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introduce log gabor filter: LogGabor and LogGaborComplex
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johnnychen94 committed Nov 2, 2021
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion docs/demos/filters/gabor_filter.jl
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# ---

# This example shows how one can apply spatial space kernesl [`Gabor`](@ref Kernel.Gabor)
# using fourier transformation and convolution theorem to extract image features.
# using fourier transformation and convolution theorem to extract image features. A similar
# example is [Log Gabor filter](@ref demo_log_gabor_filter).

using ImageCore, ImageShow, ImageFiltering # or you could just `using Images`
using FFTW
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# ---
# title: Log Gabor filter
# id: demo_log_gabor_filter
# cover: assets/log_gabor.png
# author: Johnny Chen
# date: 2021-11-01
# ---

# This example shows how one can apply frequency space kernesl [`LogGabor`](@ref
# Kernel.LogGabor) and [`LogGaborComplex`](@ref Kernel.LogGaborComplex) using fourier
# transformation and convolution theorem to extract image features. A similar example
# is the sptaial space kernel [Gabor filter](@ref demo_gabor_filter).

using ImageCore, ImageShow, ImageFiltering # or you could just `using Images`
using FFTW
using TestImages

# ## Definition
# Mathematically, log gabor filter is defined in spatial space as the composition of
# its frequency component `r` and angular component `a`:
# ```math
# r(\omega, \theta) = \exp(-\frac{(\log(\omega/\omega_0))^2}{2\sigma_\omega^2}) \\
# a(\omega, \theta) = \exp(-\frac{(\theta - \theta_0)^2}{2\sigma_\theta^2})
# ```
# `LogGaborComplex` provides a complex-valued matrix with value `Complex(r, a)`, while
# `LogGabor` provides real-valued matrix with value `r * a`.

kern_c = Kernel.LogGaborComplex((10, 10), 1/6, 0)
kern_r = Kernel.LogGabor((10, 10), 1/6, 0)
kern_r == @. real(kern_c) * imag(kern_c)

# !!! note "Lazy array"
# The `LogGabor` and `LogGaborComplex` types are lazy arrays, which means when you build
# the Log Gabor kernel, you actually don't need to allocate any memories. The computation
# does not happen until you request the value.
# ```julia
# using BenchmarkTools
# kern = @btime Kernel.LogGabor((64, 64), 1/6, 0); # 1.711 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
# @btime collect($kern); # 146.260 μs (2 allocations: 64.05 KiB)
# ```

# To explain the parameters of Log Gabor filter, let's introduce small helper functions to
# display complex-valued kernels.
show_phase(kern) = @. Gray(log(abs(imag(kern)) + 1))
show_mag(kern) = @. Gray(log(abs(real(kern)) + 1))
show_abs(kern) = @. Gray(log(abs(kern) + 1))
nothing #hide

# From left to right are visualization of the kernel in frequency space: frequency `r`,
# algular `a`, `sqrt(r^2 + a^2)`, `r * a`, and its spatial space kernel.
kern = Kernel.LogGaborComplex((32, 32), 100, 0)

# ## Examples
# Because the filter is defined on frequency space, we can use [the convolution
# theorem](
# ```math
# \mathcal{F}(x \circledast k) = \mathcal{F}(x) \odot \mathcal{F}(k)
# ```
# where ``\circledast`` is convolution, ``\odot`` is pointwise-multiplication, and
# ``\mathcal{F}`` is the fourier transformation.
# Also, since Log Gabor kernel is defined around center point (0, 0), we have to apply
# `ifftshift` first before we do pointwise-multiplication.

img = TestImages.shepp_logan(127)
kern = Kernel.LogGaborComplex(size(img), 50, π/4)
## we don't need to call `fft(kern)` here because it's already on frequency space
out = ifft(centered(fft(channelview(img))) .* ifftshift(kern))
mosaic(img, show_abs(kern), show_mag(out); nrow=1)

# A filter bank is just a list of filter kernels, applying the filter bank generates
# multiple outputs:

X_freq = centered(fft(channelview(img)))
filters = vcat(
[Kernel.LogGaborComplex(size(img), 50, θ) for θ in -π/2:π/4:π/2],
[Kernel.LogGabor(size(img), 50, θ) for θ in -π/2:π/4:π/2]
out = map(filters) do kern
ifft(X_freq .* ifftshift(kern))
map(show_abs, filters)...,
map(show_abs, out)...;
nrow=4, rowmajor=true

