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Rules for foldl and accumulate (#526)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* rrule for foldl + tests

* rrule for accumulate + tests

* rrule for cumsum + tests

* rule for sum(::Tuple)

* tests + tweaks

* rm cumsum

* comments

* rm comments + old tests

* test fixes

* skip tuples on 1.0

* version bump

* two suggestions, no more pi

* tidying

* updates to use Tuple ProjectTo, comments, tidying

* more

* fixes

* one more

* fixup for 1.0

* fix 1.0, comment

* fix 1.6 too?

* one more
  • Loading branch information
mcabbott authored Nov 14, 2021
1 parent edf3a1f commit a751937
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Showing 4 changed files with 361 additions and 14 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "ChainRules"
uuid = "082447d4-558c-5d27-93f4-14fc19e9eca2"
version = "1.12.1"
version = "1.13.0"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ RealDot = "c1ae055f-0cd5-4b69-90a6-9a35b1a98df9"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

ChainRulesCore = "1.1"
ChainRulesCore = "1.10"
ChainRulesTestUtils = "1"
Compat = "3.35"
FiniteDifferences = "0.12.8"
Expand Down
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions src/rulesets/Base/mapreduce.jl
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##### `sum(x)`

function frule((_, ẋ), ::typeof(sum), x::Tuple)
return sum(x), sum(ẋ)
function frule((_, ẋ), ::typeof(sum), x; dims=:)
return sum(x; dims=dims), sum(ẋ; dims=dims)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,3 +327,152 @@ end
return dx

##### `foldl`

# `foldl` guarantees to execute `f` in order, left to right. So it makes sense even when
# this `f` is stateful, in which case the gradient must be calculated in the reverse order.

# The implementation aims to be efficient for both tuples and arrays, although using accumulate
# to carry intermediate results along creates arrays of tuples which could be avoided; using a
# loop can be a few times faster. Note also that it does not return a gradient for `init`.

function rrule(
config::RuleConfig{>:HasReverseMode}, ::typeof(foldl), op::G, x::Union{AbstractArray, Tuple};
) where {G}
list, start = if init === _InitialValue()
_drop1(x), first(x)
# Case with init keyword is simpler to understand first!
_reshape1(x, :), init # (vec is for Julia 1.0, accumulate is fussy)
hobbits = accumulate(list; init=(start, nothing)) do (a,_), b
# Here `a` is what we would normally cary forward, and `_` ignores
# the previous iteration's pullback function (needed later),
# while `b` is the fresh input from `list` as usual.
c, back = rrule_via_ad(config, op, a, b) # LHS is just documentation here!
# We don't really need to store every `c`, last one is `foldl` output.
# (The name, BTW, is because "there and back again" is the subtitle of Tolkien's book.)
y = first(last(hobbits))
axe = axes(x)
project = ProjectTo(x)
function unfoldl(dy)
trio = accumulate(_reverse1(hobbits); init=(0, dy, 0)) do (_, dc, _), (_, back)
ds, da, db = back(dc)
# Don't need to store every `da`, need one for the next iteration + maybe last
dop = sum(first, trio)
dx = map(last, _reverse1(trio))
if init === _InitialValue()
# `hobbits` is one short
dx = _vcat1(trio[end][2], dx)
return (NoTangent(), dop, project(_reshape1(dx, axe)))
return y, unfoldl

##### Iterator-or-Tuple functions

# This zoo of underscore functions helps `foldl` & `accumulate` handle both tuples and arrays,
# and also provides some alternatives for versions of Julia where iterators weren't supported.
# Inspired by `Base._reverse`, used in defn of `foldr`.

# To support 2nd derivatives, some may need their own gradient rules. And _drop1 should perhaps
# be replaced by _peel1 like Iterators.peel

if VERSION >= v"1.6"
_reverse1(x) = Iterators.reverse(x)
_drop1(x) = Iterators.drop(x, 1)
_zip2(x, y) = zip(x, y) # for `accumulate`, below
# Old versions don't support accumulate(::itr), nor multi-dim reverse
_reverse1(x) = reverse(vec(x))
_drop1(x) = vec(x)[2:end]
_zip2(x, y) = collect(zip(x, y))
_reverse1(x::Tuple) = reverse(x)
_drop1(x::Tuple) = Base.tail(x)
_zip2(x::Tuple{Vararg{Any,N}}, y::Tuple{Vararg{Any,N}}) where N = ntuple(i -> (x[i],y[i]), N)

struct _InitialValue end # Old versions don't have `Base._InitialValue`

_vcat1(x, ys::AbstractVector) = vcat(x, ys)
_vcat1(x::AbstractArray, ys::AbstractVector) = vcat([x], ys)
_vcat1(x, ys::Tuple) = (x, ys...)

