An implement of CNNs for classifing on CIFAR10 with tensorflow. In order to adapt to the size of CIFAR10, I adjusted some parameters in the network. And it's easy to fit it taining on other dataset.
- LeNet
- AlexNet
- VGG16
- GoogLeNet
- ResNet50
- python 3.6.3
- tensorflow 1.13.1
- numpy 1.16.3
- CIFAR10 can be download here. The path to ‘cifar-10-batches-py’ can be specified with the optional parameter ‘--dataset_dir’, which by default is placed in the root directory.
Here I only iterate 20 epoches (10000 steps), you can increase the number of iterations by using the last trained model to achieve higher accuracy. Besides, you can also change learning rate
and steps
in ‘’.
# Train and test by default.
$ python
# Train with optional patameters and test.
$ python --model_type [LeNet/AlexNet/VGG16/GoogLeNet/ResNet50]
--dataset_dir [Path to cifar-10-batches-py]
--model_dir [A .ckpt file of pretrained model or A folder for saving model]
- CUDA 8.0.61
- CUDNN 5.1
- tensorflow_gpu 1.2.0
# Chose GPU to use
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python (optional patameters...)
$ tensorboard --logdir=/logs