweight, easy to use, and plays nicely with docker (e.g. avoiding the pid 1 / zombie problem).
Each application is build on the joomlatools-server
base image. It contains following:
One of the oft-repeated Docker mantras is "one process per container". There's nothing inherently bad about running multiple processes in a Docker container. The more abstract "one thing per container" is our policy - a container should do one thing, such as "run a chat service" or "run gitlab." This may involve multiple processes, which is fine.
The other reason image authors shy away from process supervisors is they believe a process supervisor must restart failed services, meaning the Docker container will never die.
This does effectively break the Docker ecosystem - most images run one process that will exit when there's an error. By exiting on error, you allow the system administrator to handle failures however they prefer. If your image will never exit, you now need some alternative method of error recovery and failure notification.
Our policy is that if "the thing" fails, then the container should fail, too. We do this by determining which processes can restart, and which should bring down the container. For example, if cron or syslog fails, your container can most likely restart it without any ill effects, but if ejabberd fails, the container should exit so the system administrator can take action.
Our interpretation of "The Docker Way" is thus:
Containers should do one thing. Containers should stop when that thing stops.
and the S6 init system is designed to do exactly that! Joomlatools Server still behaves like other Docker images and fit in with the existing ecosystem of images.
An application only contains a single composer /vendor
directory which contains all PHP libraries used by the application libraries, sites and services. The /vendor
directory is located in /srv/www/vendor
and composer installation happens during the Docker image build phase.
Composer requires are being handled in 2 stage
With delay during ONBUILD
, the base defines the minimal composer requires and the app that extends from base can define additional requires.
The Composer Merge Plugin is used to merge composer.json files from following locations:
During image build, when Composer is run it will parse these files and merge their configuration settings into the base configuration. This combined configuration will then be used when downloading additional libraries and generating the autoloader.
If the app is running in development mode, APP_ENV
= development
, composer will be re-run. This allows to update dependencies and install
dependencies without needing to rebuild the container or trigger composer manually. To make composer install dev dependencies add COMPOSER_NO_DEV=0
to you .env
file or runtime environment.
If the application contains a /var/www/compooser.lock
file composer will run composer install
to install the specific versions of the libraries, if there is no composer.lock
, it will run composer update
to install the latest versions of the libraries.
If no composer.lock
is provided the generated composer.lock
is copied to /var/www/composer.lock
to make it easy to commit it in the repo. Removing an existing lock file ensure the dependencies are updated.
By default the complete /vendor
directory is preloaded in opcache unless APP_PRELOAD
is disabled. To ignore a specific directory or file paths from being preloaded add a /var/www/config/opcache/preload_ignore.php
file that returns an array of
file paths relative to .../vendor
to be ignored.
return [
The following is a list of application environment variables. Defaults are provided (or generated in case of APP_APIKEY and APP_NONCE) for each except if not provided
The application name (default) -
The application environment (default) -
The application user (default) -
Location of the Apache root (default) -
Location of the common code, /vendor etc. (default) -
Location of the persistent storage (default) -
Defines if opcache is preloaded from APP_DATA (default) -
Globally enable the application cache (default) -
Globally enable application debug mode (default) -
External HTTP port the app is listening on (default) -
External HTTPS port the app is listening on (default) -
Bearer authentication token (generated if not provided) -
Random number specific for the application (generated if not provided)
A complete list of all environment variables can be found in .env.default
The server provides following default HTTP(s) endpoints
- http://localhost:8080/__ping-php (php-fpm ping, local only)
- http://localhost:8080/__status-php (php-fpm status, local only)
- http://localhost:8080/__status-apache (apache status, local only)
- http://localhost:8080/__info/php-info
- http://localhost:8080/__info/php-apc
- http://localhost:8080/__info/php-fpm
- http://localhost:8080/__info/php-opcache
- http://localhost:8080/__info/php-xdebug (only if xdebug is enabled)
You can find all the documentation for Joomlatools Server in the wiki. Happy coding!
Joomlatools Server is an open source, community-driven project. Contributions are welcome from everyone. We have contributing guidelines to help you get started.
See the list of contributors.
Joomlatools Server is open-source software licensed under the AGPLv3 license.
Keep track of development and community news.
- Follow @joomlatoolsdev on Twitter
- Read the Joomlatools Developer Blog
- Subscribe to the Joomlatools Developer Newsletter