_reshape1(x::AbstractArray, axe) = reshape(x, axe)
_reshape1(x::Tuple, axe) = x

_no_tuple_tangent(dx::Tangent) = ChainRulesCore.backing(dx)
_no_tuple_tangent(dx) = dx

##### `accumulate`

# Like `foldl` this by definition works in order, so it makes sense to allow stateful `f`.

function rrule(
config::RuleConfig{>:HasReverseMode}, ::typeof(accumulate), op::G, x::Union{AbstractArray, Tuple};
init=_InitialValue(), dims=nothing
) where {G}
isnothing(dims) || dims == 1 && x isa Base.AbstractVecOrTuple || throw(
"accumulate(op, x; dims) is not currently supported by ChainRules, sorry"
# It's not supported by AD either, so no point calling back, and no regression:
# gradient(x -> sum(accumulate(/, x, dims=1)), rand(3,4))
# ERROR: Mutating arrays is not supported
list, start = if init === _InitialValue()
_drop1(x), first(x)
x, init
hobbits = accumulate(list; init = (start, nothing)) do (a, _), b
c, back = rrule_via_ad(config, op, a, b)
y = map(first, hobbits)
if init === _InitialValue()
# `hobbits` is one short, and first one doesn't invoke `op`
y = _vcat1(first(x), y)
axe = axes(x)
project = ProjectTo(x)
function decumulate(dy)
dy_plain = _no_tuple_tangent(unthunk(dy))
rev_list = if init === _InitialValue()
if VERSION >= v"1.6"
# Here we rely on `zip` to stop early. Begin explicit with _reverse1(_drop1(...))
# gets "no method matching iterate(::Base.Iterators.Reverse{Base.Iterators.Drop{Array{"
_zip2(_reverse1(hobbits), _reverse1(dy_plain))
# However, on 1.0 and some others, zip does not stop early. But since accumulate
# also doesn't work on iterators, `_drop1` doesn't make one, so this should work:
_zip2(_reverse1(hobbits), _reverse1(_drop1(dy_plain)))
# What an awful tangle.
_zip2(_reverse1(hobbits), _reverse1(dy_plain))
trio = accumulate(rev_list; init=(0, ZeroTangent(), 0)) do (_, dc, _), ((_, back), dz)
ds, da, db = back(dc + dz)
# Don't need to store every 'da', but need for next iteration, and the last one.
dop = sum(first, trio)
dx = map(last, _reverse1(trio))
if init == _InitialValue()
# `hobbits` is one short, and the first one is weird
dx = _vcat1(trio[end][2] + dy_plain[1], dx)
return (NoTangent(), dop, project(_reshape1(dx, axe)))
return _reshape1(y, axe), decumulate
134 changes: 125 additions & 9 deletions test/rulesets/Base/mapreduce.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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Base.sum(xs::AbstractArray, weights::AbstractArray) = dot(xs, weights)
struct SumRuleConfig <: RuleConfig{Union{HasReverseMode}} end

@testset "Maps and Reductions" begin
const CFG = ChainRulesTestUtils.ADviaRuleConfig()

@testset "Reductions" begin
@testset "sum(::Tuple)" begin
test_frule(sum, Tuple(rand(5)))
@testset "sum(x; dims=$dims)" for dims in (:, 2, (1,3))
# Forward
test_frule(sum, rand(5); fkwargs=(;dims=dims))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,12 +84,11 @@ struct SumRuleConfig <: RuleConfig{Union{HasReverseMode}} end
test_rrule(sum, inv, transpose(view(x, 1, :)))

