RC5 Symmetric Block Cipher in Rust
RC5 is a symmetric key block encryption algorithm designed by Ron Rivest in 1994. It is notable for being simple, fast (on account of using only primitive computer operations like XOR, shift, etc.) and consumes less memory. Making Rust an idle language to implement it in.
Rivest original paper is The RC5 Encryption Algorithm
$ cargo build
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
target/debug/rc5-cbc --input file.in --output file.out encrypt
Passphrase: Mary had a little lamb
$ target/debug/rc5-cbc --help
RC5 Symmetric Block Cipher in Rust
Usage: rc5-cbc --input <IN_PATH> --output <OUT_PATH> <COMMAND>
encrypt Encrypt a file
decrypt Decrypt a file
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-i, --input <IN_PATH> Input plaintext file
-o, --output <OUT_PATH> Output ciphertext file
-h, --help Print help