Key : description
* : a file that is exists in this location for both master and develop
+ : added file that didn't exist in master
- : removed file that used to exist in master
-> : existing file that was moved to a new location
<- : a file that was removed from this location and still exists
but has been moved
- (became
+ (was
- buy& (became
+ (was buy&
data roundTwo[<eventId>](
data forking[<eventId>](
data resolved[<branch>][<forkPeriod>]
data controller
The roundTwo array now contains a new value, disputedOverEthics
. disputedOverEthics
is a boolean indicating if the event
was disputed over it's ethicality. This contract, like most contracts, has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration.
+ getDisputedOverEthics(event):
returns the disputedOverEthics
bool for an event
+ setDisputedOverEthics(event):
sets the passed in event's disputedOverEthics
bool to 1
data Branches[<branch>](
data branchList[<index>]
data branchListCount
data controller
With the update to the contracts planned in develop, we are switching to using "currency". When you see currency
in the contracts that value is an address for the token allowed to be used on this branch. The balance array has changed to become multi-dimensional and now takes in both a period and the currency to work with balance since we have a new concept of multiple currencies allowed. So it's not enough to just ask for the balance in a period, you need to know what denomination of currency we want to get the balance of as an example. minTradingFee
has become fxpMinTradingFee
, which indicates that this value should be in fix point. The contract[<currency>]
array was added and holds the wallet
addresses for the indexed currency
address. numCurrencies
is a simple count of the number of currencies currently allowed on the branch
The currencies[<index>](rate, rateContract, contract)
array was added and is a simple 0 indexed list. Inside each index you will find 3 values, the contract
which is the currency
address, the rate
which is a fixed point exchange rate and the rateContract
which is a contract with rates for the currency to be exchanged with Eth
denominated in Wei
. The rate
will take precendence over the rateContract
and only one is required per currency
. currencyToIndex[<currency>]
is a reverse mapping of currencies to their indices. mostRecentChild
is the most recent child of a branch
, currencyActive[<currency>]
contains booleans indicating wether a currency is allowed to be used to create a new market or event. forkTime
was also added as a timestamp for when the branch
was forked.
This contract, like most contracts, has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! setInitialBalance(branch, period, balance):
setInitialBalance(branch, period, balance, currency)
now also takes in currency
as well in order to indicate
which currency we are setting the balance of.
! getInitialBalance(branch, period):
getInitialBalance(branch, period, currency)
also now takes currency
in order to determine which currency you want to get the initial balance of.
! initializeBranch(ID, currentVotePeriod, periodLength, minTradingFee, oracleOnly, parentPeriod, parent):
initializeBranch(ID, currentVotePeriod, periodLength, fxpMinTradingFee, oracleOnly, parentPeriod, parent, contract, wallet, mostRecentChild):
A few things have changed with initializeBranch
, minTradingFee
has become the more explicit fxpMinTradingFee
and should be passed as a fixed point value. contract
was added and is expecting a currency
address as it's value, wallet
was added and is expected to be the wallet
address used to hold the currency
passed as contract
. mostRecentChild
is the most recent child of the branch
+ getForkTime(branch):
was added to return the fork timestamp which is set when setForkPeriod
is called. If the branch hasn't been forked then this will return 0.
+ updateNumCurrencies(branch, num):
was added to update the number of currencies on the branch
+ addCurrency(branch, currency, rate, rateContract):
was added to add an new currency
to the branch
. You only need to pass either rate
or rateContract
. As mentioned above, rate
is a fixed point exchange rate for the currency to Eth
denominated in Wei
. A rateContract
is a contract that contains rates for conversion currency
to Eth
denominated in Wei
+ disableCurrency(branch, currency):
was added to disable a currency
on a specified branch
from being used to create a market
or event
on that branch
+ reactivateCurrency(branch, currency):
is much like the above disableCurrency
except that it enables the currency
specified to be used to create a new market
or event
on the branch
+ replaceCurrency(branch, oldCurrencyIndex, newCurrency, newRate, newRateContract):
was added to to replace a currently setup currency
with a updated one. Takes a branch
and the index oldCurrencyIndex
of the currency
we plan to replace. We give a the updated currency
address as newCurrency
and we can also pass a new rate
or a new rateContract
+ removeLastCurrency(branch):
is used to remove the most recently added currency
from a specified branch
+ updateCurrencyRate(branch, currency, rate, rateContract):
was added to update the rate
or rateContract
for a specified currency
+ getCurrencyRate(branch, currency):
returns the exchange rate for a specified currency
to Eth
denominated in Wei
. This will use the rate
first, if rate
isn't defined for the specified currency
then it will fall back to the rateContract
+ getCurrency(branch, index):
was added to return a currency's address given a currency's index
for a specified branch
+ getCurrencyByContract(branch, currency):
returns the currency's index given a currency's address currency
and a branch
+ getWallet(branch, currency):
returns the wallet
holding the specified currency
on a certain branch
+ getNumCurrencies(branch):
returns the number of currencies on a specific branch
+ getCurrencyActive(branch, currency):
returns wether the specified currency
is active and therefor usable in new markets/events created on the defined branch
+ getMarketIDsInBranch(branch, initial, last):
returns an array of marketIDs in a specified branch
, from the initial
index to the last
index. This appears to have replaced the function getSomeMarketsInBranch
which has been removed.
+ getBranchesStartingAt(index)
returns the all the branches since the specified index
including the branch at that index.
+ getMostRecentChild(ID):
returns the most recent child of a specified branch ID
+ setMostRecentChild(parent, child):
was added to set the mostRecentChild
value for a branch. It takes in parent
and child
, parent
is the branch that will be the parent
, child
is the value set to mostRecentChild
for that parent
- initDefaultBranch():
- getMarketsInBranch(branch):
- getSomeMarketsInBranch(branch, initial, last):
data controller
has been moved from the functions
folder to the data_api
folder. compositeGetters
only has a controller
for it's data, which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! getOrderBook(marketID, offset, numTradesToLoad):
Changed getOrderBook(marketID, offset, numOrdersToLoad):
to use numOrdersToLoad
instead of numTradesToLoad
, however the function remains functionally unchanged.
data branch[<branch>](
data refunds[<address/event>]
data slashed[<branch>][<votePeriod>](
data controller
There are only a few changes to the Data Structure of the consensusData contract. One of those changes is feesCollected[<currency>][<address>]
has become multi-dimensional, it now takes the currency
as the first index, and an account address
as the second. This is to facilitate the new use of currencies throughout the augur contracts. Naturally if you want to know about feesCollected
you will now need to have the user address
and also the currency
type to determine what denomination of fees we are looking for. The other addition is repCollected[<address>]
. repCollected
has been added to indicate wether the address
has collected REP
or not.
Finally, like most contracts, consensusData
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! getFeesCollected(branch, address, period):
getFeesCollected(branch, address, period, currency):
In order to determine wether the fees have been collected for a specific address
on a the indicated branch
and during the selected period
, you now need to specify which currency
you are attempting to check. This has been added because of the addition of currency
throughout Augur.
! setFeesCollected(branch, address, period):
setFeesCollected(branch, address, period, currency):
Much like the above getter method was changed to require a currency
, the same is true for the setter. Now we must pass in the currency
you wish to set as collected for the specified address
, given a branch
and period
+ decreaseDenominator(branch, period, amount):
lowers the denominator used in calculating fees by a specified amount
for a specific branch
and period
+ getRepCollected(branch, address, period):
was added to indicate wether a specific address
has had it's REP
collected for a selected branch
and period
+ setRepCollected(branch, address, period):
was added as a way to indicate that REP
has been collected for a specific address
and a selected branch
and period
data Events[<event>](
data past24Hours[<period>]
data controller
event logOutcome(event:indexed, outcome)
Changes in the event contract's data structure include the change from minValue, maxValue
to fxpMinValue, fxpMaxValue
to further indicate that the minimum value and maximum value should be fixed point. reportersPaidSoFarForEvent
contains the number of reporters who have been paid so far for a particular event. resolutionAddress
is the address used to resolve an event first. extraBond
contains the bond amount used to challenge the initial resolution. firstPreliminaryOutcome
contains the outcome reported by the resolutionAddress
. challenged
contains a boolean of whether the event has been challenged already or not. resolveBondPoster
is the address that posted the REP
bond for the first resolution period. earlyResolutionBond
contains the bond amount paid for an early resolution of a specified event. creationTime
was added to hold the timestamp of when a specified event was created. forkResolveAddress
is an optional address used by the event
to resolve the fork, this will be 0 if this event
should use the default fork resolution process. extraBondPoster
is the address who posted the bond to challenge the first resolution.
