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Add COCG method for complex symmetric linear systems #289

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ makedocs(
"Getting started" => "",
"Preconditioning" => "",
"Linear systems" => [
"Conjugate Gradients" => "linear_systems/",
"Conjugate Gradient" => "linear_systems/",
"Chebyshev iteration" => "linear_systems/",
"MINRES" => "linear_systems/",
"BiCGStab(l)" => "linear_systems/",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ When solving linear systems $Ax = b$ for a square matrix $A$ there are quite som

| Method | When to use it |
| [Conjugate Gradients](@ref CG) | Best choice for **symmetric**, **positive-definite** matrices |
| [Conjugate Gradient](@ref CG) | Best choice for **symmetric**, **positive-definite** matrices |
| [MINRES](@ref MINRES) | For **symmetric**, **indefinite** matrices |
| [GMRES](@ref GMRES) | For **nonsymmetric** matrices when a good [preconditioner](@ref Preconditioning) is available |
| [IDR(s)](@ref IDRs) | For **nonsymmetric**, **strongly indefinite** problems without a good preconditioner |
| [BiCGStab(l)](@ref BiCGStabl) | Otherwise for **nonsymmetric** problems |

We also offer [Chebyshev iteration](@ref Chebyshev) as an alternative to Conjugate Gradients when bounds on the spectrum are known.
We also offer [Chebyshev iteration](@ref Chebyshev) as an alternative to Conjugate Gradient when bounds on the spectrum are known.

Stationary methods like [Jacobi](@ref), [Gauss-Seidel](@ref), [SOR](@ref) and [SSOR](@ref) can be used as smoothers to reduce high-frequency components in the error in just a few iterations.

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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/linear_systems/
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@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
# [Conjugate Gradients (CG)](@id CG)
# [Conjugate Gradient (CG)](@id CG)

Conjugate Gradients solves $Ax = b$ approximately for $x$ where $A$ is a symmetric, positive-definite linear operator and $b$ the right-hand side vector. The method uses short recurrences and therefore has fixed memory costs and fixed computational costs per iteration.
CG solves $Ax = b$ approximately for $x$ where $A$ is a Hermitian, positive-definite linear operator and $b$ the right-hand side vector. The method uses short recurrences and therefore has fixed memory costs and fixed computational costs per iteration.

A simple variant called Conjugate Orthogonal Conjugate Gradient (COCG) is obtained by replacing the dot product ($x^*y$) in the CG algorithm with the unconjugated dot product ($xᵀy$). For complex symmetric matrices ($A = Aᵀ$), COCG is equivalent to Biconjugate Gradient (BiCG) but takes only one matrix-vector multiplication per iteration rather than two of BiCG. Therefore, COCG converges twice as fast in time as BiCG. Also, like in BiCG, $A$ in COCG does not need to be positive-definite.

## Usage


## On the GPU
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/linear_systems/
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Chebyshev iteration solves the problem $Ax=b$ approximately for $x$ where $A$ is a symmetric, definite linear operator and $b$ the right-hand side vector. The methods assumes the interval $[\lambda_{min}, \lambda_{max}]$ containing all eigenvalues of $A$ is known, so that $x$ can be iteratively constructed via a Chebyshev polynomial with zeros in this interval. This polynomial ultimately acts as a filter that removes components in the direction of the eigenvectors from the initial residual.

The main advantage with respect to Conjugate Gradients is that BLAS1 operations such as inner products are avoided.
The main advantage with respect to Conjugate Gradient is that BLAS1 operations such as inner products are avoided.

## Usage

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61 changes: 40 additions & 21 deletions src/cg.jl
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@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
import Base: iterate
using Printf
export cg, cg!, CGIterable, PCGIterable, cg_iterator!, CGStateVariables
export cg, cg!, cocg, cocg!, CGIterable, PCGIterable, cg_iterator!, CGStateVariables

mutable struct CGIterable{matT, solT, vecT, numT <: Real}
mutable struct CGIterable{matT, solT, vecT, numT <: Real, paramT <: Number, dotT <: AbstractDot}

mutable struct PCGIterable{precT, matT, solT, vecT, numT <: Real, paramT <: Number}
mutable struct PCGIterable{precT, matT, solT, vecT, numT <: Real, paramT <: Number, dotT <: AbstractDot}
Expand All @@ -24,9 +25,10 @@ mutable struct PCGIterable{precT, matT, solT, vecT, numT <: Real, paramT <: Numb

@inline converged(it::Union{CGIterable, PCGIterable}) = it.residual ≤ it.tol
Expand All @@ -47,18 +49,20 @@ function iterate(it::CGIterable, iteration::Int=start(it))

