This projects is a boiler plate to help people start with Node js, Express and mongoDB
This project is a boiler plate with a typical structure with directory like routing, models, middleware and controllers. You can just use it to start a new project or to learn the basic.
To make this project i used :
Node js
express js
Node and express are already strong in term of documentations, with is a great help for new commer. When i was at the start of this project all the tutorial For this boiler plate future i will add My error handler, a best middleware , and better comment for the all app
you need to have node and npm : You could install nvm to have a better experience
curl -o- | bash
Then do nvm install node and nvm install --tls
To see if npm is install you can use npm -v
After clone the project on your computer with this command
git clone
Then you can just use to install all the package
npm i
Before starting the project you need to create your .env like the .env.exemple
And To start the development server run:
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000/ with your browser to see the result.