# Make sure we preserve type for StaticArrays
ADviaRuleConfig = ChainRulesTestUtils.ADviaRuleConfig
_, pb = rrule(ADviaRuleConfig(), sum, abs, @SVector[1.0, -3.0])
_, pb = rrule(CFG, sum, abs, @SVector[1.0, -3.0])
@test pb(1.0) isa Tuple{NoTangent, NoTangent, SVector{2, Float64}}

# make sure we preserve type for Diagonal
_, pb = rrule(ADviaRuleConfig(), sum, abs, Diagonal([1.0, -3.0]))
_, pb = rrule(CFG, sum, abs, Diagonal([1.0, -3.0]))
@test pb(1.0)[3] isa Diagonal

# Boolean -- via @non_differentiable, test that this isn't ambiguous
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,7 +177,64 @@ struct SumRuleConfig <: RuleConfig{Union{HasReverseMode}} end
@test unthunk(rrule(prod, v)[2](1f0)[2]) == zeros(4)
test_rrule(prod, v)
end # prod
end # prod

@testset "foldl(f, ::Array)" begin
# Simple
y1, b1 = rrule(CFG, foldl, *, [1, 2, 3]; init=1)
@test y1 == 6
b1(7) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), [42, 21, 14])

y2, b2 = rrule(CFG, foldl, *, [1 2; 0 4]) # without init, needs vcat
@test y2 == 0
b2(8) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), [0 0; 64 0]) # matrix, needs reshape

# Test execution order
c5 = Counter()
y5, b5 = rrule(CFG, foldl, c5, [5, 7, 11])
@test c5 == Counter(2)
@test y5 == ((5 + 7)*1 + 11)*2 == foldl(Counter(), [5, 7, 11])
@test b5(1) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), [12*32, 12*42, 22])
@test c5 == Counter(42)

c6 = Counter()
y6, b6 = rrule(CFG, foldl, c6, [5, 7, 11], init=3)
@test c6 == Counter(3)
@test y6 == (((3 + 5)*1 + 7)*2 + 11)*3 == foldl(Counter(), [5, 7, 11], init=3)
@test b6(1) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), [63*33*13, 43*13, 23])
@test c6 == Counter(63)

# Test gradient of function
y7, b7 = rrule(CFG, foldl, Multiplier(3), [5, 7, 11])
@test y7 == foldl((x,y)->x*y*3, [5, 7, 11])
@test b7(1) == (NoTangent(), Tangent{Multiplier{Int}}(x = 2310,), [693, 495, 315])

y8, b8 = rrule(CFG, foldl, Multiplier(13), [5, 7, 11], init=3)
@test y8 == 2_537_535 == foldl((x,y)->x*y*13, [5, 7, 11], init=3)
@test b8(1) == (NoTangent(), Tangent{Multiplier{Int}}(x = 585585,), [507507, 362505, 230685])
# To find these numbers:
# ForwardDiff.derivative(z -> foldl((x,y)->x*y*z, [5,7,11], init=3), 13)
# ForwardDiff.gradient(z -> foldl((x,y)->x*y*13, z, init=3), [5,7,11]) |> string

# Finite differencing
test_rrule(foldl, /, 1 .+ rand(3,4))
test_rrule(foldl, *, rand(ComplexF64,3,4); fkwargs=(; init=rand(ComplexF64)))
test_rrule(foldl, +, rand(ComplexF64,7); fkwargs=(; init=rand(ComplexF64)))
test_rrule(foldl, max, rand(3); fkwargs=(; init=999))
VERSION >= v"1.5" && @testset "foldl(f, ::Tuple)" begin
y1, b1 = rrule(CFG, foldl, *, (1,2,3); init=1)
@test y1 == 6
b1(7) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), Tangent{NTuple{3,Int}}(42, 21, 14))

y2, b2 = rrule(CFG, foldl, *, (1, 2, 0, 4))
@test y2 == 0
b2(8) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), Tangent{NTuple{4,Int}}(0, 0, 64, 0))

