Airflow dag with iris dataset
A simple data pipeline (dag) using apache airflow.
Case: A table in postgres db already exists with data related to iris dataset. New data are coming with the form of csv file.
New data are read form csv with 'get_flowers_from_csv' task. Then postgres db is updated with the new data with task 'update_postgres_with_new_data'.
Also older data are read from postgres db with 'get_flowers_from_postgres'. New and old data are merged and a json file is created with 'create_unprocessed_flowers_json_file' task. In the next task 'process_and_create_processed_flowers_json_file', merged data are preprocessed (normalizing values) and a json file with processed data is created and could be used in a machine learning task.
First seed_postgres_db_dag should be run to create postgres db and fill the table.
- Code is based on
- Numbers are stored in db as string as there was an issue with serialization and xcon and numeric values caused errors.
- Dag as shown bellow is consisted of two seperate pipelines, i didn't find a way so task 'get_flowers_from_csv' not to be created two seperate times.