This file demonstrate how to create QR code and Data Matrix decoders using Python
pyzbar is a QR code decoding package for Python
pylibdmtx is a Data Matrix decoding package for Python
pip install pyzbar
pip install pyzbar[scripts]
pip install pylibdmtx
pip install pylibdmtx[scripts]
On Windows Power Shell
py -3 -m pip install pyzbar
py -3 -m pip install pyzbar[scripts]
py -3 -m pip install pylibdmtx
py -3 -m pip install pylibdmtx[scripts]
Example functions to generate output strings
Feel free to process the image using OpenCV.
Noted that long processing technique may not benifits its overall performance.
qr_str = qr_reader(image_file_path) # prints and return the decoded output string from QR code
dm_str = dm_reader(image_file_path) # prints and return the decoded output string from Data Matrix