# Finite differencing
test_rrule(foldl, /, Tuple(1 .+ rand(5)))
test_rrule(foldl, *, Tuple(rand(ComplexF64, 5)))

@testset "Accumulations" begin
Expand All @@ -188,14 +249,14 @@ end
@testset "higher dimensions, dims=$dims" for dims in (1,2,3)
m = round.(10 .* randn(4,5), sigdigits=3)
test_rrule(cumprod, m; fkwargs=(;dims=dims), atol=0.1)
m[2,2] = 0
m[2,4] = 0
m[2, 2] = 0
m[2, 4] = 0
test_rrule(cumprod, m; fkwargs=(;dims=dims))

t = round.(10 .* randn(3,3,3), sigdigits=3)
test_rrule(cumprod, t; fkwargs=(;dims=dims))
t[2,2,2] = 0
t[2,3,3] = 0
t[2, 2, 2] = 0
t[2, 3, 3] = 0
test_rrule(cumprod, t; fkwargs=(;dims=dims))

Expand All @@ -211,5 +272,60 @@ end
back = rrule(cumprod, Diagonal([1, 2]); dims=1)[2]
@test unthunk(back(fill(0.5, 2, 2))[2]) [1/2 0; 0 0] # ProjectTo'd to Diagonal now
end # cumprod

@testset "accumulate(f, ::Array)" begin
# Simple
y1, b1 = rrule(CFG, accumulate, *, [1, 2, 3, 4]; init=1)
@test y1 == [1, 2, 6, 24]
@test b1([1, 1, 1, 1]) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), [33, 16, 10, 6])

if VERSION >= v"1.5"
y2, b2 = rrule(CFG, accumulate, /, [1 2; 3 4])
@test y2 accumulate(/, [1 2; 3 4])
@test b2(ones(2, 2))[3] [1.5416666 -0.104166664; -0.18055555 -0.010416667] atol=1e-6

# Test execution order
c3 = Counter()
y3, b3 = rrule(CFG, accumulate, c3, [5, 7, 11]; init=3)
@test c3 == Counter(3)
@test y3 == [8, 30, 123] == accumulate(Counter(), [5, 7, 11]; init=3)
@test b3([1, 1, 1]) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), [29169, 602, 23]) # the 23 is clear!

c4 = Counter()
y4, b4 = rrule(CFG, accumulate, c4, [5, 7, 11])
@test c4 == Counter(2)
@test y4 == [5, (5+7)*1, ((5+7)*1 + 11)*2] == accumulate(Counter(), [5, 7, 11])
@test b4([1, 1, 1]) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), [417, 42*(1 + 12), 22])

# Test gradient of function
y7, b7 = rrule(CFG, accumulate, Multiplier(3), [5, 7, 11])
@test y7 == accumulate((x,y)->x*y*3, [5, 7, 11])
@test b7([1, 1, 1]) == (NoTangent(), Tangent{Multiplier{Int}}(x = 2345,), [715, 510, 315])

y8, b8 = rrule(CFG, accumulate, Multiplier(13), [5, 7, 11], init=3)
@test y8 == [195, 17745, 2537535] == accumulate((x,y)->x*y*13, [5, 7, 11], init=3)
@test b8([1, 1, 1]) == (NoTangent(), Tangent{Multiplier{Int}}(x = 588330,), [511095, 365040, 230685])
# To find these numbers:
# ForwardDiff.derivative(z -> sum(accumulate((x,y)->x*y*z, [5,7,11], init=3)), 13)
# ForwardDiff.gradient(z -> sum(accumulate((x,y)->x*y*13, z, init=3)), [5,7,11]) |> string

# Finite differencing
test_rrule(accumulate, *, randn(5); fkwargs=(; init=rand()))
if VERSION >= v"1.5"
test_rrule(accumulate, /, 1 .+ rand(3, 4))
test_rrule(accumulate, ^, 1 .+ rand(2, 3); fkwargs=(; init=rand()))
VERSION >= v"1.5" && @testset "accumulate(f, ::Tuple)" begin
# Simple
y1, b1 = rrule(CFG, accumulate, *, (1, 2, 3, 4); init=1)
@test y1 == (1, 2, 6, 24)
@test b1((1, 1, 1, 1)) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), Tangent{NTuple{4,Int}}(33, 16, 10, 6))

# Finite differencing
test_rrule(accumulate, *, Tuple(randn(5)); fkwargs=(; init=rand()))
test_rrule(accumulate, /, Tuple(1 .+ rand(5)); check_inferred=false)

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