## save covers #src
using FileIO #src
mkpath("assets") #src
filters = [Kernel.LogGaborComplex((32, 32), 5, θ) for θ in range(-π/2, stop=π/2, length=9)] #src
save("assets/log_gabor.png", mosaic(map(show_abs, filters); nrow=3, npad=2, fillvalue=Gray(1)); fps=2) #src
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module GaborKernels

export Gabor
export Gabor, LogGabor, LogGaborComplex

Gabor(size_or_axes, wavelength, orientation; kwargs...)
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return exp(-(xr^2 + yr^2)/(2σ^2)) * cis(xr*λ_scaled + ψ)

LogGaborComplex(size_or_axes, ω, θ; σω=1, σθ=1, normalize=true)
Generate the 2-D Log Gabor kernel in spatial space by `Complex(r, a)`, where `r` and `a`
are the frequency and angular components, respectively.
More detailed documentation and example can be found in the `r * a` version
struct LogGaborComplex{T, TP,R<:AbstractUnitRange} <: AbstractMatrix{T}

# cache values
freq_scale::Tuple{TP, TP} # only used when normalize is true
ω_denom::TP # 1/(2(log(σω/ω))^2)
θ_denom::TP # 1/(2σθ^2)
function LogGaborComplex{T,TP,R}(ax::Tuple{R,R}, ω::TP, θ::TP, σω::TP, σθ::TP, normalize::Bool) where {T,TP,R}
σω > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("`σω` should be positive: $σω"))
σθ > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("`σθ` should be positive: $σθ"))
ω_denom = 1/(2(log(σω/ω))^2)
θ_denom = 1/(2σθ^2)
freq_scale = map(r->1/length(r), ax)
new{T,TP,R}(ax, ω, θ, σω, σθ, normalize, freq_scale, ω_denom, θ_denom)
function LogGaborComplex(
size_or_axes::Tuple, ω::Real, θ::Real;
σω::Real=1, σθ::Real=1, normalize::Bool=true,
params = float.(promote(ω, θ, σω, σθ))
T = typeof(params[1])
ax = _to_axes(size_or_axes)
LogGaborComplex{Complex{T}, T, typeof(first(ax))}(ax, params..., normalize)

@inline Base.size(kern::LogGaborComplex) = map(length,
@inline Base.axes(kern::LogGaborComplex) =

@inline function Base.getindex(kern::LogGaborComplex, x::Int, y::Int)
ω_denom, θ_denom = kern.ω_denom, kern.θ_denom
# Although in `getindex`, the computation is heavy enough that this runtime if-branch is
# harmless to the overall performance at all
if kern.normalize
# normalize: from reference [1] of LogGabor
# By changing division to multiplication gives about 5-10% performance boost
x, y = (x, y) .* kern.freq_scale
ω = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) # this is faster than hypot(x, y)
θ = atan(y, x)
r = exp((-(log/kern.ω))^2)*ω_denom) # radial component
a = exp((--kern.θ)^2)*θ_denom) # angular component
return Complex(r, a)

LogGabor(size_or_axes, ω, θ; σω=1, σθ=1, normalize=true)
Generate the 2-D Log Gabor kernel in spatial space by `r * a`, where `r` and `a` are the
frequency and angular components, respectively.
See also [`LogGaborComplex`](@ref) for the `Complex(r, a)` version.
# Arguments
- `kernel_size::Dims{2}`: the Log Gabor kernel size. The axes at each dimension will be
`-r:r` if the size is odd.
- `kernel_axes::NTuple{2, <:AbstractUnitRange}`: the axes of the Log Gabor kernel.
- `ω`: the center frequency.
- `θ`: the center orientation.
# Keywords
- `σω=1`: scale component for `ω`. Larger `σω` makes the filter more sensitive to center
- `σθ=1`: scale component for `θ`. Larger `σθ` makes the filter less sensitive to
- `normalize=true`: whether to normalize the frequency domain into [-0.5, 0.5]x[-0.5, 0.5]
domain via `inds = inds./size(kern)`. For image-related tasks where the [Weber–Fechner
law]( applies, this usually
provides more stable pipeline.
# Examples
To apply log gabor filter `g` on image `X`, one need to use convolution theorem, i.e.,
`conv(A, K) == ifft(fft(A) .* fft(K))`. Because this `LogGabor` function generates Log Gabor
kernel directly in spatial space, we don't need to apply `fft(K)` here:
julia> using ImageFiltering, FFTW, TestImages, ImageCore
julia> img = TestImages.shepp_logan(256);
julia> kern = Kernel.LogGabor(size(img), 1/6, 0);
julia> g_img = ifft(centered(fft(channelview(img))) .* ifftshift(kern)); # apply convolution theorem
julia> @. Gray(abs(g_img));
# Extended help
Mathematically, log gabor filter is defined in spatial space as the product of its frequency
component `r` and angular component `a`:
r(\\omega, \\theta) = \\exp(-\\frac{(\\log(\\omega/\\omega_0))^2}{2\\sigma_\\omega^2}) \\
a(\\omega, \\theta) = \\exp(-\\frac{(\\theta - \\theta_0)^2}{2\\sigma_\\theta^2})
# References
- [1] [What Are Log-Gabor Filters and Why Are They
- [2] Kovesi, Peter. "Image features from phase congruency." _Videre: Journal of computer
vision research_ 1.3 (1999): 1-26.
- [3] Field, David J. "Relations between the statistics of natural images and the response
properties of cortical cells." _Josa a_ 4.12 (1987): 2379-2394.
struct LogGabor{T, AT<:LogGaborComplex} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
LogGabor(complex_data::AT) where AT<:LogGaborComplex = LogGabor{real(eltype(AT)), AT}(complex_data)
LogGabor(size_or_axes::Tuple, ω, θ; kwargs...) = LogGabor(LogGaborComplex(size_or_axes, ω, θ; kwargs...))

