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Merge pull request #262 from JuliaRobotics/feat/1Q20/outvsmm
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dehann authored Mar 30, 2020
2 parents 8c60701 + ac69c2b commit 87a3c25
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Showing 2 changed files with 294 additions and 2 deletions.
291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions examples/OutlierVsMultimodal.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
# simulate circle multimodal vs outlier example

# using Revise

using ArgParse

function parse_commandline()
s = ArgParseSettings()

@add_arg_table! s begin
help = "fraction for alternative mode"
arg_type = Float64
default = 0.7
help = "should a repeat solve be performed in the loop"
action = :store_true
help = "How many cycles to drive"
arg_type = Int
default = 10

return parse_args(s)

pargs = parse_commandline()

using Distributed
# addprocs(8) # use -p8 instead

using Random

using RoME, DistributedFactorGraphs
using RoMEPlotting
using KernelDensityEstimatePlotting
@everywhere using RoME

using FileIO
using JLD2
using Gadfly

include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "FixedLagCirclePlotting.jl"))

## Landmark ground truth

# assume all 10 landmarks changing position from rows 1:10 to 11:20, randomly after each circle
L = [0.0 20.0; # L1
30.0 30.0; # L2
-10.0 20.0; # L3
20.0 30.0; # L4
-20.0 30.0; # L5
-20.0 10.0; # L6
20.0 -0.0; # L7
10.0 10.0; # L8
0.0 40.0; # L9
30.0 10.0; # L10
10.0 -10.0; # L1_0
10.0 40.0; # L2_0
-10.0 -10.0; # L3_0
-10.0 30.0; # L4_0
30.0 -0.0; # L5_0
20.0 20.0; # L6_0
0.0 10.0; # L7_0
30.0 20.0; # L8_0
20.0 -10.0; # L9_0
-10.0 10.0] # L10_0

# working from previous save stored right here in the example folder
# @load string(joinpath(@__DIR__, "LassoBearingRange.jld2")) BR

SIZE = 10
CYCLES = pargs["CYCLES"]
altFrac = pargs["altmode"]
mainFrac = 1-pargs["altmode"]

## divise landmark rotation schedule

movePerCycle = rand(Categorical([0.6;0.4]),CYCLES)
idx = sum(cumsum(movePerCycle) .< CYCLES)
movePerCycle = movePerCycle[1:idx]
push!(movePerCycle, CYCLES-cumsum(movePerCycle)[end])
order = shuffle(1:CYCLES)
sequence = Vector{Vector{Int}}()
total = 1
for n in 1:length(movePerCycle)
global total
push!(sequence, order[total:total+movePerCycle[n]-1] )
total += movePerCycle[n]
@assert sum(union(sequence...)) == 55


## convert sequence to landmark lookups

lookup = Vector{Vector{Symbol}}()
push!(lookup, [Symbol("l$i") for i in 1:10])

for i in 1:9
lu = deepcopy(lookup[i])
# before each loop, change location of some landmarks
seq = i <= length(sequence) ? sequence[i] : Int[]
for s in seq
lu[s] = Symbol("l$(s)_0")

# push new vector into lookup
push!(lookup, lu)

# this is the sequence of landmark transitions

# BRdistr[:l1]
# BRdistr[:l1_0]

### SETUP first circle----------------------------------------------

# drive first circle
fg = generateCanonicalFG_Circle(SIZE, kappaOdo=0.1, loopClosure=false, landmark=false, cyclePoses=10)


## add initial landmarks

BR = Dict{Symbol,Dict{Symbol, Tuple}}()
# add the landmarks
for i in 1:2*CYCLES
lmid = Symbol(i <= 10 ? "l$i" : "l$(i-10)_0")
# lmid = Symbol("l$i")
addVariable!(fg, lmid, RoME.Point2)
pts = rand(MvNormal(L[i,:],diagm([0.01;0.01].^2)),100)
initManual!(fg, lmid, manikde!(pts, RoME.Point2))

BR[lmid] = Dict{Symbol,Tuple}()
varNear, varDist = findVariablesNear(fg, L[i,:], r"x\d", number=10)
for vsym in varNear[varDist .< 25]
# calculate bearing and range factor
bear, rang = predictBodyBR(fg, vsym, lmid)
if abs(bear) < pi/3 && vsym != :x10
BR[lmid][vsym] = (bear, rang)
for i in CYCLES+1:2*CYCLES
lmid = Symbol(i <= 10 ? "l$i" : "l$(i-10)_0")
# vsym = Symbol("l$i")
setSolvable!(fg, lmid, 0)
# ( x->deleteFactor!(fg, x) ).( ls(fg, vsym) ) # no factors added yet
# deleteVariable!(fg, lmid)
# @save joinpath(@__DIR__, "LassoBearingRange.jld2") BR

## see what is going on

plfl1 = drawPosesLandms(fg, spscale=1.0)

