This is an unofficial repository maintaining an updated version of the OccBin-toolkit of Guerrieri/Iacoviello (2015): "OccBin: A Toolkit to Solve Models with Occasionally Binding Constraints Easily", Journal of Monetary Economics, 70, pp. 22-38.
It has been updated to maintain compatibility with Dynare versions more recent than the original 4.3.1 version. To select the version you require, select the corresponding GIT-branch. The updated versions have not been thoroughly tested. Please report any suspicious results and any crashes you may encounter.
Replicates Figure 3 of Guerrieri/Iacoviello (2017): "Collateral constraints and macroeconomic asymmetries", Journal of Monetary Economics, 90, 28-49. It shows how to use an equation tag in Dynare 4.6 to circumvent default preprocessor optimization that is problematic when using the toolkit.