Citeproc Test Runner (CTR for short) is a productivity tool for maintaining citation styles in the popular Citation Style Language (CSL) used by Zotero, Mendeley, Jurism and other projects. The script assumes that node, java and mocha are installed (the last globally with npm i -g mocha
). With those in place, installation is a one-liner:
npm install -g citeproc-test-runner
After installation, starting the program with cslrun
will spit out instructions pointing back to this document. The remaining steps for setup are explained below. The instructions assume that you have a GitHub account (if you don't yet have an account, you should create a free account now).
CTR can build tests for individual styles, using items from a shared public library. As a first step, visit the "Jurism Test Submissions" library (below), join it, and then sync Jurism or Zotero to add the library to your local client:
Note: Earlier versions of cslrun
were set to use a different library.
Tests are identified to a style using its slug name, which is the last portion of the style's CSL id
string. For example, the slug name of the style
is cell
Tests are written into and run from a local style tests directory. To facilitate the sharing of tests among maintainers, this directory should be a clone of your personal fork of the jm-style-tests repository on GitHub:
<visit and fork the repository>
git clone
This allows style maintainers to quickly confirm that changes subsequently made to the style do not have unwanted side effects. §
After cloning your fork of the tests repository, set the path to it in the CTR configuration file, located in the user home directory ~/.cslrun.yaml
groupID: 2319948
styletests: /path/to/jm-style-tests
local: false
std: false
src: false
locale: false
abbrevs: false
modules: false
cslschema: false
cslmschema: false
By default, CTR builds tests from Jurism Style Test Items, a public group library (to use a different source library, set its id
as the groupID
value in ~/.cslrun.yaml
). To make items available for a given style, join the group and create a top-level collection with the slug name of the style, and add some items to the collection. It is helpful to write a short description of the item to be tests (i.e. within 30 characters or so) into the Abstract field.
To build tests, use cslrun
with the -w
option to set the style to be tested, and the -U
option to update test fixtures from the group library:
cslrun -w /path/to/cell.csl -U
This will write test fixtures to a subdirectory of the style tests directory, named for the slug name of the style (if the subdirectory does not exist, it will be created). Finish the tests by using cslrun
with the a
option to run all tests, and the -k
option to confirm output:
cslrun -w /path/to/cell.csl -a -k
With the -k
option, cslrun
will show the style output as a failed test, prompting for confirmation that the output is correct. If Y
is selected for each failing fixture, all tests will pass. Use ctrl-c
to exit cslrun
and return to the command line.
To share the tests. check them in and push them to your jm-style-tests
repository on GitHub:
cd /path/to/jm-style-tests
git commit -m "Add tests for cell" -a
git push
Then jump to GitHub and file a pull request to the main jm-style-tests
project to have your tests added to the suite.
That's pretty much it. You can rerun the tests against the style anytime. If the -k
option is omitted, cslrun
will simply watch the CSL file, revalidating it and rerunning all tests whenever it is saved, to convert any plain text editor into a poorman's CSL IDE:
cslrun -w /path/to/cell.csl -a
A few other options are available on CTR. See cslrun -h
for further details.
CTR works from tests written in the idiosyncratic CSL test format, documented in the CSL test-suite repository. The description there is for the self-contained tests used in the processor test suite, and the tests generated by CTR (see below) differ in a few respects. Specifically: CTR style tests omit the CSL section (because they use CSL code directly from the style); they include a KEYS array to memo the source of the input data; and they use a MODE of "all" to exercise the various forms that a citation may have in all contexts.