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Fix grow_polygon for case where the unbounded edge isn't initially in…
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DanielVandH committed Aug 11, 2023
1 parent 7ddb44a commit 56fa8c9
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Showing 3 changed files with 92 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/geometry_utils/sutherland_hodgman.jl
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Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ function clip_polygon(poly::Polygon, clip_poly::Polygon{T}) where {T}
q = clip_poly[end]
for p in clip_poly
input_list = output_list
isempty(output_list) && break
output_list = clip_polygon_to_edge(input_list, q, p)
q = p
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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions src/voronoi/coordinates.jl
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Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,25 @@ function _get_ray(vorn, i, boundary_index)
return m, r

maximum_distance_to_box(a, b, c, d, p)
Given a bounding box `[a, b] × [c, d]`, returns the maximum distance
between `p` and the boundary of the box. The returned distance is squared.
function maximum_distance_to_box(a, b, c, d, p)
p1x, p1y = a, c
p2x, p2y = b, c
p3x, p3y = b, d
p4x, p4y = a, d
px, py = _getxy(p)
d1 = (p1x - px)^2 + (p1y - py)^2
d2 = (p2x - px)^2 + (p2y - py)^2
d3 = (p3x - px)^2 + (p3y - py)^2
d4 = (p4x - px)^2 + (p4y - py)^2
return max(d1, d2, d3, d4)

grow_polygon_outside_of_box(vorn::VoronoiTessellation, i, bounding_box)
Expand All @@ -134,12 +153,25 @@ function grow_polygon_outside_of_box(vorn::VoronoiTessellation, i, bounding_box)
v_rx, v_ry = _getxy(v_r)
p = (0.0, 0.0)
q = (0.0, 0.0)
dist_to_box = maximum_distance_to_box(a, b, c, d, u_m)
dist_to_box = max(dist_to_box, maximum_distance_to_box(a, b, c, d, v_m))
while inside
t *= 2.0
p = (u_mx + t * (u_rx - u_mx), u_my + t * (u_ry - u_my))
q = (v_mx + t * (v_rx - v_mx), v_my + t * (v_ry - v_my))
int1, int2 = liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
outside = all(isnan, int1) && all(isnan, int2)
# We need to be careful of the case where the generator is outside of the bounding box. In this case,
# the unbounded edge might start initially outside of the box but then find it's way inside.
# So, to avoid this, we also apply a conservative check that the length of each ray is greater than
# the maximum distance from the generators to the bounding box.
# See the example with [(-3,7),(1,6),(-1,3),(-2,4),(3,-2),(5,5),(-4,-3),(3,8)] and bb = (0,5,-15,15) with the 7th polygon.
px, py = _getxy(p)
qx, qy = _getxy(q)
p_length = (px - u_mx)^2 + (py - u_my)^2
q_length = (qx - v_mx)^2 + (qy - v_my)^2
might_be_inside = min(p_length, q_length) < dist_to_box
outside = outside && !might_be_inside
inside = !outside
new_points[u] = p
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60 changes: 59 additions & 1 deletion test/voronoi/voronoi.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1153,4 +1153,62 @@ end
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(coord1), collect.(_coord1), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(coord2), collect.(_coord2), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(coord3), collect.(_coord3), )

# example that used to break for G because its unbounded edge
# didn't initially start inside the bounding box
A = (-3.0, 7.0)
B = (1.0, 6.0)
C = (-1.0, 3.0)
D = (-2.0, 4.0)
E = (3.0, -2.0)
F = (5.0, 5.0)
G = (-4.0, -3.0)
H = (3.0, 8.0)
points = [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]
tri = triangulate(points)
vorn = voronoi(tri)
bounding_box = (0.0, 5.0, -15.0, 15.0)
_pa = get_polygon_coordinates(vorn, 1, bounding_box)
_pb = get_polygon_coordinates(vorn, 2, bounding_box)
_pc = get_polygon_coordinates(vorn, 3, bounding_box)
_pd = get_polygon_coordinates(vorn, 4, bounding_box)
_pe = get_polygon_coordinates(vorn, 5, bounding_box)
_pf = get_polygon_coordinates(vorn, 6, bounding_box)
_pg = get_polygon_coordinates(vorn, 7, bounding_box)
# For _pg: This case used to be broken because the initial unbounded ray did not touch the bounding box,
# but then later it does! So just using the Liang-Barsky algorithm by itself is not sufficient.
# To fix this, I added the stuff about maximum_distance_to_box inside grow_polygon_outside_of_box
_ph = get_polygon_coordinates(vorn, 8, bounding_box)
pa = NTuple{2,Float64}[]
pb = [(0.0, 4.499999999999998), (2.357142857142857, 2.9285714285714284), (3.1, 5.9), (0.0, 9.000000000000002), (0.0, 4.499999999999998)]
pc = [(0.0, -0.3000000000000007), (2.710526315789474, 1.868421052631579), (2.357142857142857, 2.9285714285714284), (0.0, 4.499999999999998), (0.0, -0.3000000000000007)]
pd = NTuple{2,Float64}[]
pe = [(5.0, 1.2142857142857117), (2.710526315789474, 1.868421052631579), (0.0, -0.3000000000000007), (0.0, -6.0), (1.2857142857142865, -15.0), (5.0, -15.0), (5.0, 1.2142857142857117)]
pf = [(5.0, 1.2142857142857153), (5.0, 7.166666666666664), (3.1, 5.9), (2.357142857142857, 2.9285714285714284), (2.710526315789474, 1.868421052631579), (5.0, 1.2142857142857153)]
pg = [(1.2857142857142865, -15.0), (0.0, -6.0), (0.0, -15.0), (1.2857142857142865, -15.0)]
ph = [(5.0, 7.166666666666664), (5.0, 15.0), (0.0, 15.0), (0.0, 9.000000000000002), (3.1, 5.9), (5.0, 7.166666666666664)]
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(pa), collect.(_pa), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(pb), collect.(_pb), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(pc), collect.(_pc), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(pd), collect.(_pd), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(pe), collect.(_pe), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(pf), collect.(_pf), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(pg), collect.(_pg), )
@test DT.circular_equality(collect.(ph), collect.(_ph), )

@testset "maximum_distance_to_box" begin
a, b, c, d = -8.0, -2.0, 0.0, 7.0
A = (-5.34, 4.51)
δ = DT.maximum_distance_to_box(a, b, c, d, A)
@test sqrt(δ) 5.6121029926401
A = (-8.0, 5.0)
δ = DT.maximum_distance_to_box(a, b, c, d, A)
@test sqrt(δ) 7.8102496759067
A = (-12.0, 10.0)
δ = DT.maximum_distance_to_box(a, b, c, d, A)
@test sqrt(δ) 14.142135623731

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