Like most contracts, events
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Finally, one log event is defined in this contract called logOutcome
. It stores an event
and outcome
. This log is fired off by the getOutcome
method if the message sender calling getOutcome
isn't the owner of the event
or on the whitelist.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! initializeEvent(ID, branch, expirationDate, minValue, maxValue, numOutcomes, resolution: str):
initializeEvent(ID, branch, expirationDate, fxpMinValue, fxpMaxValue, numOutcomes, resolution: str, resolutionAddress, resolveBondPoster, forkResolveAddress):
The changes here come from the switch from plain minValue
and maxValue
to fxpMinValue
and fxpMaxValue
respectively. You also have two new fields expected, resolutionAddress
which is optionally an address you want to have report to resolve the market. This is done if you want to have only 1 source for reporting, if this is not defined then this event will default to regular reporting. resolveBondPoster
is the address of a person who posted the resolution bond, generally this will be the person who created the event. forkResolveAddress
is an optional param that should be an address to use to for this event to resolve a fork, otherwise it should be 0 or undefined to use the normal fork resolution process for this event.
+ getCreationTime(event):
was added to get the timestamp of when the specified event
was created.
+ setCreationTime(event):
was added to set the timestamp of when the specified event
is created.
+ getResolveBondPoster(event):
has been added to return the address of the account who posted the resolution bond for a specific event
+ getChallenged(event):
returns wether the specified event
has been challenged or not.
+ setChallenged(event):
sets the specific event
to challenged.
+ getFirstPreliminaryOutcome(event):
returns the outcome submitted by the resolutionAddress
, which is stored as firstPreliminaryOutcome, for a specific event
+ setFirstPreliminaryOutcome(event, outcome):
was added to set the firstPreliminaryOutcome
which is the outcome
submitted by the resolutionAddress
. It takes in a specified event
and the outcome
we intend to set.
+ getReportersPaidSoFar(event):
was added to return the count of the number of people who have reported so far on the specified event
+ addReportersPaidSoFar(event):
has been added to increment the count of the reporters paid so far for a specified event
+ getResolutionAddress(event):
was added to return the resolutionAddress
if one exists for a specified event
+ getEventResolution(event):
was created to return the resolution string for a specified event
. This appears to be a renamed version of the removed method getResolution
+ getExtraBond(event):
returns the bond amount used to challenge the initial resolution for a given event
+ setExtraBond(event, extraBond):
is used to set the challenge bond amount extraBond
for a specified event
+ getEarlyResolutionBond(event):
is used to retrieve the early resolution bond amount for a specified event
+ setEarlyResolutionBond(event, bond):
is used to set the early resolution bond
amount for a certain event
+ getForkResolveAddress(event)
is used to return the forkResolveAddress
value, which is either an address used by the event
to resolve the fork or is 0
if the default method of resolving the fork should be used.
+ setExtraBondPoster(event, poster):
is used to set the extraBondPoster
address given an event
and the poster
+ getExtraBondPoster(event):
is used to return the extraBondPoster
address value for a given event
- getResolution(event):
- getEthical(event):
- getBranch(event):
data periodEventInfo[<branch>][<period>](
data reporterPeriodInfo[<branch>][<period>](
data modeItems[<period>][<event>](
data controller
's data structure has changed to a more simple structure overall. Previously there was a total of six data structures, but this has been shaved down to just three. The first is periodEventInfo
which takes in a branch
and period
. events[<index>]
and eventToIndex[<event>]
are both arrays, events[<index>]
contains a mapping of an index to event ID, where as eventToIndex[<event>]
contains a mapping of an event ID to it's index. requiredEvents[<event>]
contains a boolean to determine wether the event specified is required to be reported on. committed[<event>]
keeps a count per event of how many reports have been committed so far for that event. subsidy[<event>]
contains the amount of money used to payback the person who did the work to estimate the number of reporters needed for a specific event
. eventWeight[<event>]
contains event weight for a specific event
. event weight is the number of reporters on an event in round 1 or the total rep reported on an event in backstop 1 or fork event.
contains the number of reports you should have for a specified event. numberEvents, roundTwoNumEvents, numReqEvents, numberRemoved
and numEventsToReportOn
are all simple counts for the various things they are named for. The names seem descriptive enough to understand what each of those fields contain. feeValue
returns the total fees for all markets on this branch
expiring in this period
denominated in Wei
. afterFork
contains the number of events created for a fork or 2 periods after the fork provided those events were created after the fork.
The next data structure is reporterPeriodInfo[<branch>][<period>]
which contains the reporter information for a specific period
. beforeRep[<address>]
and afterRep[<address>]
both take in a reporter's address and return the amount of active rep for that reporter either before any modifications to REP
for the period or after all modifications are complete. periodDormantRep[<address>]
contains the amount of dormant REP
for a specified account address
. reportHash[<address>][<event>]
contains the reportHash
for a specific event
submitted by a specific address
. saltyEncryptedHash[<address>][<event>]
holds the saltyEncryptedHash
for a specific address
and event
. report[<address>][<event>]
contains the actual reports for a specified reporter address
and event
. ethics[<address>][<event>]
contains the ethicality of each report given a specified reporter address
and event
. numReportsSubmitted[<event>]
is map of counts of the number of reports submitted for a specified event
ID. periodRepWeight[<address>]
contains weighting used used in the calculation of how many events a specific reporter address
needs to report on. numberOfActiveReporters
is the number of active Reporters for a specific branch
and period
. reporters[<index>]
is a zero indexed array that maps to a reporter address. Finally we have modeItems[<period>][<event>]
which is essentially unchanged except it's moved to a camelCase style instead of an_underscore_style of naming.
Finally like most contracts, expiringEvents
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! refundCost(to, value):
Changed: refundCost(to, branch, period, event):
to require branch
, period
, and event
for the event we plan to refund for the cost of calculating the required number of reporters. value
has been removed from the params as the amount to refund is stored in periodEventInfo[branch][period].subsidy[event]
! getRequired(event):
Changed: getRequired(event, period, branch):
to also require a branch
and period
in order to return wether a specified event
is required to be reported on.
! getEvents(branch, expDateIndex):
! getEventsRange(branch, expDateIndex, start, end):
! getNumEventsToReportOn(branch, expDateIndex):
! getNumberEvents(branch, expDateIndex):
! getEvent(branch, expDateIndex, eventIndex):
! getReportHash(branch, expDateIndex, reporter, event):
! setReportHash(branch, expDateIndex, reporter, reportHash, event):
Changed: The above functions have remained functionally the same, the only difference is that instead of expDateIndex
the param has been renamed to simply period
. Argument wise, the values remain the same.
! getEventIndex(period, eventID):
Changed: getEventIndex(branch, period, event):
to also required a branch
and renamed the param eventID
to simply event
! addEvent(branch, futurePeriod, eventID, subsidy):
Changed: addEvent(branch, futurePeriod, event, subsidy, currency, wallet, afterFork):
to require more params because of the currency
changes. eventID
has been renamed to simply event
, currency
is the address of the currency
we plan to use for this event
. wallet
is the wallet address of the wallet intended to contain the currency
for this event, and afterFork
is passed as 0 or 1, depending on if this event is being added after a fork or not.