@inline Base.size(kern::LogGabor) = size(kern.complex_data)
@inline Base.axes(kern::LogGabor) = axes(kern.complex_data)
Base.@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(kern::LogGabor, inds::Int...)
# cache the result to avoid repeated computation
v = kern.complex_data[inds...]
return real(v) * imag(v)

# Utils

function _to_axes(sz::Dims)
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@testset "LogGabor" begin
@testset "API" begin
# LogGabor: r * a
# LogGaborComplex: Complex(r, a)
kern = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((11, 11), 1/6, 0)
kern_c = Kernel.LogGaborComplex((11, 11), 1/6, 0)
@test kern == @. real(kern_c) * imag(kern_c)

# Normally it just return a ComplexF64 matrix if users are careless
kern = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((11, 11), 2, 0)
@test size(kern) == (11, 11)
@test axes(kern) == (-5:5, -5:5)
@test eltype(kern) == Float64
# ensure that this is an efficient lazy array
@test isbitstype(typeof(kern))

# but still allow construction of ComplexF32 matrix
kern = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((11, 11), 1.0f0/6, 0.0f0)
@test eltype(kern) == Float32

# passing axes explicitly allows building a subregion of it
kern1 = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((1:10, 1:10), 1/6, 0)
@test axes(kern1) == (1:10, 1:10)
kern2 = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((21, 21), 1/6, 0)
# but they are not the same in normalize=true mode
@test kern2[1:end, 1:end] != kern1

# when normalize=false, they're the same
kern1 = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((1:10, 1:10), 1/6, 0; normalize=false)
kern2 = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((21, 21), 1/6, 0; normalize=false)
@test kern2[1:end, 1:end] == kern1

# test default keyword values
kern1 = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((11, 11), 2, 0)
kern2 = @inferred Kernel.LogGabor((11, 11), 2, 0; σω=1, σθ=1, normalize=true)
@test kern1 === kern2

@test_throws ArgumentError Kernel.LogGabor((11, 11), 2, 0; σω=-1)
@test_throws ArgumentError Kernel.LogGabor((11, 11), 2, 0; σθ=-1)
@test_throws ArgumentError Kernel.LogGaborComplex((11, 11), 2, 0; σω=-1)
@test_throws ArgumentError Kernel.LogGaborComplex((11, 11), 2, 0; σθ=-1)

@testset "symmetricity" begin
kern = Kernel.LogGaborComplex((11, 11), 1/12, 0)
# the real part is an even-symmetric function
@test is_symmetric(real.(kern))
# the imaginary part is a mirror along y-axis
rows = [imag.(kern[i, :]) for i in axes(kern, 1)]
@test all(map(is_symmetric, rows))

# NOTE(johnnychen94): I'm not sure the current implementation is the standard or
# correct. This numerical references are generated only to make sure future changes
# don't accidentally break it.
# Use N0f8 to ignore "insignificant" numerical changes to keep unit test happy
ref_real = N0f8[
0.741 0.796 0.82 0.796 0.741
0.796 0.886 0.941 0.886 0.796
0.82 0.941 0.0 0.941 0.82
0.796 0.886 0.941 0.886 0.796
0.741 0.796 0.82 0.796 0.741
ref_imag = N0f8[
0.063 0.027 0.008 0.027 0.063
0.125 0.063 0.008 0.063 0.125
0.29 0.29 1.0 0.29 0.29
0.541 0.733 1.0 0.733 0.541
0.733 0.898 1.0 0.898 0.733
kern = Kernel.LogGaborComplex((5, 5), 1/12, 0)
@test collect(N0f8.(real(kern))) == ref_real
@test collect(N0f8.(imag(kern))) == ref_imag

@testset "applications" begin
img = TestImages.shepp_logan(127)
kern = Kernel.LogGabor(size(img), 1/100, π/4)
out = @test_nowarn ifft(centered(fft(channelview(img))) .* ifftshift(kern))


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