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Fix and add basic test for ins kinematic eq (#700)
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Affie authored Sep 11, 2023
1 parent 84c9168 commit 93ecb12
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 11 deletions.
86 changes: 75 additions & 11 deletions test/inertial/testODE_INS.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@

using Test
using DifferentialEquations
using RoME
using Interpolations
using IncrementalInference
using Dates
using Statistics
Expand All @@ -23,52 +25,51 @@ using TensorCast
# a user specified ODE in standard form
# inplace `xdot = f(x, u, t)`
# if linear, `xdot = F*x(t) + G*u(t)`
function firstOrder!(dstate, state, u, t)
function insKinematic!(dstate, state, u, t)
# x is a VelPose3 point (assumed ArrayPartition)
# u is IMU input (assumed [rate; accel])
Mt = TranslationGroup(3)
Mr = SpecialOrthogonal(3)

# convention
# b is real time body
# b1 is one discete timestep in the past, equivalent to `r_Sk = r_Sk1 + r_dSk := r_S{k-1} + r_dSk`

# Using robotics frame fwd-std-dwn <==> North-East-Down
# ODE cross check taken from Farrell 2008, section 11.2.1, p.388
# NOTE, Farrell 2008 has gravity logic flipped in some of his equations.
# WE TAKE gravity as up is positive (think a pendulum hanging back during acceleration)
# expected gravity in FSD frame (akin to NED). This is a model of gravity we expect to measure.
i_G = SA[0; 0; -9.81]
i_G = [0; 0; -9.81]

# attitude computer
w_R_b = state.x[2] # Rotation element
i_R_b = w_R_b
# assume body-frame := imu-frame
b_Ωbi = hat(Mr, Identity(Mr), u.gyro) # so(3): skew symmetric Lie algebra element
b_Ωbi = hat(Mr, Identity(Mr), u[].gyro(t)) # so(3): skew symmetric Lie algebra element
# assume perfect measurement, i.e. `i` here means measured against native inertial (no coriolis, transport rate, error corrections)
i_Ṙ_b = i_R_b * b_Ωbi
# assume world-frame := inertial-frame
w_Ṙ_b = i_Ṙ_b
# tie back to the ODE solver
dstate[2] = w_Ṙ_b

dstate.x[2] .= w_Ṙ_b
# Note closed form post integration result (remember exp is solution to first order diff equation)
# w_R_b = exp(Mr, w_R_b1, b_Ωbi)

# measured inertial acceleration
b_Abi = u.accel # already a tangent vector
b_Abi = u[].accel(t) # already a tangent vector
# inertial (i.e. world) velocity-dot (accel) by compensating (i.e. removing) expected gravity measurement
i_V̇ = i_R_b * b_Abi - i_G
# assume world is inertial frame
w_V̇ = i_V̇
dstate[3] = w_V̇ # velocity state
dstate.x[3] .= w_V̇ # velocity state

# position-dot (velocity)
w_V = state[2]
w_V = state.x[3]
i_V = w_V
i_Ṗ = i_V
w_Ṗ = i_Ṗ
dstate[1] = w_Ṗ
dstate.x[1] .= w_Ṗ

# TODO add biases, see RoME.InertialPose
# state[4] := gyro bias
Expand All @@ -77,6 +78,69 @@ function firstOrder!(dstate, state, u, t)

dt = 0.01
N = 101
gyros = [[0.01, 0.0, 0.0] for _ = 1:N]
a0 = [0, 0, -9.81]
accels = [a0]
w_R_b = [1. 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]
M = SpecialOrthogonal(3)
for g in gyros[1:end-1]
X = hat(M, Identity(M), g)
exp!(M, w_R_b, w_R_b, X*dt)
push!(accels, w_R_b' * a0)

gyros_t = linear_interpolation(range(0; step=dt, length=N), gyros)
accels_t = linear_interpolation(range(0; step=dt, length=N), accels)

p = (gyro=gyros_t, accel=accels_t)


u0 = ArrayPartition([0.0,0,0], Matrix(getPointIdentity(SpecialOrthogonal(3))), [0.,0,0])
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)

prob = ODEProblem(insKinematic!, u0, tspan, Ref(p))

sol = solve(prob)

@test isapprox(last(sol).x[1], [0,0,0]; atol=0.001)
@test isapprox(M, last(sol).x[2], w_R_b; atol=0.001)
@test isapprox(last(sol).x[3], [0,0,0]; atol=0.001)



# function insTangentFrame!(dstate, state, u, t)
# Mt = TranslationGroup(3)
# Mr = SpecialOrthogonal(3)

# t_v = [0.,0,0]
# b_Ωie = hat(Mr, Identity(Mr), [0.,0,0])

# t_g = [0; 0; -9.81]

# t_R_b = state.x[2] # Rotation element
# b_Ωib = hat(Mr, Identity(Mr), u[].gyro(t)) # so(3): skew symmetric Lie algebra element
# t_Ṙ_b = t_R_b * (b_Ωib - b_Ωie)
# dstate.x[2] .= t_Ṙ_b
# b_Aib = u[].accel(t) # already a tangent vector
# t_V̇e = t_R_b * b_Aib - t_g - 2*b_Ωie*t_v
# dstate.x[3] .= t_V̇e # accel state
# t_Ve = state.x[3]
# t_Ṗ = t_Ve
# dstate.x[1] .= t_Ṗ
# nothing
# end

@error("WIP BELOW")

# testing function parameter version (could also be array of data)
Expand All @@ -88,7 +152,7 @@ tstForce(t) = 0
fg = initfg()
# the starting points and "0 seconds"
# `accurate_time = trunc(getDatetime(var), Second) + (1e-9*getNstime(var) % 1)`
addVariable!(fg, :x0, Position{1}, timestamp=DateTime(2000,1,1,0,0,0))
addVariable!(fg, :x0, VelPose3, timestamp=DateTime(2000,1,1,0,0,0))
# pin with a simple prior
addFactor!(fg, [:x0], Prior(Normal(1,0.01)))

Expand Down

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