# u := r + βu (almost an axpy)
β = it.residual^2 / it.prev_residual^2
ρ = isa(it.dotproduct, ConjugatedDot) ? it.residual^2 : _norm(it.r, it.dotproduct)^2
β = ρ / it.ρ_prev

it.u .= it.r .+ β .* it.u

# c = A * u
mul!(it.c, it.A, it.u)
α = it.residual^2 / dot(it.u, it.c)
α = ρ / _dot(it.u, it.c, it.dotproduct)

# Improve solution and residual
it.ρ_prev = ρ
it.x .+= α .* it.u
it.r .-= α .* it.c

it.prev_residual = it.residual
it.residual = norm(it.r)

# Return the residual at item and iteration number as state
Expand All @@ -78,18 +82,17 @@ function iterate(it::PCGIterable, iteration::Int=start(it))
# Apply left preconditioner
ldiv!(it.c, it.Pl, it.r)

ρ_prev = it.ρ
it.ρ = dot(it.c, it.r)

# u := c + βu (almost an axpy)
β = it.ρ / ρ_prev
ρ = _dot(it.r, it.c, it.dotproduct)
β = ρ / it.ρ_prev
it.u .= it.c .+ β .* it.u

# c = A * u
mul!(it.c, it.A, it.u)
α = it.ρ / dot(it.u, it.c)
α = ρ / _dot(it.u, it.c, it.dotproduct)

# Improve solution and residual
it.ρ_prev = ρ
it.x .+= α .* it.u
it.r .-= α .* it.c

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,7 +125,8 @@ function cg_iterator!(x, A, b, Pl = Identity();
reltol::Real = sqrt(eps(real(eltype(b)))),
maxiter::Int = size(A, 2),
statevars::CGStateVariables = CGStateVariables(zero(x), similar(x), similar(x)),
initially_zero::Bool = false)
initially_zero::Bool = false,
dotproduct::AbstractDot = ConjugatedDot())
u = statevars.u
r = statevars.r
c = statevars.c
Expand All @@ -143,14 +147,12 @@ function cg_iterator!(x, A, b, Pl = Identity();
# Return the iterable
if isa(Pl, Identity)
return CGIterable(A, x, r, c, u,
tolerance, residual, one(residual),
maxiter, mv_products
tolerance, residual, one(eltype(r)),
maxiter, mv_products, dotproduct)
return PCGIterable(Pl, A, x, r, c, u,
tolerance, residual, one(eltype(x)),
maxiter, mv_products
tolerance, residual, one(eltype(r)),
maxiter, mv_products, dotproduct)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ function cg!(x, A, b;
statevars::CGStateVariables = CGStateVariables(zero(x), similar(x), similar(x)),
verbose::Bool = false,
Pl = Identity(),
dotproduct::AbstractDot = ConjugatedDot(),
history = ConvergenceHistory(partial = !log)
history[:abstol] = abstol
Expand All @@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ function cg!(x, A, b;

# Actually perform CG
iterable = cg_iterator!(x, A, b, Pl; abstol = abstol, reltol = reltol, maxiter = maxiter,
statevars = statevars, kwargs...)
statevars = statevars, dotproduct = dotproduct, kwargs...)
if log
history.mvps = iterable.mv_products
Expand All @@ -240,3 +243,19 @@ function cg!(x, A, b;

log ? (iterable.x, history) : iterable.x

cocg(A, b; kwargs...) -> x, [history]

Same as [`cocg!`](@ref), but allocates a solution vector `x` initialized with zeros.
cocg(A, b; kwargs...) = cocg!(zerox(A, b), A, b; initially_zero = true, kwargs...)

cocg!(x, A, b; kwargs...) -> x, [history]

Same as [`cg!`](@ref), but uses the unconjugated dot product (`xᵀy`) instead of the usual,
conjugated dot product (`x'y`) in the algorithm. It is for solving linear systems with
matrices `A` that are complex-symmetric (`Aᵀ == A`) rather than Hermitian (`A' == A`).
cocg!(x, A, b; kwargs...) = cg!(x, A, b; dotproduct = UnconjugatedDot(), kwargs...)
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion src/common.jl
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import LinearAlgebra: ldiv!, \

export Identity
export Identity, ConjugatedDot, UnconjugatedDot

#### Type-handling
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -30,3 +30,16 @@ struct Identity end
\(::Identity, x) = copy(x)
ldiv!(::Identity, x) = x
ldiv!(y, ::Identity, x) = copyto!(y, x)

Conjugated and unconjugated dot products
abstract type AbstractDot end
struct ConjugatedDot <: AbstractDot end
struct UnconjugatedDot <: AbstractDot end

_norm(x, ::ConjugatedDot) = norm(x)
_dot(x, y, ::ConjugatedDot) = dot(x, y)

