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Secure Web Addressability Network (SWAN) - Demo in go of SWAN, SWIFT and OWID


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Secured Web Addressability Network

Secured Web Addressability Network (SWAN)

Demo in go of SWAN, SWIFT and OWID

The SWAN demo implements the concepts explained in SWAN

The deployment guide later on in this readme shows you how to set up example with multiple SWIFT nodes, publishers and marketers but every SWAN needs at least the following:

  • 5x SWIFT Nodes
  • 1x SWAN Node
  • 1x Publisher
  • 1x Marketer

An example of nodes and members with example domain names:

             +-----------+  +-----------+  +-----------+
Swift        |           |  |           |  |           |
Storage      | |  | |  | |  ... etc
Nodes        |           |  |           |  |           |
             +-----------+  +-----------+  +-----------+

             +---------+  +---------+
Swan Nodes & |         |  |         |
Swift Access | |  | | ... etc
Nodes        |         |  |         |
             +---------+  +---------+

             +-------------------+  +----------------+
             |                   |  |                |
Publisher    | |  | | ... etc
             |                   |  |                |
             +-------------------+  +----------------+

             +--------------+  +---------------+  +----------------+
             |              |  |               |  |                |
Marketer     | |  | |  | | ... etc
             |              |  |               |  |                |
             +--------------+  +---------------+  +----------------+


The demo currently supports the following environments:

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Local Go SDK

And the following storage solutions:

  • AWS Dynamo DB
  • Azure Storage Tables

Get the code

This demo uses submodules, to clone the repository and the submodules at the same time, run:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Local Installation


  • Local Go version 1.15 or greater installation sufficient to run the Go command line.

  • Specified a storage option, the demo supports:

    • Azure Storage Tables
    • AWS DynamoDB
  • For AWS, specify region and credentials in either environment variables or in ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config files. See Configuring AWS SDK for Go to set up your environment. Make sure to set the AWS_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as a minimum.

  • OR, for Azure Storage:


    export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT="<youraccountname>"
    export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="<youraccountkey>"


    setx AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT "<youraccountname>"
    setx AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY "<youraccountkey>"


Access nodes

Storage nodes
  • Now browse to one of the publisher URLs, you will be prompted to set your preferences:


Procfile : needed by AWS Elastic Beanstalk to indicate the application executable for web services.

build.ps1 : builds AWS or Azure packages on Windows ready for manual deployment. : builds AWS or Azure packages on Linux ready for manual deployment.

dep.ps1 : gets SWAN demo dependencies on Windows.

appsettings.json : application settings for production. : application settings for development.

.ebextensions/.config.rename : AWS Elastic Beanstalk .config template ready for additional SSL certificates.

.vscode/launch.json.rename : template Visual Studio Code launch settings including place holders for the storage environment variable values.

Note: .gitignore will ignore launch.json, and .ebextensions/.config to limit the risk of commits containing access keys.


This demo makes extensive use of multiple domains. For development purposes setup local domains to resolve to


notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts


vi /etc/hosts

AWS Elastic Beanstalk - without docker


  • Local Go version 1.15 or greater installation sufficient to run the Go command line.

  • Familiar with the concepts associated with SWAN, SWIFT, and OWID.

  • AWS account with Elastic Beanstalk and DynamoDB administration privileges or Azure account with Storage and App Services.


  • Setup domains to use with the demo in AWS using Route 53. Domains are needed for the following roles.

    • SWAN access domain. For example

    • Each of the SWIFT nodes that will support SWAN. At least two domains are needed. For the purposes of the demo they may be sub domains. For example and

    • At least two different domains for publishers. For example and

    • At least two different domains for marketers. For example and

  • Setup SSL certificates in AWS using Certificate Manager for each of the domains.


  • Set powershell unrestricted execution policy to enable build.ps1 to execute. Use the following command with administrator privileges.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted


  • Get all the dependencies needed by the Go application.

    go get -d ./...

    dep.ps1 can also be used in Powershell to explicitly get the dependencies for this Go application.

  • Add the demo domain names as folder names to the www folder. For example; the domain would appear as www/ Alter the config.json content in each folder to indicate the purpose of the domain. This aspect of the demo is changing and domain examples provided with the should be reviewed along with the demo source code and comments to understand how multiple domains are supported within a single demo application.

  • You may need to support multiple SSL certificates if the demo deployment should respond to five or more domains. See AWS documentation. Locate the ARN for each of the certificates that should be used with the demo.

  • Add SSL certificate ARNs to a copy of .ebextensions/.config. For example if you have the SSL ARNs A, B and C your .config file would contain the following entries.

        Protocol: HTTPS
        SSLCertificateArns: "A"
        Type: "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate"
            Ref : "AWSEBV2LoadBalancerListener443"
            - CertificateArn: "B"
        Type: "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate"
            Ref : "AWSEBV2LoadBalancerListener443"
            - CertificateArn: "C"
  • Run the build.ps1 (Windows) or (Linux) to create the bundle. The bundle should contain the application executable compiled for Linux 64 bit, Procfile to tell Elastic Beanstalk how to start the application, .ebextensions/.config to configure additional HTTPS listeners for additional domains and SSL certificates, and the www folder with directories for all the domains the demo will respond to. Note the SWIFT domains used for storage do not need to be present in the www folder.

  • Create a new Elastic Beanstalk Application and Environment using the AWS document.

  • Give the Elastic Beanstalk Environment permissions to create and read DynamoDB tables:

    • For the Elastic Beanstalk Environment role (default: aws-elasticbeanstal-ec2-role), attach the AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess permission policy.
  • Upload the bundle to the environment.

