Hochschule München
- München
Python decorator to store results of expensive calculations in properly located cache files
Any model. Any hardware. Zero compromise. Built with @ziglang / @openxla / MLIR / @bazelbuild
Basic tools and wrappers for enabling not-too-alien syntax when running columnar Collider HEP analysis.
List all your AWS resources, all regions, all services.
Simple python-selenium script to close / delete an AWS account via the web console (and do a password reset if necessary)
Ganga is an easy-to-use frontend for job definition and management
Tracks the status of todos in your code
Codeface is a framework for analysing technical and social aspects of software development
C++11 containers with "structures of arrays" or "arrays of structures" memory layout.
An I/O library for self-describing files storing google protocol buffers
JohannesEbke / git-alot
Forked from pwaller/git-alotTrack the status of many git repositories
JohannesEbke / a4
Forked from a4/a4A4 - An Analysis Tool for High-Energy Physics
A simple python package to transform points or splines according to other splines