+ getSaltyEncryptedHash(branch, period, reporter, event):
was added to return the encrypted hash for a specified branch
, period
, and event
that was submitted by reporter
+ setSaltyEncryptedHash(branch, period, reporter, saltyEncryptedHash, event):
was added to set the encrypted hash, saltyEncryptedHash
, for a specific reporter
given a branch
, period
, and event
+ getPeriodRepWeight(branch, votePeriod, sender):
was added to return the weight used to calculate how many events a reporter, sender
, should report on for a specified branch
and votePeriod
+ setPeriodRepWeight(branch, votePeriod, sender, value):
was added to set the REP weight for a specific reporter, sender
, to a value
given a branch
and votePeriod
+ getNumReportsSubmitted(branch, votePeriod, sender):
returns the number of reports submitted by sender
in a specified branch
and votePeriod
+ getEventWeight(branch, votePeriod, event):
returns either the number of reports for a specific event
on a branch
and votePeriod
if the event
is a round 1 event. If it's in backstop 1 or a fork event it will return the total REP reported on the event.
+ getReportsCommitted(branch, period, event):
returns the amount of reports committed for a specific event
in a branch
and period
+ getFeeValue(branch, expIndex):
returns the value of all fees, for all markets that have events that will be expiring in a specific branch
and period expIndex
+ adjustPeriodFeeValue(branch, expIndex, amount):
is used to modify the value of all the fees for all markets that have events expiring in a specific branch
and period expIndex
by a specific amount
+ setEventWeight(branch, votePeriod, event, num):
is used to set the event weight to a specific value num
for a given branch
, votePeriod
, and event
+ countReportAsSubmitted(branch, votePeriod, event, sender, weight):
is used to increment an event's weight, and update the number of reports submitted. branch
, votePeriod
, and event
are used to target the specific event
, weight
is the weight value to be added to the specific event
and sender
is used to target the reporter to increment it's number of reports submitted count.
+ addReportToReportsSubmitted(branch, period, user):
is used to increment the count of reports submitted for a specific reporter user
in a branch
and period
+ getActiveReporters(branch, period, from, to):
returns an array of active reporter addresses for a specific branch
and period
given a start, from
, and end, to
, index.
+ getNumActiveReporters(branch, period):
returns the number of active reporters for a given branch
and period
+ getAfterFork(branch, votePeriod):
returns the number of events created for a fork period or 2 periods after a fork provided that the events were created after the fork. It takes a specific branch
and votePeriod
to return the number.
- getEncryptedReport(branch, expDateIndex, reporter, event):
- setEncryptedReport(branch, expDateIndex, reporter, report, salt, ethics, events):
- getReportersPaidSoFar(branch, event):
- addReportersPaidSoFar(branch, event):
- getPeriodRepConstant(branch, votePeriod, sender):
- setPeriodRepConstant(branch, votePeriod, sender, value):
- getRepEvent(branch, votePeriod, event):
- getNumReportsEvent(branch, votePeriod, eventID):
- getNumReportsActual(branch, votePeriod, sender):
- getShareValue(branch, expIndex):
- adjustPeriodShareValueOutstanding(branch, expIndex, amount):
- addRepEvent(branch, votePeriod, event, amount):
- setNumReportsEvent(branch, votePeriod, eventID, num):
- addReportToEvent(branch, votePeriod, eventID, sender):
data Info[<branch/event/market ID>](
data controller
's data structure has only changed slightly. It still is indexed by an ID
(this can be a branch ID, an event ID, or a market ID since these all share the same types of metadata). The new fields are wallet
and currency
which were added to accommodate the changes in the contracts to using the currency
Like most contracts, info
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! setInfo(ID, description: str, creator, fee):
Changed: setInfo(ID, description: str, creator, fxpFee, currency, wallet):
so that it would also take in a currency
address and wallet
address for the entered currency
. Another change is fee
has become fxpFee
to indicate that the value is fixed point.
+ getCurrency(ID):
was added to return the currency
used for the specified branch, event, or market ID
+ getWallet(ID):
was added to get the wallet
used for the specified branch, event, or market ID
+ setCurrencyAndWallet(ID, currency, wallet):
setCurrencyAndWallet(ID, currency, wallet):
was added to set the currency
and wallet
used for the specified branch, event, or market ID
data Markets[<market>](
sharesPurchased[<index(starts at 1)>],
data marketsHash[<branch>]
data controller
The markets
contract's data structure has had some moderate changes. makerFees
, creationBlock
, and creationTime
are no longer part of the Markets array data structure. tradingFee
has been renamed to fxpTradingFee
to indicate this is a fixed point value. trade_ids
has been renamed to orderIDs
and the data contained within has been renamed from next_id
and prev_id
to nextID
and prevID
respectively. Other renamed fields include last_trade
and total_trades
which have been converted to lastOrder
and totalOrders
respectively. shareContracts[<outcome>]
has been added to store the erc20 token contract address for the shares related to each outcome in a market.
A new data structure was added with the following signature marketsHash[<branch>]
. Given a branch
, this array will contain a composite hash of all the markets on the specified branch
Finally like most contracts, markets
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! addFees(market, amount):
Changed addFees(market, fxpAmount):
to use fxpAmount
instead of simply amount
to help indicate this is a fixed point value.
! setPrice(market, outcome, price):
Changed setPrice(market, outcome, fxpPrice):
to use fxpPrice
instead of simply price
to help indicate this is a fixed point value.
! getgasSubsidy(market):
Renamed to getGasSubsidy(market):
! getCumScale(market):
Renamed to getCumulativeScale(market):
! getBranchID(market):
Renamed to getBranch(market):
! modifyShares(marketID, outcome, amount):
Changed modifyShares(market, outcome, fxpAmount):
to use fxpAmount
instead of just amount
to indicate this is a fixed point value.
! modifySharesValue(marketID, amount):
Changed modifySharesValue(market, fxpAmount):
to use fxpAmount
instead of just amount
to indicate this is a fixed point value.
! modifyParticipantShares(marketID, trader, outcome, amount, cancel):
Changed modifyParticipantShares(market, trader, outcome, fxpAmount, actualTrade):
to use just market
instead of marketID
and fxpAmount
instead of just amount
to indicate a fixed point value. cancel
has been removed and replaced with actualTrade
. actualTrade
is a boolean, if it's 1
the trade will be considered a real trade and modify the market's volume, if it's a 0
it will not effect the market volume.
! getLastTrade(market):
Renamed getLastOrder(market):
! get_total_trades(market_id):
Renamed getTotalOrders(marketID):
! remove_trade_from_market(market_id, trade_id):
Renamed removeOrderFromMarket(marketID, orderID):
. It was also modified to use marketID
and orderID
instead of market_id
and trade_id
as it's params.
! initializeMarket(marketID, events: arr, tradingPeriod, tradingFee, branch, tag1, tag2, tag3, makerFees, cumScale, numOutcomes, extraInfo: str, gasSubsidy, creationFee, lastExpDate):
Changed initializeMarket(market, events: arr, tradingPeriod, fxpTradingFee, branch, tag1, tag2, tag3, fxpCumulativeScale, numOutcomes, extraInfo: str, gasSubsidy, fxpCreationFee, lastExpDate, shareContracts: arr):
. marketID
has been changed to just market
. tradingFee
, cumScale
, and creationFee
have all been renamed to fxpTradingFee
, fxpCumulativeScale
, and fxpCreationFee
respectively to indicate that they are all fixed point values. makerFees
has been removed. Finally shareContracts
array was added, this array contains the addresses for erc20 share tokens for each outcome in the market.
! addTrade(market, trade_id, last_id):
Changed addOrder(market, orderID):
. addTrade
has been renamed to addOrder
and has had it's params updated. trade_id
has been changed to orderID
and last_id
is no longer required so the param has been dropped completely.
+ getMarketsHash(branch):
was added to return the composite market hash of all markets on the specified branch
+ addToMarketsHash(branch, newHash):
is used to add a new market hash, newHash
to the composite markets hash on a specified branch
. This is done by taking the current composite market hash, and the new hash into an array of length 2, then rehashed using SHA3.
