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DanielVandH committed Aug 10, 2023
1 parent 79f59f7 commit 610445f
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Showing 5 changed files with 297 additions and 85 deletions.
66 changes: 65 additions & 1 deletion src/geometry_utils/intersections.jl
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Expand Up @@ -220,4 +220,68 @@ function intersection_of_ray_with_edge(p, q, a, b)
return (p1 + t * (q1 - p1), p2 + t * (q2 - p2))

liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
Applies the Liang-Barsky algorithm to find the intersection of the line segment from `p` to `q`
with the rectangle from `[a, b] × [c, d]`. Returns `(u, v)`, where:
- If there is an intersection, then `u` and `v` are the coordinates of the two intersections.
- If there is no intersection, then `u = v = (NaN, NaN)`.
function liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
t1 = 0.0
t2 = 1.0
px, py = _getxy(p)
qx, qy = _getxy(q)
Δx = qx - px
t1, t2, inside = liang_barsky_clipper(-Δx, px - a, t1, t2)
if inside
t1, t2, inside = liang_barsky_clipper(Δx, b - px, t1, t2)
if inside
Δy = qy - py
t1, t2, inside = liang_barsky_clipper(-Δy, py - c, t1, t2)
if inside
t1, t2, inside = liang_barsky_clipper(Δy, d - py, t1, t2)
if inside
if t2 < 1
qx = px + t2 * Δx
qy = py + t2 * Δy
if t1 > 0
px = px + t1 * Δx
py = py + t1 * Δy
if inside
return (px, py), (qx, qy)
return (NaN, NaN), (NaN, NaN)
function liang_barsky_clipper(p, q, t1, t2)
inside = true
if p < 0
r = q / p
if r > t2
inside = false
elseif r > t1
t1 = r
elseif p > 0
r = q / p
if r < t1
inside = false
elseif r < t2
t2 = r
elseif q < 0
inside = false
return t1, t2, inside
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/geometry_utils/sutherland_hodgman.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
struct Polygon{T,V,P} <: AbstractVector{T}
function Polygon(vertices::V, points::P) where {V,P}
@inline function Polygon(vertices::V, points::P) where {V,P}
p = get_point(points, vertices[begin])
T = typeof(p)
if vertices[begin] vertices[end]
Expand Down
100 changes: 94 additions & 6 deletions src/voronoi/coordinates.jl
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Expand Up @@ -70,25 +70,26 @@ end
_get_ray(vorn, i, boundary_index)
Extracts the ray from the `i`th polygon of `vorn` corresponding to the `boundary_index`th boundary index.
Extracts the ray from the `i`th polygon of `vorn` corresponding to the `boundary_index`, where `boundary_index`
here means that `get_polygon(vorn, i)[boundary_index]` is a boundary index.
The returned points are given in the form `(p, q)`, defining the oriented line `pq` such that the line
is in the direction of infinity.
function _get_ray(vorn, i, boundary_index)
ghost_tri = get_circumcenter_to_triangle(vorn, boundary_index)
C = get_polygon(vorn, i)
ghost_tri = get_circumcenter_to_triangle(vorn, C[boundary_index])
u, v, _ = indices(ghost_tri) # w is the ghost vertex
p, q = get_generator(vorn, u, v)
px, py = _getxy(p)
qx, qy = _getxy(q)
mx, my = (px + qx) / 2, (py + qy) / 2
m = (mx, my)
C = get_polygon(vorn, i)
is_first = is_first_boundary_index(C, i)
is_first = is_first_boundary_index(C, boundary_index)
if is_first
prev_index = previndex_circular(C, i)
prev_index = previndex_circular(C, boundary_index)
r = get_polygon_point(vorn, C[prev_index])
next_index = nextindex_circular(C, i)
next_index = nextindex_circular(C, boundary_index)
r = get_polygon_point(vorn, C[next_index])
if r == m # It's possible for the circumcenter to lie on the edge and exactly at the midpoint (e.g. [(0.0,1.0),(-1.0,2.0),(-2.0,-1.0)]). In this case, just rotate
Expand All @@ -107,6 +108,77 @@ function _get_ray(vorn, i, boundary_index)
return m, r