## prepare factors to use

BRdistr = Dict{Symbol,Dict{Symbol,Tuple}}()
for i in 1:2*CYCLES
lmid = Symbol(i <= CYCLES ? "l$i" : "l$(i-CYCLES)_0")
BRdistr[lmid] = Dict{Symbol,Tuple}()
for (vsym, br) in BR[lmid]
@show bear, rang = br
BRdistr[lmid][vsym] = (Normal(bear,0.05),Normal(rang,0.3))


## add factors to the landmarks on first cycle

@assert ls(fg, :l1) |> length == 0

for id in 1:CYCLES
lmid = Symbol("l$(id)")
lmid_0 = Symbol("l$(id)_0")
for (psid, ppbr) in BRdistr[lmid]
# global OFFSET
adjpsid = psid # add offset
addFactor!(fg, [adjpsid;lmid], Pose2Point2BearingRange(ppbr...))


getSolverParams(fg).drawtree = true
tree, smt, hist = solveTree!(fg)

plfl1 = drawPosesLandms(fg, spscale=1.0)

# lookup
## change to alternate location, one at a time

# activate solvable on alternative landmark locations for remainer of test
for l in 1:10
lmid_0 = Symbol("l$(l)_0")
setSolvable!(fg, lmid_0, 1)


## store

@save joinLogPath(fg, "lookup.jld2") lookup

plfl1 = drawPosesLandms(fg, spscale=1.0, landmsPPE=:max, contour=true) #, posesPPE=:max)
plfl1 |> PDF(joinLogPath(fg, "plot_x20_before.pdf"), 20cm, 17cm)


# Drive CYCLES-1 more loops
i = 2
for i in 2:CYCLES-1

global fg
global lookup
global SIZE
global BRdistr
global pargs
global POSEOFFSET += 10
# drive the new loop without landmark detections (dont solve yet)
fg = generateCanonicalFG_Circle(i*SIZE, fg=fg, kappaOdo=0.1, loopClosure=false, landmark=false, cyclePoses=10)

# add modified landmark sighting measurements
for l in 1:LANDMARKS
lmidBr = lookup[i][l]
lmid = Symbol("l$(l)")
lmid_0 = Symbol("l$(l)_0")
for (psid, ppbr) in BRdistr[lmidBr]
# apply pose offset
psnum = parse(Int, string(psid)[2:end]) + POSEOFFSET
opsid = Symbol("x$psnum")
# add the few BR factors from this lmid accordingly
addFactor!(fg, [opsid;lmid;lmid_0], Pose2Point2BearingRange(ppbr...), multihypo=[1;mainFrac;altFrac])

getSolverParams(fg).dbg = true
saveDFG(fg, joinLogPath(fg, "fg_x$(POSEOFFSET+10)before"))
tree, smt, hist = solveTree!(fg, maxparallel=1000, recordcliqs=ls(fg))
saveDFG(fg, joinLogPath(fg, "fg_x$(POSEOFFSET+10)_solve"))

plfl1 = drawPosesLandms(fg, spscale=1.0, landmsPPE=:max, contour=true)
plfl1 |> PDF(joinLogPath(fg, "plot_x$(POSEOFFSET+10)_solve.pdf"), 20cm, 17cm)

if pargs["resolve"]
tree, smt, hist = solveTree!(fg, maxparallel=1000, recordcliqs=ls(fg))
saveDFG(fg, joinLogPath(fg, "fg_x$(POSEOFFSET+10)_resolve"))
plfl1 = drawPosesLandms(fg, spscale=1.0, landmsPPE=:max, contour=true)
plfl1 |> PDF(joinLogPath(fg, "plot_x$(POSEOFFSET+10)_resolve.pdf"), 20cm, 17cm)


## test solve

getSolverParams(fg).dbg = true
tree, smt, hist = solveTree!(fg, maxparallel=1000, recordcliqs=ls(fg)) #[:l9_0;:x14])
saveDFG(fg, joinLogPath(fg, "fg_x$(POSEOFFSET+10)_final"))


plfl1 = drawPosesLandms(fg, spscale=1.0, landmsPPE=:max)
plfl1 |> PDF(joinLogPath(fg, "plot_x$(POSEOFFSET+10)_final.pdf"), 20cm, 17cm)

5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/CanonicalGraphs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ function generateCanonicalFG_Circle(poses::Int=6;
kappaOdo::Real=1.0 )
cyclePoses::Int=poses )
# assume empty factor graph object fg
@assert offsetPoses < poses "`offsetPoses` must be smaller than total number of `poses`"
# IIF.getSolverParams(fg).drawtree = true
Expand All @@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ function generateCanonicalFG_Circle(poses::Int=6;
@show psym = Symbol("x$i")
@show nsym = Symbol("x$(i+1)")
addVariable!(fg, nsym, Pose2)
pp = Pose2Pose2(MvNormal([10.0;0;2pi/(poses)+biasTurn], Matrix(Diagonal((kappaOdo*[0.1;0.1;0.1]).^2))))
pp = Pose2Pose2(MvNormal([10.0;0;2pi/(cyclePoses)+biasTurn], Matrix(Diagonal((kappaOdo*[0.1;0.1;0.1]).^2))))
addFactor!(fg, [psym;nsym], pp , autoinit=autoinit)

Expand Down

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