+ getMarketShareContracts(market):
returns an array of share erc20 token contract addresses, one for each outcome in the market
+ getOrderIDs(marketID):
returns an array of orderIDs for a specific marketID
+ getPrevID(market, order):
returns the previous order
to the specified order
on a specific market
- getMakerFees(market):
- setMakerFees(market, makerFees):
- getTopic(market):
- get_trade_ids(market_id, offset, numTradesToLoad):
- getCreationTime(market):
- getCreationBlock(market):
data Reporting[<branch>](
data controller
A few things have changed here in the reporting
data structure. fork
has been removed from the reporting
data structure and added reportedOnNonFinalRoundTwoEvent[<address>]
. When a person reports on a round 2 event before it was in the second round [i.e. the first reporting backstop], then reportedOnNonFinalRoundTwoEvent[<address>]
will be set to the eventID
of the event that was reported on given a reporter address
. A reporter cannot convert their rep to dormant or send rep until they've finished the resolution process for that round 2 event. Once the round 2 event is final then reportedOnNonFinalRoundTwoEvent[<address>]
should be set to 0.
The whitelist
data structure has been removed in favor of controller
. Like most contracts, reporting
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! adjustActiveRep(branch, amount):
Changed adjustActiveRep(branch, fxpAmount):
to use fxpAmount
instead of amount
to indicate that this value should be fixed point.
! setInitialReporters(parent, branchID):
Changed setInitialReporters(branch):
to no longer require a parent
param and branchID
has been renamed to simply branch
! addReporter(branch, sender, amount, dormant, repToBonderOrBranch):
Changed addReporter(branch, sender, fxpAmount, fxpDormant, fxpRepToBonderOrBranch):
has had amount
, dormant
, and repToBonderOrBranch
renamed to fxpAmount
, fxpDormant
, and fxpRepToBonderOrBranch
respectively in order to indicate they are fixed point values.
! addRep(branch, index, value):
! subtractRep(branch, index, value):
! setRep(branch, index, newRep):
! addDormantRep(branch, index, value):
! subtractDormantRep(branch, index, value):
addRep(branch, index, fxpValue):
subtractRep(branch, index, fxpValue):
setRep(branch, index, fxpNewRep):
addDormantRep(branch, index, fxpValue):
subtractDormantRep(branch, index, fxpValue):
The 5 methods above have renamed the value
or newRep
params to fxpValue
or fxpNewRep
to indicate that they should be a fixed point value.
+ getReportedOnNonFinalRoundTwoEvent(branch, reporter):
was added to return the value contained in reportedOnNonFinalRoundTwoEvent[<address>]
given a specified branch
and reporter
address. This will result in an eventID
or 0
being returned.
+ setReportedOnNonFinalRoundTwoEvent(branch, event, reporter):
has been added to set the reportedOnNonFinalRoundTwoEvent[<address>]
value to the event
passed on the specified branch
and reporter
+ claimInitialRep():
is used to claim initial REP
for the sender from the repContract
. This REP
will be dormant until activated.
- checkWhitelist(address):
- checkContractWhitelist(contract, address):
- setWhitelist(contract, addresses: arr):
- setSaleDistribution(addresses: arr, balances: arr, branch):
- setFork(branch):
- getFork(branch):
data controller
contains all the methods required to deal with reporting thresholds and only contains the controller
for it's data. Like most contracts, reportingThreshold
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
This is a new contract, as such all methods are new methods.
+ calculateReportingThreshold(branch, event, period, sender):
is used to determine the reporting threshold for a specified event
and sender
in a specific branch
and period
. This function returns the calculated reporting threshold, which is used to determine if a reporter should report on a specific event
or not.
+ getEventsToReportOn(branch, period, sender, start, end):
is used to get a list of events for a reporter to report on given an index range for the pool of events to select from. This method determines what reports a specific sender
should report on in a given branch
and period
. This takes a start
and end
index to limit the potential events that might be selected for a reporter. Any event where the sender
's SHA3 hash of their address
+ the eventID
normalized to 1 is below the report threshold for the specific event will be added to the list of events to report on for the sender
+ getEventCouldveReportedOn(branch, period, reporter, event):
is used to determine if a reporter
was able to report on a specific event
in a given branch
and period
. returns 1
if able, 0
if the reporter
is not able.
is used to change to change the threshold of a given event
to the maximum threshold. In the rare possibility that less than 3 reporters get randomly selected to report on a market in a given period, on the last day, we can change the SHA3 threshold using this function. This would be called from the UI.
+ calculateReportTargetForEvent(branch, event, votePeriod, sender):
is used to determine the minimum number of reports required to resolve an event
on a specific branch
and votePeriod
. If this hasn't been calculated previously then the sender
will receive the subsidy for the event
as a reward for calculating the minimum number of reports required. This function returns the minimum amount of reports required to resolve a specific event
calculateNumberOfEventsAReporterHasToReportOnAtMinimum(branch, reporter, period):
is used to return the minimum number of events a reporter
needs to report on for a given branch
and period
. For example, if the reporter
is eligible to report on 4 events, the minimum amount of events the reporter
must report on is 2.
findLazyReportersAndLeechers(branch, votePeriod, reporterStart, reporterEnd, eventStart, eventEnd):
is used to penalize people who had at least 1 REP active but didn't report on the minimum number of reports. It loops through the list of active reporters, given a range from reporterStart
to reporterEnd
for a specific branch
and votePeriod
. It checks reporters minimum number of events to report on given a range from eventStart
to eventEnd
. Both reporterEnd
and eventEnd
will default to the total number of reporters or events respectively if they are passed as 0. If the reporters have reported on less than the minimum we find an example of an event they could have reported on but didn't and then return two arrays, one with address of reporters who need to be penalized and another of the example event addresses they could have reported on.
data orderCommits[<address>](
data orders[<order>](
data controller
has become
and gone through some changes in the new contracts. tradeCommits
has been changed to orderCommits
. It's still indexed by a trader address and contains the transaction hash hash
and block number block
for each order committed. trades
has become orders
which is indexed by an order
ID. The two new values added to orders
are sharesEscrowed
and moneyEscrowed
which represent the amount of shares or money held to be used to fulfill bids and asks.
Finally like most contracts, orders
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! makeTradeHash(max_value, max_amount, trade_ids: arr):
Changed makeOrderHash(market, outcome, direction):
to use different values to generate the orderHash, which is now a SHA3 hash generated by a length 4 array containing the market
, outcome
, direction
, and sender
. market
is the market ID, outcome
is the outcome we have traded on, and direction
is wether it's a buy or sell.
! commitTrade(hash):
Renamed commitOrder(hash):
! getID(tradeID):
Changed getID(orderID):
to rename the param orderID
instead of tradeID
! saveTrade(trade_id, type, market, amount, price, sender, outcome):
Changed saveOrder(orderID, type, market, amount, price, sender, outcome, money, shares):
has been renamed to saveOrder
. It takes all the same args but adds two more to reflect the updated data structure. money
and shares
are also required so they can be put in escrow.
! get_trade(id):
Renamed getOrder(id):
! get_amount(id):
Renamed getAmount(id):
! get_price(id):
Renamed getPrice(id):
! remove_trade(id):
Renamed removeOrder(id):
! fill_trade(id, fill):
Changed fillOrder(orderID, fill, money, shares):
was renamed to fillOrder
. renamed the id
param to orderID
. Added money
and shares
as new arguments to be able to know how much money
or shares
to fill from the escrowed money and shares.
- zeroHash():
- getBestBidID(market, outcome):
- getBestAskID(market, outcome):
- getTradeOwner(id):
- get_trade_block(id):
- update_trade(id, price):
- getSender():
data controller
The only change to topics
is the addition of the controller
. Like most contracts, topics
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
data controller
event logAddTx(
event logCancel(
event buyAndSellSharesLogReturn(
The only data in the bidAndAsk
contract is the controller
. Like most contracts, bidAndAsk
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
also has events defined that are emitted by some of the methods in bidAndAsk
. It appears that for the most part, what used to be buy&
has been renamed to
and some methods have been removed and have been replaced with a more all encompassing placeOrder
method instead of individual buy
, sell
, and shortAsk
is fired off when placeOrder
is called and it is successful. logCancel
is fired off when a user decides to cancel
an order. buyAndSellSharesLogReturn
is fired off to indicate wether the attempt to place or cancel an order was successful or not. If you place an order, and it's successful it will log the orderID as the returnValue
. If it's a failure, it will log 0
which is a failure. If you attempt to cancel an order, and it's successful then the returnValue for the log will be 1
which is a success.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! cancel(trade_id):
Changed cancel(orderID):
to use orderID
instead of trade_id
as the param. This function is used to cancel an order before it's been filled. This will refund the shares or money in escrow to the message sender. It also creates a logCancel
log event to show what order was canceled. When it completes successfully it will fire off another event to be logged: buyAndSellSharesLogReturn
. The buyAndSellSharesLogReturn
log will have it's returnValue
set to 1
(Success) if the order was successfully canceled or 0
(Failure) if the order couldn't be canceled.
