Updates karthik20522's ImageMosaic (https://github.com/karthik20522/ImageMosaic) to .NET 5
Image Mosaic using C# - Library used in http://yearinimages.com website (powered by GettyImages images) Note that the library was customized to produce the yearinimages grid and there is no guarantee that it would produce similar results when generating using this library.
Read more on "how did i build yearinimages.com" at : http://kufli.blogspot.com/2012/08/yearinimagescom-how-did-i-build-this.html
var _mosaicGenerator = new MosaicGenerator();
var srcImage = "..\\..\\..\\ImageMosaicTest\\144146014.jpg";
var imageFolder = "..\\..\\..\\ImageMosaicTest\\TestImages\\entertainment";
var _mosaic = _mosaicGenerator.Generate(srcImage,imageFolder );
_mosaic.Image.Save(string.Format("c:\\Temp\\{0}.jpg", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")));