with 🤖 symbole is meant to run on the robot with 💻 symbole is meant to run on the computer
sudo apt install python3-vcstool
git clone https://github.com/JosefGst/lscm_deliverybot.git -b robot3
cd lscm_deliverybot
vcs import .. < my.repos
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
username: lscm
pwd: 1
Start all sensors and motors on the robot.
roslaunch deliverybot_bringup bringup_multi.launch
Ps: why is the launch file called "bringup_multi"? Because it'll add a prefix to all topics of the robot, e.g. "robot1". This way later multiple robots can be controlled in the same ros-network.
Still with the bringup running, open a new terminal and launch gmapping
roslaunch deliverybot_slam gmappping.launch
💻 you can also open rviz on your computer if the ros network is setup propperly
rosrun rviz rviz -d src/lscm_deliverybot/deliverybot_slam/rviz/gmapping.rviz
💻 use the keyboard to drive the robot around and create the map. The __ns argument adds the namespace for the robot. e.g. "robot1 or robot3"
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py __ns:=robot3 _speed:=.3 _turn:=.5
🤖 Change "map_name" to your liking and save the map.
roscd deliverybot_nav/maps/
rosrun map_server map_saver -f map_name __ns:=robot3
Close gmapping with ctrl+c
. In case you closed the bringup, relaunch it and run the navigation launch file with your costume map "map_name".
roslaunch deliverybot_nav multi_nav_bringup.launch map_name:=map_name
roscd deliverybot_nav
rosrun rviz rviz -d rviz/multi_deliverybot_nav.rviz
Use the third "2D Pose Estimate" button to set the initial position for robot3 on the map. The other Pose Estimate buttons are for robot1 and robot2.
With the "2D nav goal" button you can send a goal to the robot. It'll find a path and try to reach it.
open the send_goal.py file:
the most important functions are:
def movebase_client(prefix,x, y, a):
def door_control(prefix, msg):
def execute_delivery():
# clear_costmap.call()
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
door_control('robot3',"3,2,8000,70,10") # close
movebase_client('robot3',1, -1, 0) # EL out
door_control('robot3',"3,1,8000,70,10") #open
movebase_client('robot3',1, -4, 1.5) # EL out
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
clear_costmap = rospy.ServiceProxy('/robot3/move_base/clear_costmaps', Empty)
result = execute_delivery()
Befor you run the python script you should launch the bringup and navigation.
Run python send_goal.py
in the terminal. Inside the main "execute_delivery" will be called. With door_control('robot3',"3,2,8000,70,10")
and "2" at the third arg we close the door. Send a goal with movebase_client('robot3',1, -1, 0). The first argument is the prefix, followed by the x, y coordinates. For the orientation, set the last arg in radians corresponding to the map frame. Open the door with "1" as the third argument door_control('robot3',"3,1,8000,70,10")
. Don't change the other parameters for the door command they are specific for the communication only and not important to understand.