- Repository is not built around supporting different run-time configurations.
- Built with 64 bit Visual C++ compiler; see code/build.bat for compilation options.
Voidt is the solo effort of aiming to develop a relatively simple, but performant game-engine and game in C with some features of C++ without the use of any libraries, including a graphics API like OpenGL. This involves software-based rendering, custom window management code with back-buffer memory, advanced memory management, SIMD-based mathematics and much more as inspired by the Handmade Hero series; basically as low-level as one can get without having to write one's own operating system.
The project is still in development; for more information regarding the project: see joeydevries.com.
- Software-based renderer
- Epic graphics
- Local multiplayer
- Manual Win32 window/input management
- Custom memory allocater
- DirectSound circular audio buffer
- SIMD intrinsics