- Add "shell" mode for ssh access
- Move to emberjs
- * Add "Connect on Setup" to New Device workflow, allowing the host key and
- * Cygwin does not have socket *_len members, need to not rely on them being
- * Fix issue with tooltips showing up as undefined when tag/xpath/etc are not
- Add messages to dynamic form views
- Add qtip for on device commands and gmap includes in index
- Add symlink hook for dynamically loading of jcs prefix
- Button actions for preferences form
- Call command execute after inserting output child view
- Call onOutputChange from command definition when output is changed
- Call onOutputChange only after output complete
- Changed RAW to SHELL and fixed error messagewq
- Correct ws location
- Do not destroy view on close
- Dynamic ember forms
- Ember application as index
- Ember application code and jquery-ui mixins
- Ember views for jQuery UI widgets and Clira application
- Enable clear history command and use single templates file for both commands under history
- Enable on-device command to use view
- Fix no banner situation
- Fix typo - s/dbpr/dbgpr
- General clira preferences using dynamic forms and localStorage adapter on ember-restless
- Get command in init so we trigger observer
- Handle command parsing errors and display messages in output using clira_messages template
- Handlebars templating support using templateName, templateFile and templatesFile options with command
- Import ember-restless for persistent data
- Importing emberjs and latest jquery, jquery-ui
- Importing qunit for testing CLIRA
- Include clira muxer code into the application
- Initial set of controllers that are needed for Clira
- Make 'show commands' work with ember
- MessageView to display messages to users along with icons in output
- Model to store command history
- Move stylesheets to web/css
- Null check command when executing it
- Nullify parseErrors when empty so we don't render it in output
- Override jquery-ui with clira.css
- Preferences button, dialog and jQuery dialog mixin
- Prevent default when user presses enter in command input
- Record the actual command when we have values for attributes
- Save only valid commands to history
- Set message in context for dynamic forms
- Show history using emberjs
- Show location using ember
- Styles for additional types of messages
- The authed_user field of connection was removed; use REMOTE_USER
- Update clira message template to accept both output objects and plain message objects
- Update ember.js and handlebars to 1.0 stable
- Updated author
- Upgrade to jquery-ui 1.9
- Use ember.js 1.0 stable
- Use layout template with messages view
- Use output in template
- Use templateFile option and separate template from 'show commands' execute function
- Use view and write to controller output for history command
- Using jqGrid, add preference dialog views to manage devices and groups
- Write show commands output to controller's output
- Write to view's controller instead of directly into DOM when talking to box
- add --version
- add check for HAVE_STRNDUP
- add check for strndup
- add client.c for js_client_data
- add close function
- add compile to ignores
- add create attribute to trigger MRF_NOCREATE
- add mf_flags and MRF_NOCREATE
- add pid_lock.c
- add slaxDynLibInit for dynamically loading namespace-based extension libraries
- add some common aliases
- added a configurable header timeoutwq
- added ability to detect empty stringswq
- added optional timeout to jcs:receivewq
- added raw connection support
- allow spawning of consoles
- always register SIGCHLD handler; delay when forking server (on connect)
- avoid PATH_JUISE
- build PATH_JUISE
- change return type of mx_console_start
- check for strerror_r error
- code for locking and checking pid files
- commandNumber property on command input and mru to observe on commandInput change instead of command change
- declare release channel function
- finish "shell" mode
- fix bugs (vendor and license statements)
- fix completion code
- fix debug message
- fix help message; fix --version
- fix log message
- fix missing prototype and check results of fgets
- fixed logic error
- handle vaporized clients; check channel before releasing
- ignore EINTR; handle disconnect
- move /mixer to command-style
- mx_sock_name support AF_UNIX sockets
- need SLAX_LIBEXT (the extension for shared libraries)
- new automake revision now requires +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
- new autoreconf file
- new debug log function (mx_log_fd())
- new packaging file for junos space (Centos 5.1)
- notice options.create
- observe the MRF_NOCREATE flag
- php-cgi finally installed for macosx!
- pick up fix from JUNOS
- redo options; break out mode functions; support --console and --forward
- removed header consumption, causes too many problems
- report build system
- support AF_UNIX sockets
- update paths
- updated author
- updated to shell
- use DESTDIR for jspace builds
- use server.bind for /mixer address