grow_polygon_outside_of_box(vorn::VoronoiTessellation, i, bounding_box)
Truncates unbounded edges of the `i`th polygon of `vorn`, assumed to be unbounded,
so that the line connecting the truncated unbounded edges is entirely outside
of the polygon. The method of growth is iterative, utilising the Liang-Barsky algorithm
at each stage while we translate the line. The returned polygon does not satisfy
`P[begin] == P[end]`.
function grow_polygon_outside_of_box(vorn::VoronoiTessellation, i, bounding_box)
a, b, c, d = bounding_box
vertices = get_polygon(vorn, i)
new_vertices, new_points, boundary_indices = get_new_polygon_indices(vorn, vertices)
inside = true
t = 1.0 # don't do 0.5 so we get t = 1 later, else we get duplicated vertices for polygons completely outside of the box
u, v = boundary_indices
u_m, u_r = _get_ray(vorn, i, u)
v_m, v_r = _get_ray(vorn, i, v)
u_mx, u_my = _getxy(u_m)
u_rx, u_ry = _getxy(u_r)
v_mx, v_my = _getxy(v_m)
v_rx, v_ry = _getxy(v_r)
p = (0.0, 0.0)
q = (0.0, 0.0)
while inside
t *= 2.0
p = (u_mx + t * (u_rx - u_mx), u_my + t * (u_ry - u_my))
q = (v_mx + t * (v_rx - v_mx), v_my + t * (v_ry - v_my))
int1, int2 = liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
outside = all(isnan, int1) && all(isnan, int2)
inside = !outside
new_points[u] = p
new_points[v] = q
new_vertices[u] = u
new_vertices[v] = v
return new_vertices, new_points

get_new_polygon_indices(vorn, vertices)
Given an unbounded Voronoi polygon from `vorn` with `vertices`, returns
`(new_vertices, new_points, boundary_indices)`, where `new_vertices` are vertices
mapping to the points in `new_points`, which is just a vector of all the polygon points,
and `boundary_indices` is a `Tuple` of the indices of the points in `new_points` that correspond
to points out at infinity.
function get_new_polygon_indices(vorn, vertices)
new_points = NTuple{2,Float64}[]
sizehint!(new_points, length(vertices))
new_vertices = similar(vertices, length(vertices) - 1)
boundary_indices = (0, 0)
for i in firstindex(vertices):(lastindex(vertices)-1)
v = vertices[i]
if is_boundary_index(v)
is_first = is_first_boundary_index(vertices, i)
if is_first
boundary_indices = (i, boundary_indices[2])
boundary_indices = (boundary_indices[1], i)
push!(new_points, (NaN, NaN))
new_vertices[i] = v
push!(new_points, _getxy(get_polygon_point(vorn, v)))
new_vertices[i] = length(new_points)
return new_vertices, new_points, boundary_indices

get_bounded_polygon_coordinates(vorn::VoronoiTessellation, i, bounding_box)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,3 +216,19 @@ function get_unbounded_polygon_coordinates(vorn::VoronoiTessellation, i, boundin
return clip_unbounded_polygon_to_bounding_box(vorn, i, bounding_box)

clip_unbounded_polygon_to_bounding_box(vorn::VoronoiTessellation, i, bounding_box)
Clips the `i`th polygon of `vorn` to the bounding box, assuming it is unbounded.
The unbounded polygon is truncated so that the line connecting the unbounded edges
is outside of the bounded box, and then the Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm
is used to clip the resulting polygon to the bounding box.
function clip_unbounded_polygon_to_bounding_box(vorn::VoronoiTessellation, i, bounding_box)
new_vertices, new_points = grow_polygon_outside_of_box(vorn, i, bounding_box)
clip_vertices = (1, 2, 3, 4)
a, b, c, d = bounding_box
clip_points = ((a, c), (b, c), (b, d), (a, d))
return clip_polygon(new_vertices, new_points, clip_vertices, clip_points)
40 changes: 39 additions & 1 deletion test/geo_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1094,4 +1094,42 @@ end
b = (-2.0, 0.0)
r = DT.intersection_of_ray_with_edge(p, q, a, b)
@test collect(r) [0.0, 0.0]

@testset "Liang-Barsky algorithm" begin
p, q = (-7.0, 5.0), (1.0, 8.0)
a, b, c, d = 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 4.0
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test all(isnan, u) && all(isnan, v)
p, q = (-3.0, 1.0), (10.0, 5.0)
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test collect(u) [0, 1.9230769230769]
@test collect(v) [6.75, 4.0]
p, q = (0.0, -2.0), (0.0, 6.0)
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test collect(u) [0, 0]
@test collect(v) [0, 4]
p, q = (2.0, 6.0), (-2.0, 2.0)
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test u == v && (collect(u) [0, 4])
p, q = (10.0, 6.0), (-2.0, 6.0)
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test all(isnan, u) && all(isnan, v)
p, q = (4.0, 6.0), (4.0, -2.0)
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test collect(u) [4.0, 4.0]
@test collect(v) [4.0, 0.0]
p, q = (2.0, 6.0), (10.0, -2.0)
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test collect(u) [4.0, 4.0]
@test collect(v) [8.0, 0.0]
a, b, c, d = 4, 10, 2, 8
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test collect(u) [4.0, 4.0]
@test collect(v) [6.0, 2.0]
p, q = (2.0, 6.0), (14.0, 8.0)
u, v = DT.liang_barsky(a, b, c, d, p, q)
@test collect(u) [4, 6 + 1 / 3]
@test collect(v) [10, 7 + 1 / 3]


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