+ placeOrder(type, fxpAmount, fxpPrice, market, outcome):
is a new method that is used for all orders. It takes a type
of order, bid (1
) or ask (2
). Next it takes the amount of shares in fixed point fxpAmount
. Then the price per share in fixed point fxpPrice
. Which market
and on what outcome
we are placing this order are the final arguments. As with cancel
above, there are logs generated from calling placeOrder
. If the order is placed successfully we should see a logAddTx
log saved with the order details. We will also see a buyAndSellSharesLogReturn
which will have it's returnValue
set to the orderID
of the successfully placed order. If the order is not placed successfully there will be no logAddTx
created and buyAndSellSharesLogReturn
log will have it's returnValue
set to 0
The below are methods that used to exist in buy&
but don't exist in
. I've included them to make it clear that these functions don't exist anymore in the new contracts.
- shortAsk(amount, price, market, outcome, minimumTradeSize, tradeGroupID):
- buy(amount, price, market, outcome, minimumTradeSize, tradeGroupID):
- sell(amount, price, market, outcome, minimumTradeSize, isShortAsk, tradeGroupID):
data accounts[2**160<address>](
data totalSupply
data name
data symbol
data decimals
data initiated[<address>]
data controller
event Transfer(
event Approval(
The cash
contract has moved from the data_api
folder to the functions
folder. The data structure and events are all completely different then the previous implementation of cash
currently in master. We have a new data array called accounts
which is indexed by addresses. Each address will have a balance
and another array called spenders
which is also indexed by addresses, in this case an address authorized to spend for you. Inside of the spenders
array contains a single value, maxValue
which is the maximum value a spender
can spend from the owner of the account's balance.
We then have 6 pieces of data: totalSupply
, 'name', 'symbol', 'decimals', initiated[<address>]
, and controller
. totalSupply
is the total supply of cash in the Cash
contract. name
is the name of the currency used in the cash contract which is currently set to "Cash"
during init()
. symbol
is the symbol used as a shorthand for the name, like a $ sign is for US Dollars, currently set to "CASH"
during init()
. decimals
is the number of decimal places used for a unit of REP
, currently set to 18
during init()
. initiated[<address>]
contains an array of timestamps for when a withdrawEther
request was initiated, indexed by msg.sender
address of the withdrawEther
Like most contracts, cash
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Two events are also potentially emitted to save logs from this contract, they are Transfer
and Approval
. I'll discuss where they are emitted in the method section below.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! balance(address):
Renamed balanceOf(address: address):
+ transfer(to: address, value: uint256):
is used to transfer a value
of funds from the msg.sender
's account and send it to the address to
. If the sender doesn't have enough funds or the value sent in is negative, this will fail. Successfully transferring funds will emit a Transfer
event to save a log of the transfer.
+ transferFrom(from: address, to: address, value: uint256):
is very similar to transfer
, the only difference is we explicitly send in a from
address instead of using msg.sender
as the account to withdraw from.
+ approve(spender: address, value: uint256):
has been added to to authorize a spender
address to spend up to value
of the msg.sender
's account balance.
+ allowance(owner: address, spender: address):
has been added to check the amount a spender
address is allowed to spend from a owner
address' account balance.
+ totalSupply():
added to return the value of totalSupply
, which is the total supply of all Ether in this contract.
+ getName():
added to return the value of name
, as of now set to "Cash"
when init()
is called.
+ getDecimals():
added to return the value of decimals
, which is set to 18
during init()
+ getSymbol():
added to return the value of symbol
, which is set to "CASH"
during init()
+ commitSuicide():
will delete and remove the contract from the blockchain and return all ether in this contract to the msg.sender
. msg.sender
must be equal to the suicide address or this will fail.
+ getInitiated():
returns the timestamp for when a withdrawEther
request was made by the msg.sender
. Uses msg.sender
as the index for the initiated[<address>]
data structure.
- initiateOwner(account):
- send(recver, value):
- sendFrom(recver, value, from):
- addCash(ID, amount):
- subtractCash(ID, amount):
data controller
Like most contracts, claimMarketProceeds
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
+ claimProceeds(market):
is used to claim the trading profits per share after a market
is resolved. If the market
is not resolved this will fail.
data controller
event closeMarketLogReturn(
has changed a bit from it's current iteration in master. It used to contain a closeMarket
event, and a closeMarket_logReturn
event, however closeMarket
is no longer an event and closeMarket_logReturn
has been renamed to closeMarketLogReturn
Like most contracts, closeMarket
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! closeMarket(branch, market, sender):
Changed closeMarket(market, sender):
to no longer require a branch
param. closeMarket
is still used to get winning outcomes of events related to a market
and then resolves the market
using the winning outcomes of the events.
+ closeChallengeBond(event):
was added to close out a challenge bond for a specific event
. If the event is not challenged this will fail. If the event is found to have the same outcome then the bond is lost, if the event is found to have a different outcome then the bond is returned + half of the validity bond is added as payment for a successful challenge.
- claimProceeds(branch, market):
data controller
no longer has an event called collectedFees
but has added controller
. Like most contracts, collectFees
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! collectFees(branch, sender):
Changed to collectFees(branch, sender, currency):
. In addition to needing a branch
and sender
to collect fees for, we also now need to indicate which currency
we would like to collect. This transfers the fees from the branch
wallet for the specific currency
to the sender
. Possible return values are 1
, for success, 0
for fees already collected, -1
for penalization not done, -2
if we aren't in the 2nd half of reporting period, -3
if rep hasn't been collected yet, and 2
if there was no error but the sender didn't report last period.
+ collectRep(branch, sender):
was added to collect the REP at the end of a period. It requires a branch
and sender
. Possible return values are 1
, for success, 0
for fees already collected, -1
for penalization not done, -2
if we aren't in the 2nd half of reporting period, and 2
if there was no error but the sender didn't report last period.
event completeSetsLogReturn(
sender: indexed,
market: indexed,
type: indexed,
data controller
Like most contracts, completeSets
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur. completeSets
also has an event, completeSetsLogReturn
which creates a log with information about the sender
, market
, type
of trade, the returnValue
, and the number of outcomes bought or sold numOutcomes
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! buyCompleteSets(market, amount):
Changed to buyCompleteSets(market, fxpAmount):
. amount
has been changed to fxpAmount
to indicate this is a fixed point value. buyCompleteSets
is used to buy the fxpAmount
of shares for each outcome in a market
. Successfully handling a buyCompleteSets
will emit a completeSetsLogReturn
event which creates a log of the transaction. The returnValues are 1
if successful, 0
if the market doesn't exist. -1
is returned if this is a oracle only branch and therefor trading is disabled. -2
is returned if the sender doesn't have enough money and -3
is returned if the sender didn't enter a large enough fxpAmount
, like if fxpAmount
was less than or equal to 0
! sellCompleteSets(market, amount):
Changed to sellCompleteSets(market, fxpAmount):
. Like buyCompleteSets
, we have renamed the amount
param to fxpAmount
to indicate this is a fixed point value. sellCompleteSets
is used to sell the fxpAmount
of shares for each outcome in a market
assuming that we own a position on each outcome less than or equal to the fxpAmount
. Successfully handling a sellCompleteSets
will emit a completeSetsLogReturn
event which creates a log of the transaction. The returnValues are 1
if successful, -1
if the user doesn't have enough shares to sell, and -2
if the user entered too small of a fxpAmount
value. An example of too small of a fxpAmount
would be a number less than or equal to 0
data controller
event penalize(
event consensusLogReturn(
Like most contracts, consensus
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
also has two events defined. One event is consensusLogReturn
which simply contains a returnValue
and is unchanged from it's master iteration aside from a name change from consensus_logReturn
to consensusLogReturn
. penalize
keeps its name the same but it's params have changed. Instead of sender, we have user
which is set to the msg.sender
. We no longer record a branch
, event
, penalizedUpTo
, or timestamp
. outcome
, oldrep
which is just the beforeRep
value for msg.sender
, repchange
, p
(proportionCorrect), and reportValue
are all still recorded as before. newafterrep
has been added and is the afterRep
value for the msg.sender
Both penalizeWrong(branch, event):
and incrementPeriodAfterReporting(branch):
are unchanged and remain the only exposed methods in the consensus contract. The penalizeWrong
method is the only method that emits events to create logs.
