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Running Ordt
Download Ordt.jar from the release area or create a runnable jar from source.
Running ordt requires Java version 1.7 or higher.
Commands below assume the alias ordt is created for java -jar Ordt.jar
Open Register Design Tool (version 230718.01) usage: ordt [options] <input_rdl_or_jspec_file>
-parms <input_parms_filename>
<input_parms_filename> will be used to set ordt control parameters. The -parms
option may be specified multiple times to include multiple parameter files.
-cheader <filename>
<filename> header file will be created containing C register definitions.
-cppmod <dirname>
<dirname> will be created containing C++ model output files
-cppdrvmod <dirname>
<dirname> will be created containing C++ driver model output files
-jspec <filename>
<filename> will be created containing jspec output
-overlay <tag> <input_filename>
<input_filename> will be processed as an overlay input with specified tag
-pydrvmod <filename>
<filename> will be created containing python driver model
-reglist <filename>
<filename> will be created containing a text listing of accessible registers
-rdl <filename>
<filename> will be created containing rdl output
-systemverilog <output_name>
if <output name> ends with '/', <output_name> will be a directory where multiple
systemverilog output files will be written. Otherwise <output_name> will be a
file containing systemverilog output for all generated modules.
-svchildinfo <filename>
<filename> will be created containing child decoder address information
-uvmregs <filename>
<filename> will be created containing UVM register classes
-uvmregspkg <filename>
<filename> will be created containing package of ordt extended UVM classes
-vbench <filename>
<filename> will be created containing a basic verilog testbench
-verilog <output_name>
if <output name> ends with '/', <output_name> will be a directory where multiple
verilog output files will be written. Otherwise <output_name> will be a
file containing verilog output for all generated modules.
-xml <filename>
<filename> will be created containing xml output
Create register rtl and uvm model from rdl input:
ordt -systemverilog rtlout.sv –uvmregs uvmout.sv –uvmregspkg uvmpkg.sv simple.rdl
Create register rtl from rdl input using a parameter file: (see here for more info on ordt control parameters)
ordt -systemverilog rtlout.sv –parms ordt.parms simple.rdl
Convert jspec to rdl:
ordt -rdl rdlout.rdl simple.js
Create text register list and xml document from rdl input:
ordt -reglist reglist.txt –xml reginfo.xml simple.rdl
Ordt does not natively support pre-processing of rdl or js input files. In more complex design flows, it is very useful to include input files hierarchically, define macros, and selectively control input processing using variables. A variety of 3rd party text preprocessing packages are available to support some/all of these functions - a few are listed below for reference, but these have not been verified to interoperate with ordt:
- System-RDL-preprocess (SystemRDL 1.0 preprocessor support) - https://github.com/gxwcxl2010/System-RDL-preprocess *
- vpp - https://www.beyond-circuits.com/wordpress/vpp-pl-man-page *
- gcc - https://logological.org/gpp
- xpp - http://www.cross-browser.com/x/docs/xpp_reference.php
- vbpp - https://github.com/balanx/vbpp
- perlpp - https://github.com/MegabytePhreak/rdl/tree/master/perlpp
- ep3 - http://search.cpan.org/~mykl/Text-EP3-1.10/lib/Text/EP3.pm
- preprocess - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/preprocess/1.1.0
* - used by at least one ordt user
Running Ordt
Building Ordt from source
Running Ordt Tests
Source contributions
Ordt Inputs
Ordt Outputs