This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 28, 2021. It is now read-only.
Publish GLVisualize
Past due by over 9 years
85% complete
Mandatory issues:
- merge and tag JuliaGeometry/Meshes.jl#55
- merge and tag JuliaGL/GLAbstraction.jl#22
- improve and tag GeometryTypes after JuliaGeometry/Meshes.jl#55
- tag FixedSizeArrays
- tag FileIO
- tag MeshIO
- merge and tag JuliaIO/ImageMagick.jl#3
- merge and tag JuliaGL/GLWindow.jl#11
- register and tag FreeTypeAbstraction.jl or merge it into FreeType…
Mandatory issues:
- merge and tag JuliaGeometry/Meshes.jl#55
- merge and tag JuliaGL/GLAbstraction.jl#22
- improve and tag GeometryTypes after JuliaGeometry/Meshes.jl#55
- tag FixedSizeArrays
- tag FileIO
- tag MeshIO
- merge and tag JuliaIO/ImageMagick.jl#3
- merge and tag JuliaGL/GLWindow.jl#11
- register and tag FreeTypeAbstraction.jl or merge it into FreeType.jl and tag
- register and tag Packing.jl
- make GLPlot use GLVisualize
Optional issues:
- include better 2D drawing prototype
- add patch mesh type with anti-aliased lines and vertex colors
- further improve camera (e.g. double click to center to object, zoom with orthographic)
- add better labels for axis
- add solid axis
- improve and clean up compose prototype
- clean up "event mess", AKA offer better interface for doubleclick, mousehover, etc events
- finish up project "everything gets converted to the correct gl type in the end - automatically"
- finish up project "all particles use the same shader and offer all meshtypes as primitives"
- use signed distance fields for text