  • Add an A record for each of the domains to direct traffic to the Elastic Beanstalk environment following the AWS documentation.

  • The SWAN access domain will be used to sign all the outgoing Open Web IDs and also to capture people's preferences. Register this domain with the following URL and entering any of the details requested. This will create a record in the owidcreators table for the domain which will contain randomly generated public and private signing keys.

  • For each of the storage nodes that will be used for the SWIFT component of the demo register these using the following URL. Enter the network as "swan" (no quotes) to match the value provided in the appsettings.json in the swanNetwork field. Leave the others as default.

  • At least one SWIFT access node is required. Repeat the previous process but select the "Access Node" option rather than the default "Storage Node". The records from these steps will be visible in the swiftnodes and swiftsecrets tables.

  • Verify the demo is working by navigating to the publisher domain. The first request from a web browser will result in the progress circle as SWIFT nodes are navigated between before the preference capture page from the SWAN domain is displayed.

Azure App Service - with Docker

Azure App Services do not support the Go runtime natively so for deployment, Docker containers are used.

Azure can be used to host docker containers using Azure Container Registries. These can then be referenced by an App Service to pull containers from.


  • Local Go version 1.15 or greater installation sufficient to run the Go command line.

  • Familiar with the concepts associated with SWAN, SWIFT, and OWID.

  • Docker Engine -

  • Azure subscription with the ability to create App Services, Container Registries, DNS Zones and SSL Certificates


  • Setup Azure container registry to push the demo Docker container to.

  • Setup domains to use with the demo in Azure using App Service Domains. Domains are needed for the following roles.

    • SWAN access domain. For example

    • Each of the SWIFT nodes that will support SWAN. At least two domains are needed. For the purposes of the demo they may be sub domains. For example and

    • At least two different domains for publishers. For example and

    • At least two different domains for marketers. For example and

    • A domain for SSPs, Exchanges, DPSs and CMPs. For the purposes of the demo they can be sub domains. For example amd

  • Setup SSL certificates in Azure using App Service Certificates for each of the domains.

  • Create a place to store SWAN demo data using a Storage Account


  • Set powershell unrestricted execution policy to enable build.ps1 to execute. Use the following command with administrator privileges.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted


  • Get all the dependencies needed by the Go application.

    go get -d ./...

    dep.ps1 can also be used in Powershell to explicitly get the dependencies for this Go application.

  • Add the demo domain names as folder names to the www folder. For example; the domain would appear as www/ Alter the config.json content in each folder to indicate the purpose of the domain. This aspect of the demo is changing and domain examples provided with the should be reviewed along with the demo source code and comments to understand how multiple domains are supported within a single demo application.

  • You may need to support multiple SSL certificates if the demo deployment should respond to five or more domains. See Azure documentation.

  • Copy or rename /Dockerfile.rename to /Dockerfile and modify the ENV values for your environment.

  • Run the build.ps1 (Windows) or (Linux) to create the Docker image. The image should contain the application executable compiled for Linux 64 bit, the appsetings.json file and the www folder with directories for all the domains the demo will respond to. Note the SWIFT domains used for storage do not need to be present in the www folder.

  • Before you can push the image to your Azure Container Registry (ACR) you will need to tag the image using the docker tag command. Replace with the login server name of your ACR instance.

    docker tag swan-community/swan-demo-go <login-server>/swan-demo-go:latest
  • Push the container to the ACR instance.

    docker push <login-server>/swan-demo-go:latest
  • Create a new App Service - see Deploy and run a containerized web app with Azure App Service

    • Go to the Azure portal and select Create a resource.

    • Search for and select Web App.

    • On the Basics tab, configure the values. The following values are for guidance:

      Setting Value
      Resource Group Select the resource group to use or create a new one.
      Name e.g. swan-demo-go-app
      Publish Docker Container
      OS Linux
      Region Select the same location that is close to you from previous exercise.
      App Service Plan Use the default.
    • Select Next: Docker >.

    • On the Docker tab, use the following values as a guide for each setting.

      Setting Value
      Options Single Container
      Image Source Azure Container Registry
      Registry Select your registry.
      Image swan-community/swan-demo-go
      Tag latest
      Startup Command Leave this setting empty.
    • Select Review and create, and then select Create.

  • Map each of the domains to direct traffic to the App Service following the Azure documentation.

  • The SWAN access domain will be used to sign all the outgoing Open Web IDs and also to capture people's preferences. Register this domain with the following URL and entering any of the details requested. This will create a record in the owidcreators table for the domain which will contain randomly generated public and private signing keys. Do this for each SWAN access node and SWAN participant.

  • For each of the storage nodes that will be used for the SWIFT component of the demo register these using the following URL. Enter the network as "swan" (no quotes) to match the value provided in the appsettings.json in the swanNetwork field. Leave the others as default.

  • At least one SWIFT access node is required. Repeat the previous process but select the "Access Node" option rather than the default "Storage Node". The records from these steps will be visible in the swiftnodes and swiftsecrets tables.

  • Verify the demo is working by navigating to a publisher domain. The first request from a web browser will result in the progress circle as SWIFT nodes are navigated between before the preference capture page from the SWAN domain is displayed.

Google Cloud Platform

TODO - prerequisites and steps to set up the demo on GCP environment

Azure CosmosDB / Table Storage

If you are using Azure Storage Tables, this demo requires your storage account name and key to be securely stored in environment variables local to the machine running the demo:

If configuring an Azure App Service then see: Configure an App Service app in the Azure portal

Visual Studio Code

Use the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) to running the Go: Install/Update Tools to install gopkgs, dlv and gopls.


Secure Web Addressability Network (SWAN) - Demo in go of SWAN, SWIFT and OWID







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