_norm(x, ::UnconjugatedDot) = sqrt(sum(xₖ->xₖ^2, x))
_dot(x, y, ::UnconjugatedDot) = transpose(@view(x[:])) * @view(y[:])
44 changes: 35 additions & 9 deletions test/cg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ end

ldiv!(y, P::JacobiPrec, x) = y .= x ./ P.diagonal

@testset "Conjugate Gradients" begin
@testset "Conjugate Gradient" begin


@testset "Small full system" begin
n = 10

@testset "Matrix{$T}" for T in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64)
@testset "Matrix{$T}, conjugated dot product" for T in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64)
A = rand(T, n, n)
A = A' * A + I
b = rand(T, n)
reltol = √eps(real(T))

x,ch = cg(A, b; reltol=reltol, maxiter=2n, log=true)
@test isa(ch, ConvergenceHistory)
@test norm(A*x - b) / norm(b) ≤ reltol
@test A*x ≈ b rtol=reltol
@test ch.isconverged

# If you start from the exact solution, you should converge immediately
Expand All @@ -50,6 +50,32 @@ Random.seed!(1234321)
x0 = cg(A, zeros(T, n))
@test x0 == zeros(T, n)

@testset "Matrix{$T}, unconjugated dot product" for T in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64)
A = rand(T, n, n)
A = A + transpose(A) + 15I
x = ones(T, n)
b = A * x

reltol = √eps(real(T))

# Solve without preconditioner
x1, his1 = cocg(A, b, reltol = reltol, maxiter = 100, log = true)
@test isa(his1, ConvergenceHistory)
@test A*x1 ≈ b rtol=reltol

# With an initial guess
x_guess = rand(T, n)
x2, his2 = cocg!(x_guess, A, b, reltol = reltol, maxiter = 100, log = true)
@test isa(his2, ConvergenceHistory)
@test x2 == x_guess
@test A*x2 ≈ b rtol=reltol

# Do an exact LU decomp of a nearby matrix
F = lu(A + rand(T, n, n))
x3, his3 = cocg(A, b, Pl = F, maxiter = 100, reltol = reltol, log = true)
@test A*x3 ≈ b rtol=reltol

@testset "Sparse Laplacian" begin
Expand All @@ -64,24 +90,24 @@ end
@testset "SparseMatrixCSC{$T, $Ti}" for T in (Float64, Float32), Ti in (Int64, Int32)
xCG = cg(A, rhs; reltol=reltol, maxiter=100)
xJAC = cg(A, rhs; Pl=P, reltol=reltol, maxiter=100)
@test norm(A * xCG - rhs) ≤ reltol
@test norm(A * xJAC - rhs) ≤ reltol
@test A*xCG rhs rtol=reltol
@test A*xJAC rhs rtol=reltol

Af = LinearMap(A)
@testset "Function" begin
xCG = cg(Af, rhs; reltol=reltol, maxiter=100)
xJAC = cg(Af, rhs; Pl=P, reltol=reltol, maxiter=100)
@test norm(A * xCG - rhs) ≤ reltol
@test norm(A * xJAC - rhs) ≤ reltol
@test A*xCG rhs rtol=reltol
@test A*xJAC rhs rtol=reltol

@testset "Function with specified starting guess" begin
x0 = randn(size(rhs))
xCG, hCG = cg!(copy(x0), Af, rhs; abstol=abstol, reltol=0.0, maxiter=100, log=true)
xJAC, hJAC = cg!(copy(x0), Af, rhs; Pl=P, abstol=abstol, reltol=0.0, maxiter=100, log=true)
@test norm(A * xCG - rhs) ≤ reltol
@test norm(A * xJAC - rhs) ≤ reltol
@test A*xCG rhs rtol=reltol
@test A*xJAC rhs rtol=reltol
@test niters(hJAC) == niters(hCG)
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Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,20 @@ end
@test ldiv!(y, P, copy(x)) == x

@testset "Vector{$T}, conjugated and unconjugated dot products" for T in (ComplexF32, ComplexF64)
n = 100
x = rand(T, n)
y = rand(T, n)

# Conjugated dot product
@test IterativeSolvers._norm(x, ConjugatedDot()) ≈ sqrt(x'x)
@test IterativeSolvers._dot(x, y, ConjugatedDot()) ≈ x'y

# Unonjugated dot product
@test IterativeSolvers._norm(x, UnconjugatedDot()) ≈ sqrt(transpose(x) * x)
@test IterativeSolvers._dot(x, y, UnconjugatedDot()) ≈ transpose(x) * y


DocMeta.setdocmeta!(IterativeSolvers, :DocTestSetup, :(using IterativeSolvers); recursive=true)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ include("hessenberg.jl")
#Stationary solvers

#Conjugate gradients
#Conjugate gradient

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