An IRC bot to post to Twitter with plugin extensibility..
- Ability to ban users.
- Admin only commands
- Can’t quote yourself
- Authenticates with the Twitter API via oAuth.
- Can play “A Dragon Eats You” on #futaba@rizon
- Can join multiple channels on one network
- Simple plugin system
- Python 2.x (Python 2.7 was used in creation)
- A Twitter account to post tweets to.
- The python-twitter module and its dependencies.
- Add a ‘keys’ file in the same directory as and fill it with your Twitter oAuth key and ident for nickserv. Each seperated by a newline
- Then simply start the bot with ‘python &’ which will fork the bot.
- Or you could run it in a ‘screen’ session.
- Use ‘^^’ to post the preceding line to Twitter
- Stores the last 10 comments from each channel, use ‘^^ n’ to post the nth quote to Twitter.
- Using the command ‘^help’ will display help.
- ‘^cmds’ to view all available commands
- ‘^ban’ to ban someone or view the current bans. Banning will post to Twitter who has been banned
- Use ‘^last’ to see that last comment posted to Twitter.
- ‘^last userame’ will display the last post from a specific Twitter user
- ‘^chans’ will display the channels that the bot is connected to.
- ‘^join|part’ will join/part a specified channel
- COMPLETED: Implement scrollback for ‘^^ n’. Use the current chans dictionary to map to an array. Treat the array like a queue (LILO)
- COMPLETED: Have it show the scrollback for reference
- Delete the last post if admin
- Add/remove admins
- COMPLETED: Have a list of plugins
- COMPLETED: Organise all functionality into plugins with a list of triggers
- COMPLETED: Move a socket connection to a class so that multiple networks can be joined by instantiating an object for each network
- Convert the code to use the Twisted framework
- Eliminate bugs