data controller
Like most contracts, createBranch
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! createSubbranch(description:str, periodLength, parent, minTradingFee, oracleOnly):
Changed to createSubbranch(description:str, periodLength, parent, fxpMinTradingFee, oracleOnly, mostRecentChildBranch):
. minTradingFee
has become fxpMinTradingFee
in order to indicate this is a fixed point value. mostRecentChildBranch
has been added as a param and is expected to be the most recent child branch address, or 0 for user created branches. This function returns the branch ID created as it's return value if it's successful. Possible errors are -1
for bad input or non existent parent branch, -2
is thrown if the branch already exists.
data controller
event marketCreated(
event tradingFeeUpdated(
Like most contracts, createMarket
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
The createMarket
contract keeps it's two event logs that exist in master, marketCreated
and tradingFeeUpdated
. Both events have been simplified to include less data in the log that is written when they are triggered. For createMarket
we only are storing the marketID
in the log created when previously we would record the sender
, the marketID
, the topic
, the branch
, the creationFee
, the eventBond
, and the creation timestamp
. tradingFeeUpdated
has also lost a few values it used to record such as sender
, branch
, and timestamp
. tradingFee
has been changed to fxpTradingFee
to indicate this is a fixed point value. marketID
is now simply market
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! createEvent(branch, description:str, expDate, minValue, maxValue, numOutcomes, resolution: str):
Changed to createEvent(branch, description:str, expDate, fxpMinValue, fxpMaxValue, numOutcomes, resolution: str, resolutionAddress, currency, forkResolveAddress):
. createEvent
has a couple of renamed params, minValue
and maxValue
became fxpMinValue
and fxpMaxValue
to indicate they are fixed point values. We have also added a few more fields, resolutionAddress
, currency
, and forkResolveAddress
. resolutionAddress
is the address of a specific person set to resolve the market, otherwise this field should be 0
if we plan to use random reporters. currency
is the contract address for the erc20 token we plan to use for the new event. forkResolveAddress
is the address of a contract that this newly created even should use to fork. If we want to use the regular forking process then this should be 0
Possible errors include: 0
for not enough money to pay fees or the event
already exists. -1
if we are pasted the expDate
passed, the branch
doesn't exist, description
is bad or the resolutionAddress
is bad. -2
if the max value is less than the min value or the market range is less than 1. -3
if passed an invalid number of outcomes (<2 or >8). -4
if an event
would be created that would expire in the last 48 hours of the current period
. -5
if the currency
isn't an approved branch
! createMarket(branch, tradingFee, event, tag1, tag2, tag3, makerFees, extraInfo:str):
Changed to createMarket(branch, description: str, fxpTradingFee, event, tag1, tag2, tag3, extraInfo: str, currency):
. createMarket
has had tradingFee
renamed to fxpTradingFee
to indicate this is a fixed point value. makerFees
has been removed. description
has been added and should be the market question. currency
was also added and is the erc20 token address of the currency we plan to allow to be used for trading on this market. createMarket
will write a marketCreated
log with the market ID as it's market
Possible errors include: -1
for bad input or a non existent event
. -2
if the event
has already expired. -4
if the market
already exists. -5
if the currency isn't an approved branch currency. -6
if there isn't enough money for the market resolution gas cost. It will throw if there isn't enough money to create the market and place the event in the appropriate reporting period.
! updateTradingFee(branch, market, tradingFee, makerFees):
Changed to updateTradingFee(market, fxpTradingFee):
. updateTradingFee
has dropped the branch
and makerFees
as params and updated tradingFee
to fxpTradingFee
to indicate this is a fixed point value. updateTradingFee
will write a tradingFeeUpdated
log if it's successful with the marketID
and the new fxpTradingFee
as it's entries. Possible errors are -1
if the msg.sender isn't the market creator and -2
if fxpTradingFee
is invalid because it is too large or too small.
+ putEventIntoReportingPeriod(event):
is used to add an event to the soonest regular reporting cycle for events that have a defined resolutionAddress
but that address didn't resolve the event
within 3 days of expiration. This is used to fall back to regular reporting.
+ challengeInitialResolution(event):
has been added as a way to challenge the result of an event
resolved by a resolutionAddress
within 3 days of the resolution. This method will move the event to the soonest possible reporting period in order to be reported on by the regular reporting cycle. This also triggers the payment of the extraBond.
+ resolveEarly(event, outcome):
was added to resolve an event
before the scheduled expiration of the event
. The event
will be set to whatever outcome
is passed. This must be called by the resolutionAddress
or else it will fail.
+ addFees(market, fxpAmount):
is used to add more fees, fxpAmount
, to a market
. This is done to effectively help pay for oracle usage directly without having to trade using default contracts.
- createSingleEventMarket(branch, description:str, expDate, minValue, maxValue, numOutcomes, resolution:str, tradingFee, tag1, tag2, tag3, makerFees, extraInfo:str):
data controller
Like most contracts, eventResolution
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! resolveCategoricalOrScalar(scaled_min, scaled_max, event, market, branch, votingPeriodEvent):
Changed to resolveCategoricalOrScalar(fxpScaledMin, fxpScaledMax, event, market, branch, votingPeriodEvent):
. In the develop version of resolveCategoricalOrScalar
the params scaled_min
and scaled_max
have been renamed to fxpScaledMin
and fxpScaledMax
to indicate these should be fixed point values.
data controller
Like most contracts, faucets
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur. Otherwise faucets
is unchanged from master.
data controller
Like most contracts, forking
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! move_event(event):
Renamed to moveEvent(event):
! resolve_fork(branch):
Renamed to resolveFork(branch):
data controller
Like most contracts, forkPenalize
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
- proportionCorrectForkEvent(event):
data controller
event makeReportsLogReturn(
Like most contracts, makeReports
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
The makeReports
contract contains one event for writing a log: makeReportsLogReturn
. makeReportsLogReturn
has been renamed from the old event makeReports_logReturn
. submittedReportHash
and submittedReport
events have been removed from this contract.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! makeHash(salt, report, eventID, sender):
Changed to makeHash(salt, fxpReport, event, sender, ethics):
. report
has been renamed to fxpReport
to indicate this is a fixed point value. eventID
has been renamed to simply event
. ethics
has been added to the hash.
! submitReportHash(event, reportHash, encryptedReport, encryptedSalt, ethics):
Changed to submitReportHash(event, reportHash, saltyEncryptedHash):
. Now to submit a report hash we only need to pass event
, reportHash
, and the saltyEncryptedHash
. setSaltyEncryptedHash
is the result of makeHash
! submitReport(event, salt, report, ethics):
Changed to submitReport(event, salt, fxpReport, fxpEthics):
. The params report
and ethics
have been renamed to fxpReport
and fxpEthics
. This was done to indicate they should be fixed point values.
! validateReport(eventID, branch, votePeriod, report, forkedOverEthicality, forkedOverThisEvent, roundTwo, balance):
Changed to validateReport(event, branch, votePeriod, fxpReport, forkedOverEthicality, forkedOverThisEvent, weight):
. eventID
has been renamed to just event
. roundTwo
and balance
have been removed from the arguments. weight
has been added as an input which is set to 1
in the submitReport
event Order(
event Cancel(
event Trade(
data amountFilled[<orderHash>]
data controller
has been added to the contracts in develop
. It has three events and two data structure. amountFilled
is indexed by the orderHash
of an off chain order. It contains the amount of shares an order has filled so far. Like most contracts, offChainTrades
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
is an event that writes a log whenever onChainOrder
is called successfully. It's used to store a record of an off chain order being placed. It stores the address of the token we plan to sell as tokenY
. The amount of tokenY
to sell is defined as orderSize
. The address for the token we plan to buy is tokenX
. The exchange rate of tokenY
for each tokenX
is defined by fxpPrice
. The expiration
for the order and the user
who placed the order are also recorded.
is called when an order is successfully canceled by the user
who posted the order. Cancel
records the tokenY
address, the amount of tokenY
as orderSize
, the address for the tokenX
accepted for tokenY
and the rate of exchange (fxpPrice
) one tokenX
is worth to tokenY
. It also records expiration
of the order and the user
who posted the order originally. This is all similar to Order
however Cancel
also requires the v
, r
, and s
fields of the user
who placed the order in order to verify that the order was sent by user
is called when part or all of an order has been filled successfully. Trade records the maker
address of the person who placed the order, the taker
address of the person who wants to fill the order, the token address (tokenX
) used by the taker
to fill the order, the token address (tokenY
) of the maker
's order to be filled, the amount
to fill, the rate (fxpPrice
) at which to fill tokenY
for each tokenX
, and the tradeHash
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
+ trade(maker: address, v, r, s, tokenX: address, tokenY: address, orderSize, takerAmount, fxpPrice, expiration):
is called to attempt to fill some or all of an order. It takes a maker
address, which is the person who placed the order on the book. It takes the v, r, s
values in order to verify the orderHash
was signed by maker
. It also requires details about the order such as tokenX
(token to be bought), tokenY
(token to be sold), orderSize which indicates the amount of tokenY
available in the order, the fxpPrice
exchange rate of tokenY
to each tokenX
and the expiration
of the order. takerAmount
is the amount of token Y we intend to fill of the order. This will record a Trade
log if successful and return 1
Possible errors are: 0
if the orderHash can't be verified. -1
if the order has expired. -2
if the maker
or taker
doesn't have enough money or isn't authorized to spend enough money to fill the request. -3
if the takerAmount
exceeds the amount left available on the order.
+ onChainOrder(tokenX: address, orderSize, tokenY: address, fxpPrice, expiration):
is called to generate an Order
log and returns the orderHash
for the order placed. It requires a tokenX
to be accepted as payment, the amount of tokenY
to sell as orderSize
, the tokenY
we plan to sell, the rate at which we will sell tokenY
for one tokenX
as fxpPrice
and the expiration
of this order.
+ cancelOrder(tokenX: address, orderSize, tokenY: address, fxpPrice, expiration, v, r, s):
is used to do exactly that. After placing an order, if the user who placed the order has decided to cancel the order and remove it from the order book before it's been filled then they would call this method. cancelOrder
requires the tokenX
we planned to accept, the amount of tokenY
we plan to remove from the order book as orderSize
, the tokenY
we had planned to sell, the rate at which we would have exchanged tokenY
for one tokenX
as fxpPrice
, and the expiration
of the order. We are also required to pass the v, r, s
values in order to confirm that the msg.sender
of this request is the user who placed the order on the book. If successful in canceling the order, a Cancel
log will be written to record the cancelation and a 1
will be returned. This will throw an error if the msg.sender
isn't the person who created the order.
+ getAmountFilled(orderHash):
returns the amount of an order already filled given an orderHash
. If none of the order has been filled this will return 0
data controller
Like most contracts, oneWinningOutcomePayouts
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur. oneWinningOutcomePayouts
contract is used to pay out markets that have only 1 winning outcome, so binary markets and categorical markets.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
+ oneOutcome(market, winningOutcome, sender, categoricalPointFive, numOutcomes):
is used to payout a market with only one winning outcome, like a binary market as an example. It requires a market ID market
, the winning outcome value winningOutcome
, the sender
address who will be getting the payout, categoricalPointFive
which is a boolean to indicate if this is an indeterminate categorical market in which all outcomes should get a payout evenly, and finally the number of outcomes numOutcomes
. Returns 1
if successful.
data controller
Like most contracts, penalizationCatchup
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur. The penalizationCaughtUp
event is no longer a part of this contract and no such log is written when calling penalizationCatchup
penalizationCatchup(branch, sender):
is the only function callable in this contract. It hasn't changed it's signature from the master incarnation.
data controller
Like most contracts, penalizeNotEnoughReports
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
proveReporterDidntReportEnough(branch, reporter, eventExample):
's signature is unchanged and still takes a branch
, reporter
address, and event ID eventExample
to check and penalize a reporter
if they haven't reported enough. This will return 1 if successful. Possible errors include: 0
if the branch or eventExample
doesn't exist, -1
if penalization for not reporting is already complete, -2
if this is called but we aren't in the correct part of the period, -3
if the eventExample
isn't in the branch
, and -5
if the reporter
has reported enough and doesn't need to be penalized.
data controller
Like most contracts, roundTwo
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! roundTwoPostBond(branch, event, eventIndex, votePeriod):
Changed to roundTwoPostBond(branch, event, eventIndex, overEthicality):
. We still need branch
, event
, and eventIndex
but instead of votePeriod
we now require overEthicality
. overEthicality
is a boolean indicating wether the the bond is being posted in order to dispute an event
over it's ethics or not. This function will return 1
if successful. Will throw if msg.value
is not enough to cover the cost of the resolution or the bond isn't large enough. Possible errors include: 0
for an invalid branch or period, -2
if the branch is in middle of a fork, -3
if there is not enough money in msg.value
, -4
if the event
has no votes.
data controller
Like most contracts, roundTwoPenalize
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
penalizeRoundTwoWrong(branch, event):
is the only function callable in this contract. It's signature is unchanged.
data amountCanSpend[<address(owner)>][<address(spender)>](
data controller
event Transfer(
event Approval(
has two data structures defined and two events defined which have had renamed params. amountCanSpend
is a multi-dimensional array indexed by the address of an owner
of an account and the address of the approved spender
for that owned account. Inside is a branch
array indexed by a branch ID with fixed point values for the amount of dormant REP
an approved spender
is allowed to withdraw from the owner
's account.
Like most contracts, sendReputation
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
The Transfer
event writes a Transfer
log whenever a successful call to sendRepFrom
or transferFrom
is executed. The Transfer
log stores the from
address for a transfer of REP
, the to
address, and the value
amount of REP
which should be fixed point.
The Approval
event writes an Approval
log whenever a successful call to approve
is executed. The Approve
log stores information about which owner
account approved which spender
account to withdraw an value
amount of dormant REP
from their account on a specific branch
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! transferFrom(branch, from, recver, value):
Changed to transferFrom(branch, from, receiver, fxpValue):
. The only real change here is the renamed params: recver
became receiver
and value
has become fxpValue
to help indicate this should be a fixed point value.
! approve(branch, spender, value):
Changed to approve(branch, spender, fxpValue):
. The only change is the value
param has become fxpValue
to indicate it should be a fixed point value.
! allowance(owner, spender):
Changed to allowance(branch, owner, spender):
. This function now takes a branch
param in addition to the owner
and sender
! convertToDormantRep(branch, value):
Changed to convertToDormantRep(branch, fxpValue):
. The value
param has been renamed to fxpValue
to indicate this is a fixed point value.
! convertToActiveRep(branch, value):
Changed to convertToActiveRep(branch, fxpValue):
. The value
param has been renamed to fxpValue
to indicate this is a fixed point value.
+ claimRep():
is used to claim a msg.sender
's REP
and add them to the reporting pool.
+ sendRepFrom(branch, from, receiver, fxpValue):
is used to send a fixed point amount (fxpValue
) of active REP
from one address (from
) to another address (receiver
) on a certain branch
Returns the fxpValue
of sent REP
if successful. Possible errors include: 0
if we are one period behind and need to do penalization, -1
the from
account doesn't have any rep, -2
wrong part of period, -3
the to
address doesn't exist, -4
is couldn't catch up automatically, -5
not enough rep, fxpValue is too small, or not authorized to send REP
. Finally we have -6
if a person reported on a round 2 event before it was in the second round [i.e. the first reporting backstop], they cannot convert their rep to dormant or send rep until they've finished the resolution process for that round 2 event.
- sendReputation(branch, recver, value):
- transfer(branch, recver, value):
data accounts[2**160<address>](
data totalSupply
data name
data symbol
data decimals
data controller
event Transfer(
event Approval(
The shareTokens
contract is a erc20 token wrapper for shares. There are six data structures and two events defined in the shareTokens
contract. Four of the data structures are simple and self explanitory, they are totalSupply
, name
, symbol
, and decimals
. totalSupply
is the total supply of shares in the contract, name
is the name of the token, which is "Shares"
by default, the symbol is set to "SHARE"
and the decimals
is the amount of decimal places each Share has, in this case 18
. There is also an accounts
array indexed by account addresses. Within the accounts
array is a balance
of shares for that account, and an array of authorized spenders
indexed by account addresses. Inside of the spenders
array is the maximum value (maxValue
) of how much a spender is authorized to withdraw from the owner of the account.
Like most contracts, shareTokens
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
The Transfer
event creates a Transfer
log whenever a successful call to transfer
or transferFrom
is made. It records the person who sent the shares ('from'), the person who recieved the shares ('to'), and the amount of shares sent ('value').
The Approval
event creates an Approval
log whenever a successful call to approve
is made. Approval
records the owner
of the account, the person authorized to spend (spender
), and the amount they are authorized to spend (value
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
+ init():
sets the name
, symbol
, and decimals
data structures to "Shares"
, and 18
+ transfer(to: address, value: uint256):
will transfer an amount (value
) of shares from the msg.sender
's account to the to
address specified. This will throw if there is not enough shares to send, the value
is less than 0, or the to
address doesn't exist.
+ transferFrom(from: address, to: address, value: uint256):
is similar to transfer
except that we must specify the from
address instead of using the msg.sender
address. It can fail for the same reasons as transfer
as well as if the from
address doesn't exist.
+ approve(spender: address, value: uint256):
is used to authorize a spender
address to withdraw up to a specific value
of shares of a msg.sender
's account.
+ allowance(owner: address, spender: address):
is used to check how many shares a spender
is authorized to withdraw from a specific owner
+ totalSupply():
returns the value of the totalSupply
data structure, which is the number of shares total.
+ balanceOf(address: address):
is used to get the amount of shares owned by a specific address
+ getName():
returns the value of the name
data structure, which is defaulted to "Shares"
+ getDecimals():
returns the value of the decimals
data structure, which is defaulted to 18
+ getSymbol():
returns the value of the symbol
data structure, which is defaulted to "SHARE"
+ changeTokens(trader, amount):
is used to add an amount
of tokens to the balance of a trader
assuming that their current balance + amount
isn't less than 0. This function is to be whitelisted.
+ modifySupply(amount):
is used to add or subtract from the total supply of shares by a given amount
. amount
should be negative to subtract shares, positive to increase shares. This function is to be whitelisted.
data controller
Like most contracts, slashRep
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! slashRep(branch, salt, report, reporter, eventID):
Changed to slashRep(branch, salt, report, ethics, reporter, event):
. The params have changed with the new slashRep in development, now in addition to the previous params we require the ethics
of the event. Also the param eventID
has been renamed to just event
. This will return 1 if successful and the reporter
will have lost their REP
balance, with half going to the msg.sender
of the slashRep
method and the other half going to the branch
Possible errors include: -1
if it's an invalid votePeriod, -2
if we are past the date of reveal, -3
for invalid claims or reportHash
, users should make sure that the colluding reporter
's commit is the same as the params passed to slashRep
, -4
if the event isn't in the branch specified, and -5
if already slashed.
data controller
event logPrice(
event tradeLogReturn(
event tradeLogArrayReturn(
returnArray: arr
There is only one data structure for the trade
contract and it now has only three events defined.
Like most contracts, trade
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
The tradeLogReturn
and tradeLogArrayReturn
events are the same as in master currently except they have been renamed from trade_logReturn
and trade_logArrayReturn
respectively. log_fill_tx
and log_short_fill_tx
have been removed and replaced with logPrice
. logPrice
records the market
to the trade was placed on, the sender
of the request to take an order, the owner
who is the address who placed the order on the books, type is the type
of trade (bid/ask), price
per share, amount
of shares filled, timestamp
of the trade, orderID
of the order, the outcome
it's trading on, askerSharesFilled
and askerMoneyFilled
are the amount of shares and money filled by an asker, bidderSharesFilled
and bidderMoneyFilled
are the amount of shares and money filled by a bidder. This log is written when a bid or ask order is successfully filled or partially filled.
Key : description
! : Modified method
- : removed method
+ : added method
Any function not explicitly mentioned is unchanged from it's current master iteration. When a function is changed, first I will show the old signature that's currently in place in master, then outside of the code preview I will indicate the new signature and why.
! trade(max_value, max_amount, trade_ids:arr, tradeGroupID):
Changed to trade(orderID, amountTakerWants):
. trade is used to pick up or take an order off the order book. It now requires just an orderID
for the order we intend to take and the amountTakerWants
is simply the number of shares to take from that order. Possible errors include: 0
if the order doesn't exist, -1
if the order hash is bad, -2
because an order in the same block is prohibited, and -3
if you try to take your own order.
- short_sell(buyer_trade_id, max_amount, tradeGroupID):
data controller
event tradeAvailableOrdersLogArrayReturn(
returnArray: arr
The tradeAvailableOrders
contract has one data structure and one event.
Like most contracts, tradeAvailableOrders
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur. The tradeAvailableOrdersLogArrayReturn
event writes a log with the returnArray
when tradeAvailableOrders
is successfully called.
+ tradeAvailableOrders(orderIDs: arr, amountTakerWants, fxpMinimumOrderBalance):
is used to fill the first order that fits the params passed to it. Given an array of orderIDs
, this method will loop through the array and fill the amountTakerWants
with the first order that is at or above the fxpMinimumOrderBalance
. So if I have an array of orders and I want to buy 5 shares (amountTakerWants
), and put the fxpMinimumOrderBalance
as 5
, then the first order in the Orders array that has at least 5
shares to sell will be filled by my request. If this is successful it will write a tradeAvailableOrdersLogArrayReturn
log with an array containing the response code (1
for successful), the unfilled value, and the unfilled amount. If there are no orders in the orderIDs array that meet the critiera then the tradeAvailableOrdersLogArrayReturn
log will be written with an array containing the value -6
to indicate that there was no order available that was able to be filled.
data controller
Like most contracts, twoWinningOutcomePayouts
has a controller
which is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur.
+ twoOutcomes(market, winningOutcome: arr, event, sender):
is used to payout traders on markets with multiple winning outcomes such as a scalar market or a market that has more than 1 dimension of events, like a market relying on 2 binary events as an example would have 2 different winning outcomes, one for each binary event. This function requires the market
we plan to payout for, the array of winningOutcome
s for that market
, the event
tied to the market
, and the sender
. Returns 1
when successful.
data currency
data winningOutcomeContract
data controller
The wallet
contract has three data structures, currency
, winningOutcomeContract
, and controller
. controller
is set to the
contract address. The controller
contract is used to modify existing contracts in Augur based on proposed changes and a vote by REP
holders and also manages the whitelist for Augur. The currency
is the token address of the currency held within this wallet. The winningOutcomeContract
is the contract address for either oneWinningOutcomePayouts
or twoWinningOutcomePayouts
depending on the market and how many winning outcomes are possible. The wallet
contract is intended to be used to hold funds for branches, events, and markets in various sub-currencies.
+ initialize(currency):
takes in a currency
token address. It sets the data currency
to the passed in currency
if data currency
isn't already defined.
+ setWinningOutcomeContractAddressInitialize(currency, addr):
is used to set data currency
and the data winningOutcomeContract
for the wallet. The two contracts used to payout winning outcomes are oneWinningOutcomePayouts
and twoWinningOutcomePayouts
and the addr
value should be one of these two contract's addresses. currency
is the token address for the currency used in this wallet. If data currency
is already defined then this will not overwrite the current data currency
and it will not set the data winningOutcomeContract
to the addr
+ transfer(receiver: address, value: uint256):
is used to send an amount (value
) of currency to a receiver
address from the wallet contract.